Dumb Luck (RP Chapter One)

  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    February 19, 2015 at 10:48 pm

    Garmoniya ran into an ally way and looked around. He climbed a pipe that was connected to a rather tall building. Slowly he made his way up unnoticed onto the building. He duck under a large vent for heat and laid his head back. Not having a contract has left him deprived of the necessary supplies he needed, and was often hungry and sleep deprived. It was only a matter of time.

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 20, 2015 at 7:15 pm

    Bonnie returned home on her door-step, moving into the house to the richly decorated entry-way. The Persian rug she stood on dotted with water from her brooding walk home, and she shook her hair out causing more droplets to fly. Someone cleared their throat and Bonnie looked through her orange lashes to see a blonde man standing tall at the top of the stairway, lanky and tall with greasy hair that flopped over his green eyes. The same green eyes of Bonnie. “Bon-Bon, honey, where were you?” He asked in his usual timid voice. “Out.” She said simply, kicking off her shoes and turning to into the kitchen, passing under her father’s place on the cat-walk.

  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    February 20, 2015 at 8:07 pm

    Garmoniya felt a slight buzz on the left side of his chest. He pulled out a small P.D.A. that his friend, Artyom, had hacked for him allowing him to access radio waves and other frequencies. The small screen read ‘Is the terminated?’ he sat up and quickly typed in ‘Yes. Now, the transaction.’. Soon, another message popped up ‘$357 dollars has been added to your account.’ With that he closed his eyes and laid back against the cold metal.

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 20, 2015 at 8:54 pm

    She padded into the kitchen and made herself some rich chamomile tea before going to her room and clicking the door shut behind her. It was mostly plain, void of any true signs that a teenager resided in the particular room, only having a soft red rug and a queen sized bed with a desk, a few chairs and coffee table to sit on with a couple of book shelves. A window seat looking out to the night that flashed with lighting and roared with thunder, and at that window came a rapping. Bonnie sat her tea down on the coffee table before moving over to the window to push it open with a creak, Dwyer hopped in shaking his wet feathers across the seat before hopping onto her offered left arm, digging his claws into the glove she always wore to protect her flesh. “I should change,” She murmured changing into dark clothes before taking her tea and going to the basement…her chamber.

  • Vaermina

    February 21, 2015 at 8:20 pm

    Viollette had to think things trough. She went back to Hainesville and sat inside the local coffee shop. The waiter came up to her and handed her the usual, peppermint coffee.

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    *smirking at the woman* i wish you would *walking into the room*

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 21, 2015 at 9:31 pm

    “Oooh, a young one who likes more…mature women. Take a seat on that couch, Mr…?” She asked for his name as she walked to the leather couch, sitting on it like falling to her throne gracefully.

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 9:36 pm

    Zoro…Jack Zoro at your service dulzura

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    *sits down at the other end of the couch one arm laying over the top and one leg bent and sitting on the couch*

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 21, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    “So, Mr. Zoro, what brings you to my humble home?” She asked, scooting across the leather to get closer to the younger boy.

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 10:27 pm

    well i met this other chica while trying to get around town we talked she brought me to a starbucks asked me if i wanted to earn money and brought me here

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 21, 2015 at 10:33 pm

    “Ooh, she must be talking of the bodyguard I thought we would need. She’s sharp on those things, I’ll give her that,” She lounged across the back of the couch, twirling a finger through blood red hair. “Well, Mr. Jack, I’m Mary–Not that I am what my name is popular for.” She winked. “Now, why would she drag a hunk like you here? Hmmm, pretty boy? Think you have what it takes to be in a mafia?”

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    *smirking* mafia? tsk I think a Spanish gang is a little tougher to run with than a mafia *his Spanish accent growing thick*

  • MaraTwasHere

    February 21, 2015 at 10:38 pm

    “And then there is the part of your loyalty.” She said, tilting her head a bit. “You were in a Spanish gang? What made you leave? What was your position? Do not lie to me, Mr. Zuro, or I’ll leave you to my daughters…chambers.” The vipor smile returned.

  • HeartonLockdown

    February 21, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    *smirking* chambers as interesting as they sound i wont lie i lead the gang and we broke up because during our biggest…and last hist that i escaped from Spain during everyone was killed by the policía and as for loyalty as long as my pockets are being filled I’m very good at keeping people safe

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