The Kingdom of Fiore
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Active 7 years ago
WELCOME! to the kingdom of Fiore were Magic is everywhere!. Wizards join magical guilds to take up... View more
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Posted by GoldPhoenix9 on April 5, 2015 at 1:17 amI will controle the guild masters and the magic council
Guild Mark location: (example: right shoulder)
Guild Mark Color:
(Celestial Wizard) Spirits:
(optional) Weapon(s):
Ray Sunsinger replied 9 years, 9 months ago 13 Members · 18 Replies -
18 Replies
Name: Pandora GrandDale
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark Location: under Right forearm
Guild Mark color: Grey
Height: 5’1 1/2
Age: 14
Appearance: Tanish skin, freckles along nose and under eyes, purple eyes, long dirty blond hair with a tiny side braid, slightly muscular.
Clothing: baggy gray Cargo pants, neon yellow baggy t-shirt, a bunch of knot friendship bracelets on right wrist, has head phones around neck with phone in pocket, greek style sandals that stop at ankle.
Magic: Lightning Dragon slayer Magic
Abilities: can eat electricity to restore magic energy, can transform into static and teleport places.
Personality: shy at times, makes cheesy jokes at the right time, dorky, goes berserk most of the time wile fighting but still has some control, makes friends with everyone (literally like, I just met you! your my friend!), loyal.
Background: when she was born she didn’t know her mother or father, all she knew was the dragon that took care of her and thought her magic, his name was Zanious. When he all of a sudden disappeared she was 7, so set out to join a guild and make her semi father proud so when he did return she could tell him all about how she had grown. she jumped from guild to guild making a lot of guild masters frustrated with her, she finally found her home are Fairy Tail were she felt welcome, she also met her partner Oryan when joining the guild.
Extra: has a Red wolf companion Oryan that can use little fire spells. (Red wolf is a species of wolf)
Name: Emmaline LeVian
Guild: Blue Heel.
Guild Mark location: Back of the right hand
Height: 5’3
Age: 14
Appearance: Long, brown twintails. Has a smattering of freckles splattered across her face. She has a small nose, large eyes and a childish grin, most of the time.
clothing: A plain brown jacket, a white t shirt, blue jeans, combat boots and little blue bows in her hair.
Magic: Pyrokinesis .
(optional) Weapon(s): A concealed Glock 24 pistol.
Abilities: Fast instincts and reflexes.
Personality: She’s very childish, with a sense of wonder that matches no other. She may seem nice, but she can drop the polite act quickly. She’s more relaxed around her friends. She sticks out like a sore thumb from her guild. She’s not ugly, but not the most beautiful person, either.
Background: After a terrible accident involving a building burning, Emmaline started living on the streets, eventually finding her guild.
(Optional)Extra: She has a little cat that follows her around. It’s ginger in colour, and doesn’t seem effected by her powers. -
Name: Natalie Rose
Guild: Quatro Cerberus
Guild Mark location: Back of neck
Guild Mark Color: Red
Height: 5’4″
Age: 17
Appearance: Long red hair, sky blue eyes, barely tanned skin, slightly underweight and not physically strong.
Clothing: A long white robe with red trimming, reaching down to her ankles, with a built in hood to conceal her face if needed. Accompanied by a pair of red leather shoes.
Magic: Light
Abilities: Can focus light into magic shields, searing beams, and explosive flares. Also can draw with light and summon small radiant lights to see in dark places.
Personality: Kindhearted, selfless, and very helpful.
Background: Natalie was born as a mute. During her life, she was never a normal person, always being so unusually kind to everything she ran into. One fateful day, her mother was poisoned by a creature of the wild, and Nat nursed her back to health. This caught the eye of a Cerberus mage, and they decided to invite her into the fold while learning the purest of magics she could possibly know: Light. Now she roams the world, exploring new places and helping those who need it.
Extra: In case is wasn’t clear, she is completely mute, but can write and draw in the air using light.
Name: Leaf Wishstone Argider
Guild: Lamia Scales
Guild Mark location: Left side of stomach
Guild Mark Color: forest green that matches eyes
Height: 5’2
Age: 15
Appearance: Medium length wavy platinum blonde (almost silvery) hair, hair usually in a ponytail tucked inside her hoodie making it appear short like a boy’s, forest green eyes, gentle smile, rather pale skin
clothing: White button down shirt, dark green hoodie which usually covers her face, denim jeans, brown boots
Magic: Crystals
Abilities: Can create animated crystal beings along with weapons, similar to ice but cannot freeze water
Personality: Though the gentle smile she is rather kept to herself, untrusting, nice, a little hard to open up, a bit of a crybaby but she can’t help it
Background: Leaf grew up in an isolated cottage with her parents and brother. Her Mom always favored her brother and her father was usually away to work for the family. Leaf played with her crystal magic alone in her room most of the time. One day, her mother threw another big tantrum at her and Leaf ran into the forest near her cottage. There she met Slash, her future companion. When she came back, her cottage was destroyed and her family gone. She tried to survive on her own in the forest practicing her magic when Slash told her about guilds, and she eventually joined Lamia Scales.
Extra: Has a raccoon dog (tanuki) as a pet named Slash, almost her only companion, can see memories of the past by interacting with plants/trees
Name: Dakota Listeria
Guild: Fairy tale
Guild Mark location: Back of hand.
Guild Mark Color: Blue.
Height: 5’6
Age: 15
Appearance: Black short hair, Brown eyes, pale skin.
clothing: Black shirt, gray cargo pants.
Magic: Ice-make
(optional) Weapon(s): Bow staff, McMillan TAC-308 Bolt-Action Rifle / Sniper Rifle
I’ll update and fix it later.
Name: Kane Ironblade
Guild: Death’s head Caucus
Guild Mark Location: Back of neck
Mark Color: Black skull, Green flames
Height: 5’10.5
Age: 18
Appearance: Black Hair, Grey eyes
Clothing: Black boots, Black Jeans, Dark grey Sweatshirt,; (2nd outfit) Black/white suit, grey tie, fancy/expensive watch
Magic: Iron
Weapons: Knives, poison items, small hand-guns,
extra: Doesn’t use his magic except as a last resort
Name- Treasen Poter *Tessy*
Guild- Fairy Tale
Guild Mark Located- Back of neck
Guild Mark color- Pure gold.
Height- 5″7″
Age- 16
Appearance- Long Black hair, with pure blue eyes.
Clothes- (NAKED! XD Jk no lol) always in the same, ripped at knee’s, jeans and a crop top. Along with her hair up. No makeup
Magic- the Elements.
Weapons- mostly stuff she can find around. But always has a knife.
Ability- FLYING.
Personality- she is super quiet and shy with her powers. She rarely talks outloud but when she does it’s quiet and shy.
backgroud- her parents and family were killed and she is looking for the killers.
Nina walks over and hit me on the head hard. “You moron!” I get up. “What was that for?!” I yell back. “For starting a war in the guild and getting drunk!” I reply in a softer voice. “So what we all get a little drunk every now and then.
Name: “Starry Night” Dimitri Harbeck
Guild: Blue Pegasus
Guild Mark location: left side of his chest just under his collarbone
Guild Mark Color: Light blue
Height: 5’7″
Age: 17
Appearance: Dimitri possesses fair skin and long platinum blonde hair which reaches down to his waist, but is occasionally tied in a ponytail if he is concerned about getting it caught on something. His eyes are a very light blue color. His default face is a polite smile with a twinkle in those eyes. Due to his relatively medium height and lithe frame it is very easy to mistake him for a girl from behind, and a little less easy from the front.
Clothing: He changes his clothes cycling through a new outfit every two days, but will generally wear something in a pastel blue color. Either a light blue hoodie and dark pants when he’s being casual or if he anticipates being seen in the town or during an outing, he’ll wear a light blue blazer with a brown vest and matching brown pants.
Dimitri’s magic also allows him to summon blue and silver plate armor for combat purposes.
Magic: Requip
Weapon(s): Dimitri specializes in polearms, but also has a chain whip, meteor hammer, and a boomerang.
Can store multiple objects in a pocket dimension and summon them when needed through magic.
Dimitri is proficient with all of his weapons but specializes using polearms, and so is quite good with them. He can use a spell to channel his magic energy into an attack with one of his polearms for a highly offensive attack.
Currently, only two polearms at a time can be telekinetically controlled, but he would like to train and be able to manipulate more at once.
Personality: He is pretty friendly and usually very polite but full of himself and easily offended. Flamboyant and mischievous, he delights in practical jokes and getting people in trouble but has a strong sense of wrong from right and can manage to be serious when in a dire situation. He’s also incredibly vain and enjoys dancing, having a good time and being pampered as much as practicing magic. Of course, being a recruit for Blue Pegasus, he’s a dreadful flirt.
Background: A recent recruit to the Blue Pegasus guild after initially getting mistaken as a beautiful young woman, Dimitri has since rolled with the confusion and delights in belonging to a guild known for their gorgeous members. Of course, his fellow guild members know his real gender and have decided that it adds to his…unusual charm. He believes that people doing what they love and striving to become the very best they can are the most beautiful, and trains hard to both bring honor to his guild and to fully bloom into the gorgeous creature he knows he can become.
Extra: Always has a flower tucked in somewhere in case he needs to give it to someone.
When he’s laying the charm down especially thick, if flowers were to appear in the background, they would be white jasmine flowers.
Theme:Cantarella (Viola Instrumental)
Battle Theme: Dr. Wily’s Castle (Violin Instrumental) -
In the guild hall people are everywhere. (By everywhere I mean like 23 people.) I get up and walk over to Eric. “Eric, go look what that new person wants.” I nod at the person. “Why me?” He complains. “Because I’m getting a drink.” I walk away before he responds so he walks to the stranger that just came in. “Do you need some help?”
Name: Naoko Kuramochi (( Nay-oak-oh Cure-a-mo-chi ))
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark Location: Wrist
Guild Mark color: Black
Height: 5’6″
Age: 16
Appearence: Really dark brown hair ((almost black)), dark green eyes that change color depending on mood (( Red – Angry, Blue – somewhat happy, Light green – sad, natural – neutral )).
Clothing: Normally wears black skinny jeans, combat boots, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, regardless of weather.
Magic: Shadow Magic (( controls shadows on will ))
Weapons: Normally doesn’t resort to weapons, and she depends on her magic maybe a little bit too much. Always keeps a dagger or katana at her side.
Abilities: Teleportation, Foresight
Personality: Quiet and shy once you first meet her, most likely just standing at the back of the guild. Once she gets to know someone better, she’ll be realized as more of a bipolar maniac on the lose. Her moods change from either happy and excited to sad, angry, etc in a split second if something doesn’t go right or she sees someone in her guild being attacked.
Background: Since she was a new member of Fairy Tail, she hadn’t come out and actually spoken or introduced herself to anyone besides Makarov. She remains silent, hoping no one actually comes out and tries dragging her into what’s going on. She wasn’t much of a talker since the fall out she had with her mother and father about her wanting to join a guild, and since then she had become reclusive, afraid that if she put her trust in anyone, she’d be backstabbed.
Extra: Likes to read and write in her free time, nothing really special.
Name: Alter Netherwood
Guild: Southern Wolves
Guild Mark location: Left Shoulder
Guild Mark Color: Purple
Height: 5’11
Age: 21
Appearance: Dark skin, purple eyes, messy black hair with a white streak on the right side
Clothing: Black Finger-less gloves, a red sleeveless shirt, black cargo pants, tan combat boots, purple sash around his waist, and a dark purple cloak with a hood.
Magic: Take-Over Magic: Ifrit (FFXIV Version i can’t think of a better description)
(optional) Weapon(s): Short sword on his waist, throwing knives across his chest
Abilities: Fire-resistance, strength, endurance, and knows martial arts
Personality: Serious when the situation demands but is mostly a joker and tends to do a lot of solo requests and some joint with his two friends, he also will not take any requests that involve killing.
Background: He always liked mercenary work so when he turned 16 he joined the Southern Wolves and he soon became friends with the Vanishing Brothers…..even though they annoy the hell out of him.
(Optional)Extra: He has a Falcon that travels with him. Her name is Kyra and she has a purple scarf around her neck.
This is GreenGods character……only did this because he is in the same guild and im pretty sure everyone doesn’t want to fingure out what his thing said.
Name: Thomas Pryde
Guild: Southern Wolves
Guild mark Location: Right Shoulder blade
Color: Black
Height: 5’11
Age: 16
Appearance: Sandy Blond hair, blue-green eyes
Clothing: Green sweater, jeans, sneakers
Magic: Drain Magic
Weapons: Scythe
Abilities: Can jump really high
Personality: Smiley, can get a little overkill, talkative
Background: Grew up with parents, dad was shot by royalty, swore vengeance, protected mother till she died of disease. -
This is my application. I hope it is enough.
Name: Lilt the Bard
Guild: Grimoire Heart
Guild Mark Location: Chest
Guild Mark Color: Red
Height: 5″11
Age: 18
Appearance: Lilt has tanned skin due to his constant exposure to the sun on his Guild’s airship. He has long brown hair and dark brown eyes as well as a small amount of facial hair which he keeps trimmed.
Clothing: So as not to be burned and yet also not die of heat stroke on the airship, he wears a silk turban over his head as well as a loose (yet obviously elegant) jacket which is open enough to expose the large tattoo of his Guild symbol on his chest.
Magic: Sound Magic. As a Bard, Lilt casts his spells by singing or playing a song on his lute. When stealth is required, he tends to whistle a tune so that he sounds like a desert bird.
Weapon: Interestingly enough, Lilt’s oversized lute also functions as a halberd. He styled it specifically so that he would never be defenseless, even when casting his spells.
Abilities: Though he can do well enough in a fight with his lute/halberd hybrid, Lilt prefers to use his magic to deal with threats. When stealth is required, he surrounds himself in a sphere of silence and when forced into combat, he uses his spells to play keep away, hindering his opponent’s movement by either pushing them away with sonic booms or going on the offensive with vicious melodies.
Other than that, Lilt the Bard is a talented musician, trained in both the art of lute playing as well as song.
Personality: For someone who as aligned himself with dark forces, Lilt is a jovial sort, always ready to liven up people’s days. As someone who is quite amiable, he goes out of his way to make friends in unlikely places, including in other guilds… after all, no one knows when such connections to be useful. That being said, when he must get his hands dirty, he prefers to leave no evidence of his involvement (and thus, no survivors). This is all practical of course, and he might even show an ounce of sadness after completing such nefarious deeds… but he realizes that the path to power is paved with casualties.
Lilt is an odd case; neither he nor anyone else he knows could tell you what his story was. One day, at the age of 14, he simply… appeared on the Grimoire Heart’s airship, with a lute in his hand and a song on his lip. Quickly discovering that the lad had amnesia, they found no reason to simply toss him off the ship, instead, deciding to train him and take him in as one of their own. Quickly becoming talented in the use of Sound Magic, Lilt has proven to be a valuable asset to the Grimoire Heart Guild, and is not below taking any job for them. After all, he would do anything for the people who showed him so much kindness… and promised him so much power.
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