The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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RP room
“um ok”, she said not knowing why she needed to be taken care of,”I ant a child!”, she thought.
Dante went to the door and opened it just as an ice spear stabed him in the shoulder. “Gawh!” He yelled as he was sent back and he pulled it out.
*Pandora’s eyes widen and she stands from her chair making a screeching noise, she waked Oryan and he shakes his head awake. her fists spark with little lightning bolts as she looks at the guild hall entrance ready to fight*
“Alter get your puppets ready!” Elsra yelled just as Alter got up and ran too the second floor. “Already on it!” He yelled back. Dante got up clutching his shoulder and glared at the person walking towards him ice spear in hand. “Silvia.” Was all he said and everyone in the guild froze with fear at the name. “Dante.” She said with a cold glare.
“Pandora, now lets get jiggy with it”, she said before materializing right next to silvia, she started rapidly punching at her.
Elsra saw what Pan was doing. “Pan don’t!” She yelled but it was too late the Silvia Pan started punching broke into ice shards and floated in the air before they flew at her but Dante quickly pushed her out of the way and took the ice shards but they didn’t do much because they melted before they hit him.
“ok thats not nice”, Pandora said frowning.”Thanks”, she said to Dante.
“You’re welcome Pan.” Dante said glaring at the ice clone at reformed in front of everyone. “Well never thought you people would associate yourselves with that guild.” The Ice clone said before looking at Dante. “And you are getting rusty not noticing that ice spear when you opened the door.” Dante ignored the jab and full on glared at her. “Silvia what are you doing here and don’t say to just visit old friends becuase we both know that’s a load of bull.” And while they talked Elsra motioned for Pan to come over to where she was not because she was a kid but so that way Dante could go all out with out worrying about someone next to him if he needed to.
*Pandora noticed Elsra, she decided to move over their, when she got their, their was slight static around her as she stood, Oryan padded over and stared at Silvia alert*
“Oh are you still mad about what happened Dan-Dan.” She said with a smirk that pissed Dante off. “No i’ve gotten over that now tell me why are you here.” As he said that he flooded the room with magical energy that reminded everyone why he was S-Class. As that happened the Ice clone involuntary flinched. “And this is why you don’t piss Dante off.” Elsra whispered to Pan.
“wasn’t planning on it but i advise that he not stay at my guild on friday nights…the drunks are the worst then and they like to tease and challenge people”.
“Haha don’t worry i’m only here as a destration anyway.” She said before the clone breaks into shards and melts away. “A…destration…for wh-Oh crap.” He said before running out of the guild. “Oh..please tell me it’s not what i think happened.” Dante said to him self as he ran to the shrine but nothing was there. “FUCKING DAMNIT!” He yelled.
Elsra just stared at where Dante left. “I don’t know but it can’t be good if he is acting like that.” She said and just as she finished Dante came back in. “Elsra i’m going on a long term mission so i won’t be back for a while.” He said before walking up to the second floor to his room. “It must be bad then….” Elsra said.
“You fiend! Leave her alone, there was no call for that!” Dimitri shouted angrily at the cafe owner when he gave Fallen a good drumming on the head with his frying pan even after she had paid the fee. Mage or no, he really detested people who would just attack someone like that, especially in a scenario like this one where their “eat and run” was clearly a simple mistake.
Once the cafe owner had left to go put the money in the register and attend to his restaurant, Dimtri turned his attention towards Fallen clutching her head in pain. “Darling? Are you alright?” He tried to gingerly stroke her hair while checking for a lump or anything that might suggest a concussion while using his other arm to stabilize her so she wasn’t falling over in pain. He gave Fallen a soft kiss on the top of her head to ease the pain.
The commotion was so great that Dimitri didn’t notice the assassin slashing their tires, otherwise he would have given an alarm. So he planned to help Fallen over to the car where she could rest and sit down if she wanted to.
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