The Matrix
Public Group
Public Group
Active 4 years ago
This group is specifically created for any type of Role Play session that you can think of, and there... View more
Public Group
And you are..?
“And how did’ja make those!?” Dipstick laughs, “These are the most entertainin’ machines yet!”
“Well, he said his name was Doc O. Ringmyster,” he looks over to May as he recalls him saying that earlier, “Didn’t he?”
I know what he said. I was wondering if you knew him. I have never heard of him.
“First time I’ve heard’o him actually,” Dipstick chuckles to her.
The man pulls out a laud whistle and blows it as hard as he can.
The calliope music stops and the performing automatons settle down and quickly move back into their respective wagons.
“And now folks we prepare for our final show of the evening, but first I would like to take a moment to ask for any donations willing to be made. While anything donated is appreciated, lets just say that it isn’t *cough* absolutely necessary.”
A bucket on a long handle quickly protrudes from the wagon towards the crowd stopping only inches from the imaginary line that separates the show from the audience. -
Dipstick raises his eyebrow a moment, and walks up to the bucket, pulling out his wallet. He soon puts in some money into the bucket, “There ya go, Doc!” He chuckles, “Now dun’ go spendin’ all this money in place, or on the drugs!”
*watches him drop the money in the bucket looking at him confused*
“Well appreciated.”
The bucket quickly pulls away and the doc taps on the third wagon with the end of his cane.
The doors on the side slowly pull open to reveal a small stage and something else…. -
“What?” Dipstick asks, noticing her weird look, “Contributions to people who need it.” He then looks back over to the third stage, “Uh..”
On the stage an android slowly rises, it has the skin and physique of a beautiful young women clothed in a flowing silk dress. It starts to slowly sing a strange yet beautiful melody. As it does so it makes slow and gentle movements with its hands and head, walking into the sunlight at the stages edge. It voice is obviously
mechanical-digital but is enchanting none the less. -
*looks confused at the thing* How can such beautiful sound come from such a horrid piece of junk?
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