The Kingdom of Fiore
Public Group
Public Group
Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
Public Group
RP room
Natalie puts up her hood as she hears them, leaning back on the wall of the caravan as she takes a deep breath, double checking to see if her lights were all faded.
As Daniel pulls his spear from the wolves’ corpse, he begins to think of the dinner that awaits him at the guild hall. On the way back, he buys a chocolate shake at one of the street vendors that he then drinks on his way to the guild hall.
Natalie waves for her comrade to go first, nodding her head as her palm dimly glows, already planning her actions.
* he leaps out of the caravan, a grim look on his face*
Natalie rolls out of the caravan with a neutral expression on her face, already drawing out a spell circle as she flings a small dim light away from the battle for an emergency.
*rising behind her, Ancalagon swiftly thumps her across the back of the head*
Natalie feels a sharp pain rise in the back of her head, then using all of her remaining strength to use the spell she was preparing to flash away in a bright white light, replacing the position of the light she threw earlier.
She holds the back of her head as she falls on her knees, slowly glancing at the traitor…
*he rips off his coat and turns around, showing a huge grimoire heart guild symbol* WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GRAB HER! *he shouts to the other wizards*
Natalie slinks towards the way back, holding her head with one hand and preparing a new spell with the other. She feels the warmth of blood on her neck now, being hit much harder than she expected…
*4 wizards rush towards her,trying to pin her down and tie her up. Ancalagon watches, walking behind them slowly*
Natalie casts the spell as a solid light shield makes a box around her, letting her fall down and rest while under the aid of her magic. She coughs out a spit of blood as she tries to draw another spell up…
Ancalagon mutters something rude about third grade amateurs and draws his own circle*
Natalie coughs out a bit more blood as she feels her eyes start to close… With her final action she casts the spell, firing a bright red distress flare into the sky as she looses consciousness, letting her eyes shut as she feels the blood trickle down her neck and hair…
Her shield box glowed blue as she faded, the flare exploding in the sky into many bright red sparks.
*he looks at the flare* …damn….*throwing his spell at a tree,which is shredded, he strides forward, binding the girl’s hands and feet, he lifts her over his shoulder like a sack of flour and climbs back into the caravan* we best leave quick. Don’t wanna get followed…. That’d make things messy. *the caravans begin moving again*
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