The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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Fallen reaches under her bed and hands the man a suit case. “HERE. It’s more than that man can pay you in a life time.” She throws the case holding over 2 million dollars in it. All in $100 bills. “Now just leave.. I know for a fact people in your guild wont pay you that much for just offing some people.” Fallen has seen his tattoo.
“Wait! Who else have you killed?” Dimitri demanded, trying to figure out what type of people the assassin normally killed. Was he after criminals, rogue mages, civilians? It was still a mystery to him why someone would want him dead. He was a low-ranking mage in Blue Pegasus, not important enough for his death to cause chaos but generally well liked. It was almost a given that any mage in Blue Pegasus had a positive presence in the media.
“I honestly can’t think of anyone who would want me dead,” he elaborated, “I’m just on a Normal-class job running messages and gifts and…errands.” Dimitri paused in his speech, wondering if maybe the gifts and messages he was sending were important after all. He hadn’t looked at them because that would have been rude and a violation of privacy, but what if one of the messages he was carrying was important enough that somebody wanted him dead before he could deliver them? The thought caused the Requip mage to shiver slightly with worry. He lowered the gun by a few inches.
Also, his lovely Fallen was surprisingly rich, assuming she hadn’t been bluffing. The news was a surprise, but he’d deal with it once the assassin situation was safely squared away.
*Pandora and Oryan finally reach Oak Town, Pandora nudges him awake, he follows her as they exit the train, she takes out he job paper and follows the mini map, they walked along a dirt road, Pandora had her head phones on again as they walked to the little village*
“ive killed cheating spouses, people who have broken promises, and ….. a few others” then to fallen “and no, keep your money, if i don’t do it, they’ll send more, you’ll never be safe now that you’ve been seen with him” As he gestures toward Dim with one of his knives
Fallen hugs on Dim tightly and holds him closer to her. She looks in his eyes and leans into him almost like a kiss, but Then suddendly she pulls the trigger at the guy and he falls back out threw the window. Hitting the ground with a hard sound. She looks out the window, he is alive but passed out. Fallen quickly grabs her suitcase and a bag full of clothes. She grabs some of her dads old clothes and a wheelchair. “We have to leave now dear” she looks at Dim and helps him in the chair they are 3 stories up, he is had to be quite a fall he took but Fallen just loaded him in her car, and took off driving down the road.
“Another thing about me..” Fallen says rushing “Fear doesn’t fear me..” She keeps driving. “We are in this together now… I know some people who can help us”
Kanes arms slowly start turning back to flesh, his head hurts, his chest hurts, everything hurt. He gets up, grunting, and calls his other friend, one of the best sugons in the world, “yea, i got shot, how quick can you get me in”,, “for a thousand, an hour”,, “ok, ill wire you the money”, then he calls his banker and transfers the money, then goes to the surgeon
*Pandora finally made it to the village, a little sign on the road showed, ‘Little Oak Town’*”Well that’s ironic maybe their geting targeted for their name for financial reasons or somthing like that”, She muttered as she walked around lookin for the people that had sent the job in the first place*
The next few events were simply a whirlwind for Dimitri, as he glanced back and forth between Fallen driving the car and the city vehicles and buildings rushing past at breakneck speed as they took off down the road. He unequipped his armor, sending it back to the pocket dimension where he kept all of his spare outfits and weapons and replacing his clothes with a light blue hoodie with some white fluff around the collar and dark jeans.
He had been pleasantly surprised by the near kiss, feeling a strange mix of both disappointment and adrenaline pumped relief as they managed to escape the assassin for now. “I’m so sorry for getting you involved in this mess, Fallen.” He was in complete awe at how collected she was under pressure, given that they had no idea who was after the two of them. He could only hope these friends of her would be able to help them.
“Beautiful, kind, terrifyingly competent, and a wonderful humming voice. How are you still single?”
*Pandora finally tracked down the guy that had sent the request, she confirmed that she was here to help, the man was the little villages mayor and had said that some of his people had made deals with the dark guild and some how pissed them off, she was to guard the village from the guild until they would leave them alone her pay was 1,000,000 jewel which could easyily last her a year or too(tis an S class job and that’s very low XD) she did it for the thrill though really and a little bit for the greater good, but mostly to got Berserk on the Unlucky bozos she was appointed too, she took a stool from a table in a tavern near the village entrence and proped it against the low cobble wall, Oryan laged down in the shade next to her being pretty lazy as allways but she wasn’t complaining, she herself was pretty damn lazy too but not when it came to fighting it was always quick, she stared at the path way leaning on the cobble wall, waiting*
Fallen sighs softly and thinks about what to do. She pulls into a parking lot, with a lot of other people, about 8 miles down the road. She lays her head on the steering wheel and thinks.
“I’m single because every guy I have been with uses me..” She looks away from Dim but reaches over to hold his hand, locking her fingers with his.
“I’m so sorry, there are some real pigs out there,” Dimitri said sympathetically. Fallen had her hand on the steering wheel and was looking very concerned and worried even though she wouldn’t look at him straight in the eye. “Hey,” he said in a gentle voice using his free hand to gently stroke the girl’s cheek and giving her his most encouraging smile if she chose to look his way,”if there’s anything I can do to help just let me know. Your wish is my command, beautiful.”
Fallen lays her forehead on his. “Only too protect you..” She looks in his eyes.
Dante gets to the train station and looks to Kyra. “Well lets get going hopefully those to idiots haven’t caused much problems.” He said before getting on the train and waits for it to take off. “Wonder who was the ice mage that beat them…maybe i could fight him.” He said to himself before looking to Kyra. “What you think.” All she did was peck her wing and fall asleep and he sweatdropped. “Geez thanks.” He said before leaning back and decided to take a nap.
Natalie continues her venture around the city, her hood upon her head as she continues to walk along, her eyes peeled for interesting persons or posters giving missions of some sort…
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