The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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RP room
*ancalagon headed away from town, towards one of the secret trade routes that was under watch. Wrapping himself in a cloak to hide his face, he waited*
Natalie was aiding everyone she could in the hospital, occasionally writing a bit of a fake letter every once and a while… She would be ready for this questioning for sure.
*ancalagon didn’t have to wait long. A patrol with two captains came past. Still hidden, he drew a circle , preparing a spell. When they had their backs to himz he cast it, causing a pillar of dark energy to rise from beneath them scattering them and heavily injuring them. He repeated the process on two other patrols*
Natalie notices a few carts head away due to reports of patrols being attacked. She immediately goes over to the room where they would put the wounded, making sure everything was situated in a orderly manner. She checks on her documents she was foraging, realizing that they would do nicely for this particular mission.
*his part done, ancalagon camps outside the town, waiting for news*
Natalie treats the men once they get there, judging by the uniforms who where the higher ups. She gives the hired ranks each a letter, basically saying they would be excommunicated for the failure of a simple patrol, but they might be able to keep their spot if they wrote a log of the events or a letter of their resign, both would be sent to the commanding officer of them. However, she knew that they would be too injured to send these themselves. That’s where she would step in. Whomever the letter was addressed to was the target. She also made sure to not give them any paper or pen unless they asked, as not to raise suspicion to herself, after all, giving them those things would imply that she read the letter. She continues to treat them and even offers to be the scribe for those with wounded arms…
*ancalagon continues to wait. He has faith in the new girl but he doesn’t fully trust her yet…*
Natalie gathers up the letters once each officer is done with them, getting the rest of the day off with little resistance due to her hard work for near all of the day. She takes herself to the meeting place and smiles as she approaches her comrade. She holds out a bag holding all of the letters.
*curious, he takes the bag and opens a few letters*….nice trick….*he opens the rest* and all addressed to one person ! Well done indeed.
Natalie smiles a great deal, appreciating his words. She nods a bit, writing in the air, ‘When shall we leave then?’ She asks, feeling very proud of herself thus far…
Tomorrow morning. A caravan of goods will get through now I’ve removed some patrols. We are going to plant a couple in this officer’s home and office…it’ll be dangerous. So prepare yourself
Natalie looks around and writes on a blank paper, passing it to him. On it was written, ‘What of the wounded? Help them or finish them?’ She looks around a bit of alertness and wariness…
They don’t know who we are, and seeing as theyll be keeping their jobs they won’t be asking about these letters…let em live.
Natalie nods and waves her hand, then drawing out once again, ‘See you tomorrow then.’ She summons a small light and making it float off into the distance in case he had any final words…
Alright. Back here. 8 o clock. Don’t be late. *he stands and heads off, taking the letters with him*
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