The Kingdom of Fiore
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Public Group
Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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RP room
Ya got the first two right…*he tilts his head* but if ya behave….we dont have to be enemies…*he trailed off*
Natalie shook her head, letting the first two words fade but kept the enemy one lit, adding words in front of it, ‘Who is the enemy?’
Ymean our enemy? Heh…we got a few….fairy tail …the rune guards…they….disagree with our methods….
Natalie nods and thinks back to her time in the Fairy Tail guild hall, thinking about how chaotic it was… It was horrifying… Natalie looks up at him and nods, the lights fading away.
So…the first couple of jobs…youre with me. No arguments. Its to make sure we can trust you not to sell us out at the first chance you get, Kay?
Natalie nods and smiles a bit. She had expected that much. No good army recruited a new being and let it go free range… She feels the pain in the back of her head start to fade away…
Also….sorry bout cracking yer head open. Didn’t mean to hit you that hard….*he looked away*
Natalie looks up at him and nods, putting a hand to the back of her head and wincing as she touched the wound. She takes her hand back to her lap and looks out the door of the caravan.
Reckon you can walk? Ought to introduce you to the others..
Nat gets up and stands on her feet, wobbling slightly but regaining stability after a short time. She nods her head and extends her hand.
*he takes her hand to steady her, helping her out of the caravan. Infront of them is a huge airship, made of wood and metal, painted black and purple, the guild symbol on the sides*
Natalie nods and looks over the entirety of the ship, biting her lip a little as she looks over the gargantuan vessel. She reaches back for her hood and puts it on, then looking back to him for approval on her option.
*he nods.* not everyone is as polite as me. Keep your head down till you’ve earned respect. I introduce you, then we get straight to work. They’ll warm to you eventually…
Natalie looks downwards and forwards as they head in the direction of the ship, hearing voices ahead and letting her comrade go in front of her, rather than her in front of him.
*Ancalagon walks in and claps loudly* we got a new recruit. Name of Natalie. She won’t be wearing the uniform though due to certain reasons, so I need y’all ta memorise her *dozens of eyes turn towards her, scrutinising her*
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