The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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I walk into the police station with a guy that has his hands behind his back by rope. Nina walks in behind me waving to the person we escorted and puts the money in her pocket. My face is covered in dirt but Nina is completely clean.
I run over to where I head the guild master is after hearing the news Nina follows closely by.
“I don’t think so.” Fallen reaches in the back and pulls out some money. “Where to eat?” She smiles
“GO TAKE THE VILLAGE!” A man said before a large group of his guild members started to run towards the village firing guns at them.
“So what brings you here…last time i checked you said you never wanted to come back here ever again.” Dante said not taking his eyes off Silvia. “Yes i did say that but you see…i wanted to pay you back..but not today maybe some other time right now you should go help your pet or else.” She said before ice covered her completely then broke showing she was gone now. “Damnit Silvia.” Dante said before turning around and heading straight for Oak Village.
*Pandora picked up Oryan and the hawk and waddled behind the wall before quickly teleporting on top of a street light and breaking the lamp and bulb making sparks fly, she sucked up as much electricity as she could filling her checks with it then chewing making a crackling poping sound, also it sounded a little like pretzels as she consumed the electricity, she sprinted to the entrance of the town*”I am charged up now!”(yes that is her catch fraise deal with it) she said before making a magic circle above her.”Lightning Dragon storm!”, she yelled before the sky darkened and lightning started raining down on the Naked mummy gun men.
All the Naked Mummy men were hit by the lightning but 5 men who weren’t apart of the guild weren’t hit. The five kept on running like they were possessed and one went to punch Pandora.
Meanwhile with Dante he was still running towards the town when an Ice Spear almost hit him so he quickly moved out of the way. “Who’s there!?” He yelled before a boy dropped down from the trees and ran straight for Dante with an Ice Sword ready to stab him but he quickly side-steps the blade and palm thrusts the boy sending him flying back.
*Pandora put up her arms and blocked the punch*”Ill tell you what ill help you bozos out a little, normal attacks don’t work on me!”, she said making her fists spark with electricity as she jagged the guy that tried to punch her in the gut also electrocuting him.”That all you got?”, she said in a boxer stance.
Kane had backed off and sat on the bench near their car, hoping they didn’t see him
The one who was hit by the electric punch hit the ground but when he got back up he had electricity flowing around him like he absorbed it. The other 4 just looked at him before each one gained a different element fire, water, wind, and earth.
The Ice boy got back up and made two swords appear. “….fuck she perfected you didn’t she….” Dante said before he dodged another slash and jumped over him and palm trusted him into the ground before a magic circle appeared in front of him. “IFRIT’S HELLFIRE!” He yelled before he trusted his fist forward and a torrent of fire shot from the circle and completely destroying the ice boy. He landed and took a quick breath. “Damn synthetic beings.” He said before continuing to run towards the village.
*Pandora beconed Oryan over to her, he padded over and growled at the 4*”Use flame teeth and flame burst, close combat time!”, Pandora instructed him before she flickered for a second she was half static half flesh, the air crackled with magic energy as she flickered forward and released a furry of jabs and kicks at the original guy that attacked her, Oryan nipped at the earth guy with his flame teeth.
As she fought the electric one every time she used her magic he would absorb it and slowly get stronger at the fight went on. But also the Wind and Water were going at her at the same time while the Fire and Earth were fighting Kyra and Oryan.
*Pandora noticed that the electric guy was slowly getting stronger,”Shit”, she thought, as she Materialized behind the electric guy, she made a quick little magic circle infront of each hand*”Lightning Dragon Twin Blade!”, she said before the magic circles went up her arms all the way to her elbows before shrinking away, her arms were visible but were coated with what looked like blue static that was in the shape of a blade, she slashed at her enemys flickering a little as half her body was electricity.
The wind and Water were destroyed instantly but the Electric one after being slashed jumped back and magic circles appeared around both its hand. “Lightning Dragon Twin Blade!” It said sounding exactly like Pandora and the same blue electric blades appear on its arms and it dashes straight at her trying to slasher her to pieces.
“Mirror magic or something like that!”, Pandora thought before frowning at him. she blocked all the slashes but one which slashed her shirt making a cut in the belly area of the shirt.”Oh hellll no!”, Pandora said grunting before slamming into the electric guy, Making him off balance a little, before kicking off the ground towards him and spinning at him.
“I noticed a cafe near the center of town we could go to,” Dimitri suggested as he realized that he wasn’t sure what type of food Fallen liked to eat. He had wandered past the cafe yesterday morning while running his errands and had immediately regretted the fact that he had already eaten lunch on the train into town. “It’s a bit late to get breakfast, but the lunch menu looked nice. Of course, I’ll have to insist that you let me treat you,” he said with a smile as he saw Fallen pull out some money.
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