RP 1
((I hope it’s ok to start an rp as we please here so… ye))
((I’d rather wait for one more person to make a bio before we start not to be rude or antything))
((Comme onn Eridann letss get thiss sshow onn the road))
(This is going to be a weird RP. Get hype everyone!)
(hype intensifies)
[s]now brb as i make another post for my other bae as we wait[/s] -
(-Anxiety intensifies- Yes, yes it will be and it will be pawesome)
(My hype is bigger then you think but smaller then you hope.)
(“Can you feel it now Mr. Krabs? Can you feeeeel it?” That’s what I’m feelin’ right about now.)
(This got to a weird start but who cares we have a hype train. Choo choo)
(*Starts to chant* Eridan eridean eridan eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! Eridan! ERIDAN! *Gets louder* ERIDAN! ERIDAN ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN! ERIDAN!”)