The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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RP room
“Yeah I’ll try my best, but no promises”, she said smiling misjeviously.
“Well at least keep it to a minimum then.” Dante said shaking his head at what she said.
“It had a black tint…” Fallen says out bluntly. “I know his Guild..” She smiles weakly and drink her Cocoa. She pulls out a gun quickly handing it over to Dim. “When you get better we start training” she winks playfully. “And what men… I only got my eye’s on the prize”
Dante palms his face. “Fine then at least your not that one mage from your guild…what’s his name now…gillock…gilroy…Gil-something.” He said giving up after a bit.
“Gildarts? yeah your town would be screwed if i were him, also this train not to mention”, she said smiling.
“Yea…so what’s life like at your guild i only got a brief view from when i went there.” He asked.
“everyone is care free most of the time and we drink a lot of alcohol of corse not the kids though, and we fight each other a lot over none relevant things and in the end were still all friends, we also defend everyone in the guild so if your having a problem we have a problem, we laugh a lot to”, she said smiling.
“Sounds nice kind of like my guild..though with out the drinking and extreme fighting.” He said leaning back watching the world go by on the train.
*Pandora smiled and giggled slightly, before doing the same*
“Hey i just thought of something.” Dante said out of no where. “Your a Dragon Slayer right?”
“Don’t Dragon Slayer’s have motion sickness or something.” He asked confused.
“waiiiitttttt”, Pandora siad then her eyes widened, she felt sick all a sudden.”Dammit!”, she exclaimed before almost throwing up in her mouth. she had not gone on a train or magic mobile in a LONG time so she had forgot, she laid down and clutched the seat trying not to throw up, Oryan patted her sympathetically.
Dante quickly jumps to the side. “Well make sure not to puke on me!” He yells comicly
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