From Satou Arcanum to the Satou Ultharian Kingdom

  • Saneko Sarutobi (PhantasmagoricalSatouUltharian)

    July 12, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    Right! Great minds think alike! *he grins*

  • Gintoki Lucifer WhiteSugarDemon Sakata

    July 17, 2018 at 7:09 am

    *Gin had at one point lived the life of a cat. So he understood and knew his werecats well. He didn’t expect them to become werecats but he figured if he had once been in the body of a cat, of course this would also be possible. He walks with them through the darkness but he can clearly see the tentacles. He knows these creatures are from a time before time and he has little understanding of them except for what he learned from family. They were closer now as he could see his wife stand still.* Oi! Helena love! Are we here?

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    July 17, 2018 at 7:17 am

    *She turns to everyone* It took slightly longer than expected but this is the door. This is the one. I’m not sure what we will see since this one has a certain seal that doesn’t allow me to see inside but I can sense this is a place long inhabited by ancestors of the gatto species. *She turns around to focus on the door. Her eyes turned a lemon green with hints of yellow and the pupils became slits as the door began to brighten. Her eyes were cat like in for a moment until her pupils began to open, round, dark and black as the door itself opened. She chanted in an ancient Ultharian language that even the were cats had never heard before. She then put her palm on the door and it opened even further. It revealed a strange city filled with more cats and it looked otherwise, as if the town was abandoned.* We are here!

  • Gintoki Lucifer WhiteSugarDemon Sakata

    July 17, 2018 at 7:19 am

    *He and the rest go through the door. Gin standing next to his wife and were nekos close behind.* Oi! It definitely looks abandoned, except for all these cats!

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