RP 1
I replied 10 years, 1 month ago 12 Members · 200 Replies
Tas awoke where she always had, since living on Alternia. The battlefield had changed, and she could see a few of her friends off fighting in the distance. Her black scarf flapped in the wind, and her horns gleamed slightly. She sighed, not realizing how much she had missed their weight while awake. She wondered for a moment if she would find Vorgun here, but shook it off and sighed. Most likely he wasn’t here, and even if he was, she wouldn’t be able to interact with him, just like the others. She was like a ghost here, as if the very world had tried to reject her but lacked the power. She wandered around, watching her friends battle with loneliness, and wondered if she would ever be able to speak to them again.
((wow nothing can wake her up now. She sleeps either super light or super heavy, and whenever she dreams of Prospit, it’s a heavy sleep. She can sleep through anything like this, anything at all. Also, hey! Prospit buddies!? Who’d have thought?! Maybe they will run into each other! Nit likely considering they are from alternate realities, huh. Also, a thing a thing my kingdom for a thing)) -
Mirabelle sits on the couch as Apollo jumps out her shirt. Stretching for a moment. Then it runs around. Then runs up the stairs. Mirabelle goes after him. Then Apollo slips under the door to Tas’ bedroom. He jumps up to Tas’ bed in a single bounds and then is on her face as Mirabelle opens the door to Tas’ room. She then stops.
Apollo runs up her sweater and jumps onto her face. He sniffs her cheek. He then hisses and opens his mouth to bite her. Mirabelle crosses the distance from the door to Tas’ bed to grab Apollo in roughly a tenth of a second. To grab him and accidently runs into Tas’ bed causing it to jerk with her impact.
Tas does not seem to wake up. “…” Mirabelle creeps away holding the mouse. “You stay out of trouble…” she says to Apollo.
She lays on the sofa. Looking at the door. Considering going to get some cake.
Vorgun walked along the gold paved streets of the small moon. Smiling as the carapacians that call the moon home greeted him. He walked calmly before he stopped. Something in the air felt different suddenly. Vorgun looked up to see meteors heading towards his universes skia and realized the reckoning had just begun.skias defence grid actuvated and the portals began teleporting away the metoers but not till one hit prospit. The moon rocked as the shock passed into the inhabitants building started to collapse and crble as the moon began to break into pieces vorgun made an attempt to run only to be knocked unconcious by falling building bits. As he blacked out he began falling down towards skia with the remains of prospit as he was jolted awake in reality.
((Actually according to the quiz im a derse dreamer but vorgun is prospit.)) -
So…. my little rogue of void…. you have returned…..
“Not now, Wolf, I’m busy,” Tas sighed, ignoring her shadow and walking towards the others.
Isn’t this getting a little old….? You know they don’t see, hear, or sense you. And ooh, you just hate when they walk through you. What’s worse, the monsters aren’t even affected by you…. how many have you failed to save…?
“SHUT UP!” she yelled, slamming her fist into the shadow. Her knuckles were bloody now, but at least she could have some peace…Tas moved once again towards the group, but met with her usual results….
((imagine Jack frost in that first scene where all the people are walking through him.)) -
Mirabelle lays upside down in the sofa. She flips out the sofa and lands on her feet. Then she takes some of her the money and quietly opens the door to the house. She isn’t doing anything right now. She should be back very soon. Mirabelle locks the doors and then as Apollo walks next to her he jumps into her hand and then she puts him back down on the ground. “You need to walk lazy butt.” She decides to walk over to the bakery to see if its still open maybe.
However, after a bit she saw a stranger sitting on a bench. Looking tired. Mirabelle walk up to her and she had a familiar scent. Though Mirabelle had not yet realized this is Nitida. Yet she did still care for her well being as she did for most creatures. “Hey Lady. Are you ok?” Mirabelle tilts her head curiously as she looks at the woman.
Nitida stared blankly onto the streets, trying to hide the distinct shiver that occasionally coursed through her body. It was comfortably well into the night now, as the sky was a brilliant obsidian color with the gentle light of the moon casting silver. She could feel the Dream Realm quietly stir with activity as more and more drifted to sleep, finding herself breathe in tune with the soft waves that reverberated with her. She felt a very distinct spike in activity, and in terms of proximity the sources were quite close- very close, in fact. Her face lifted ever so slightly until she froze as she felt a presence suddenly appear to her- a very recently familiar presence at that, causing the Curator to jump a bit at the spark of conversation. She swiveled her head to face the little girl and for a moment her eyes flashed as recognition indeed graced her mind. Her thoughts raced with worry, unsure if she’d realized what she had done- much less recognize her when she was in her true swan seraph form. She smiled tentatively in response and looked downcast once more, a golden lock of hair falling over her only visible right eye before she pushed it back.
“Mm, I’m fine, child,” Nitida replied with a sweet albeit wistful tone, her hands absentmindedly playing at the dream catchers of her necklace. She clutched her hand-woven charm and looked up to the sky as the wispy clouds parted to reveal the moon, making her form and smile almost radiant. “I… It’s been a long day, so I just opted to have, ah, a nice walk amongst the blanket of nightlight to calm down before I turn in.” She closed her now sparkling carmine eyes before turning back to gaze at her. “The moon, the stars, the sky. All very soothing if you take the time to absorb it, hm?” She then noticed the little rat that hovered near the girl- the same one from before, and with a slight tilt of her head she leaned down and held a careful hand to it; if it were tame, she’d imagine it would be no different then the creatures of her home dimension. “Ahh, hello little one.”
Mirabelle didn’t believe her when she said she was fine. She could hear it in her tone, see it in her face. This and her smell made her want to stay. She started talking about the moon and the sky. And this made Mirabelle smile warmly and then she hopped onto the bench and looked up at the sky. “Yeah…” She says with a feeling of a sort of wonder as she kicked her feet a bit. “I kind of always wonder about how big stuff is. And how small it makes us look.” She looks down a bit.
“I used to kind of think that it meant that we don’t really matter. But then I realized size and power doesn’t make you a better person. All things are important. Even if they are smaller.” She says looking at Apollo. It took much time for her to come to this philosophy. She still knew and understood however that people with power ultimately controlled everything. However Mirabelle was still drifting even with this in mind.
“I just kind of think whats inside is what counts and that powerful people are responsible for their power. But, thats just something I learned from looking at stars and other things….” Mirabelle trailed off feeling a bit awkward of how she far she had strayed.
She looked at Apollo. “Go on. It’s okay….” She smiled at him. Apollo stepped forward. Sniffing the woman’s hand, skeptical and curious. It too remembers this scent vaguely. However. Mirabelle is comforted generally by this woman’s benevolent air and this makes Apollo receptive of any signs of affection towards it.
Nitida smiled warmly and soothingly pet the small creature with the tips of her fingers, listening intently to the little girl. She was indeed quite the peculiar and perceptive girl- far from what would be considered “average” amongst other children of her (apparent) age and mindset; perhaps that was why… he… took such a keen interest in her earlier. She sensed the little break in her uplift, almost as if she considered her string of thoughts as a redundancy. There was the slightest hints of a smirk in her still genuine smile.
“Greatness by use of sheer power and authority are merely illusions. The strongest of those knows the aptitude of essence, and the wisest of those knows the capability of integrity. From the start of one’s journey, one must understand the power of a little hope and spirit to pave their own road to success.”
Faith in your device, after all.
She drifted briefly in her moment’s reverie, but soon froze as she caught herself in her own rambles. She chuckled lightly and ran a hand through her bangs. “Ahh, my apologies dear child. I… We…” the word tinkled out in only a whisper, causing the Curator to swallow and close her eyes before continuing, “… have been tasked to share the fruit of similar revelations to those who may need so, to bring one to a sort of… cognitive equilibrium.” Nitida gazed back toward her, tender and placid that was quite a shift from her demeanor prior to this re-encounter. “For you to come of that while stargazing, how remarkable.” She looked down to the girl’s little friend and brushed against its back. “But enough of my meander, what brings you out at such a time?”
((shameless ic philosophy and song line quote dump))
Vorgun after being forced awake by the destruction of prospit slammed through his bedroom door shattering it to splinters. “WHERE ISS THE COMMPUTER!? I NNEED A COMMPUTER!” He kicked in tas’ door. “Get up annd finnd mmirabelle! The reckonninng jusst sstarted annd i nneed to finnd a commputer before we all get wiped out by a mmeateor sshower. We mmay be fromm differennt realitiess but were inn the ssamme onne nnow which mmeannss We’ll all be inn the ssamme ssessssionn!” He ran out into the living room and searched rampantly for a computer.
Mirabelle nodded to her statement. Though she did not understand everything she said, she knew the idea of it. When she states it is remarkable it is for her to come to that, she giggles at her comment as her feet sway. She plays with her hair with her fingers a bit and smiles warmly as she looks up at the woman. “Thanks.” Not many people had ever said she was remarkable before. To her question, Mirabelle answers “What was I out here for….? Oh yeah I remember now. I was going to go buy some cake. Or some cookies. I dunno yet. Something sweet…” She says simply.
Apollo calms down in her grasp and as he slowly comes to accept the woman. Licking her palm.
Vorgun found a computer and put in the game disc the loading wheel sprang up as the computer booted up the game. “Ok good it lookss like ssommeonne hass already sstarted playinng inn a ssessssionn…wait…theress nno way…” Vorgun blankly stared at his screen until a small chat icon flashed and read “<(0)> Long time no see old moirale” followed by a new chat message of “hey 1ve been wa1t1ng f0r y0u” . he couldnt believe his eyes when he read them. These people were supposed to be long dead by now but regardless he started the game.
((Where is everybody?))
((…where did everybody go? Did the RP die? Hello?))
Nitida gave a faint giggle in response to both the girl and her animal friend warming up to her a tad, pulling a strand of hair behind her ears with a tentative hand. It was relieving to see that they were at ease, enough to calm her agitated nerves from less anxious levels. Was she simply overreacting? Possibly, considering her powers of empathy and the effect they have on her psyche and powers. A jolt coursed through her spine and she seemed to straighten for the briefest of moments, her carmine eyes quizzically darting as she both felt and heard something of a disturbance. While she couldn’t quite pin down the auditory reaction, she definitely felt as if someone was forcefully expelled from the Dream Realm, almost as if it were in close proximity. She wouldn’t have that potent of a response otherwise.
The curator pursed her lips, but shook her head in slight digression. She could tell someone felt perturbed during slumber, however she hadn’t sensed her brother around and highly doubts it was his doing. A part of her wishes to investigate, but she couldn’t just up and leave the girl, not like this. She gently scratches the side of the rat’s face as she offered another warm smile. “A sweet tooth at this late hour, hm?” She looked thoughtful, placid, for a moment, then continued. “I hope you don’t mind accompanying you for a little while longer, I’d like to walk around the city a bit more. My name is Noelle.” She chuckled a bit as they had yet introduced themselves, even when she supplied her human alias as that was, currently, appropriate. As much as she was intrigued, she wouldn’t openly reveal her true self just yet.
Mirabelle smiles warmly looking up at the lady she seems nice. Apollo leans his head up towards her. “Sure you can come! Its nice to meet you Noelle. My name is Mirabelle.” She pops out of her seat. She holds out her hand for Apollo to jump on it.
Apollo runs up Noelle’s arm under her sleeve. Then climbs up from the back of her clothes from behind the collar of her shirt to run up her head and stand atop Noelle’s head. This woman was taller after. Better view that way.
She giggles in response to Apollo choosing her. “It looks like he likes you. I think its cause you’re taller but that’s ok.” Mirabelle instead takes Noelle’s hand and help pulls back to help her up. “Let’s go. I can even buy you some stuff. If you want. A really nice wolf lady gave me money.”
When Noelle gets up. Mirabelle brings her along with her. “We can go buy stuff then look around the city. I haven’t seen it all with my eyes yet.”
vorgun burnt the game discs contents down into coding and downloaded it to the small chip in he back of his head. his little holoscreen appeared like the screen of a dbz scouter and showed his desktop and his chat log. “Ok letss do thiss. Whoss mmy sserver player?” he spoke aloud as his screen typed his words into the chat. “D0nt you have s0me m0re people to br1ng back?” one of the mystery players responded. “<(0)> Dont leave them bro we need the extra players” Vorgun groaned “Right the wolf annd the child i almmosst forgot” Vorgun slammed through the apartments front door shattering it as well only to turn around and say “well fix it later”. Before he darted off after mirrabelle.
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