The Matrix
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Active 4 years ago
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And you are..?
Within seconds, he gets a reply, “Natives ya say?” A country voice replies through the earpiece, “Yeh, sure. Go see if ya can get ’em’ta not attack our transport, son.”
Dipstick chuckles a bit, “A’ighty, bro,” he shakes his head a moment and looks over to Greenleaf, “Where’s the natives?”
Greenleaf hops back as she hears a voice, looking around frantically to see who it was, “W-Where are they!?!” She draws a knife and holds it in a defensive position. She looks at the person as she slowly steps to a different bush, “Keep going South.”
“Whoa, whoa, hey!” He holds up both hands lightly with a surprised look, “Relax!” He then takes out his earpiece, “It’s jus’ a radio earpiece. I talk to my friends with this.”
Greenleaf nods her head and slowly approaches the person, her hand extended as she stares at the earpiece thing. “How do you talk to friends? You have friends?”
“Yeah, friends in high places, heh,” He sees her come closer with curiosity, “You don’t get out much, huh?” He steps toward her calmly with the earpiece in hand to show her, but not to touch.
Greenleaf extends her hand to try and take it, staring intently at it, “I’m always outside! I just… Don’t see people very often.” She quickly tries to snatch it away, but to no avail.
Dipstick responds by pulling it back from her reach, “Nope,” He chuckles a bit, putting it back into his ear, “Look, but dun’ touch. I kinda need this.. Anywho, who are these natives ya speak of? They friendly, or hostile?”
Greenleaf just shrugs and looks to the South of them, letting out a sigh, “They’re okay I guess… they probably won’t like your loud thingies.” She softly taps the bike with her foot.
He looks down to Greenleaf tapping his bike, “It’s called a motorcycle,” He sighs lightly, “And well, I dun’ think we’ve got time to worry about our transport.. By the way, why’re ya headin’ South?”
Greenleaf examines the new thing closely, seeing how much metal it was made of, “Isn’t it heavy? How does it move you so much?” She looks back up at him, “You asked where the natives were, they have a village south of here… And what transport is it?”
“Well, it’s an FPS Kostum,” He tells her, placing a hand on the leather seating, “My friend jus’ upgraded it for offroading and a few other perks.” He looks back to her, “The transport is jus’ a big armored truck. We needed a less scenic route to keep things on the down low, heh. How far away is the village by the way?”
Greenleaf shrugs and starts walking that direction, “I have no idea what you just said about your weird metal thing. But the village isn’t too far from here.” She scratches her head, “Is the truck loud like your Costal?”
He chuckles a bit as he follows her, walking calmly, “No, not nearly as loud, but still loud,” he sighs a bit, putting his hands into his leather jacket, “Still we need permission from the locals here before we barge on in anymore. … And it’s a motorcycle.”
She nods a bit and keeps walking, “Alright, you will need permission. This is something very different from normal, so I don’t know how they’ll react to it…”
“I see,” he nods to her, giving a shrug, “Well, I’m sure it won’t be too much of a problem!” He puts his hands behind his head then, “They’re probably really nice’ta strangers! Y’know, every man’s a brother.”
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