Character Descriptions

  • Character Descriptions

    Posted by Vaermina on February 9, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    Please put your descriptions in this format:



    Physical Description:




    Blitz replied 10 years ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • MaraTwasHere

    February 11, 2015 at 1:55 am

    Name: Bonnie Zimbalti

    Gang/Family: Zimbalti

    Age: Sixteen

    Looks: Long red-brown hair, quite short (5’3), bright green eyes, often seen in black school uniform.

    Job: Torturer

    Past: Bonnie’s mother was the one born from Zimabati blood, marrying a man who agreed to change his last name to match hers. Bonnie was born into a wealthy family as both of her parents were exceptionally wealthy, her mother being a part of the mafia and her father being a rich man who was too afraid to go against the mafia’s wills of marrying Bonnie’s mom. Bonnie attends a private school which is why she is frequently seen in her uniform (In the image), although she violates school dress code by wearing her white safety glove that protects her left arm from her pet bird. Bonnie is considered strange as she is quiet but not shy. In business with the mafia she is very efficient and professional even as a torturer, which blood and gore does not effect her whatsoever which is why she got the job as a torturer–Not too blood frenzied, but not a wussy either. Her father, who is a cowardly man, is frightened of his daughter while her mother is very proud of Bonnie. When Bonnie was twelve she went missing for a year. Her father suspects her mother did something to Bonnie because once she returned she even more so mafia-material.

    Extra: Bonnie conceals weapons on her body wherever she goes, she sleeps a lot, while she is professional and very serious she is passionate and ruthless as well, When Bonnie was twelve she went missing for a year. Her father suspects her mother did something to Bonnie because once she returned she even more so mafia-material. She also has a pet owl called ‘Dwyer’ meaning “dark wise one”. Her nickname is “Sadist” or “Sadie” as she is the torturer.


  • Vaermina

    February 13, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    Name: Violette “V” Gistillee

    Gang/Family: Gistillee

    Age: 17

    Physical Description: Long dark brown hair, 5’4″, 113lbs, hazel (brown and green) eyes, Often wears a white shirt tucked into black skirt, black thigh highs, pea coat that’s the length of skirt, black flats, hidden gun in her coat, hidden blade in her thigh high.

    Job: Spy

    Background: Born into the family, Violette “V” was a born gangster. Her grandparents were the original Gistillee mobsters so the mafia blood runs through her veins. She’s a trained spy and is ready to exploit the Zimbalti’s. Her parents are never around, which let’s her do whatever she wants. She’s smart, fast witted, and ready to protect her family name. She has no problems with the Zimbalti’s, but making her family proud is all she wants. And she gets what she wants.

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 15, 2015 at 3:31 am

    Name: Jack Zoro

    Age: 19

    Gang/Family: Zoro

    Job: Gun for hire/body guard

    Physical description: 6 foot 2 inch blonde hair in a faux hawk sharp facial features lightly tanned clean shaven wears black aviators always a boxers body type wearing a unzipped thin white sleeveless hoodie with a neon green brim, no shirt underneath, really baggy blue jeans, black and white checkered laceless sneakers, a red bandana under a gray snap back hat, and black fingerless gloves

    Background: born and raised in the ghettos of Spain Jack grew up fighting to survive he was beaten by his father and his mother had died giving birth to him he got to the point where he had a small gang till moving away to find new adventures he now takes a job from whoever pays the most.

  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    February 15, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    Name: Garmoniya Razlad


    Gang/Family: Razlad (means discord)

    Job: Freelancer

    Physical description: 5’3″ and a slim build. Has shoulder length ginger coloured hair and has deep blue eyes. Wears a long grey tranche coat and a black Ben hagen hat. He wears black leather converse. Under his trench coat he wears a grey hoodie. Wears a pair of black leather gloves to hide his finger prints.

    Background: Was raised in a fairly normal life with the occasional bad run. But one day when he was about 8 years old his mother was murdered by a town gang. He swore revenge on them and has been hunting down every member of the now disbanded gang and makes there family suffer the same fate.

  • Blitz

    February 22, 2015 at 2:32 am

    Name: Zane Gistillee(i spell that right?)

    Gang/family : gistillee

    Age: 16

    physical description: 5’11”, short brown hair, green eyes, 135 lbs, not overly strong, very calm under pressure, great eyesight,

    Job: wheel man(driver)

    Background: His parents taught him to drive when he was 10, he practiced out on the back-roads whenever he had a chance, he officially joined when he turned 15, up until then, he was undecided


  • Blitz

    February 22, 2015 at 6:08 am

    Zane orders an order of hash browns and a waffle for the 24-hour diner,once he is done he stays and talks to the workers, knowing them well

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