RP 1
I replied 10 years, 1 month ago 12 Members · 200 Replies
Oliver’s eyes widened when he was nudged off of Vorgun’s lap, and he watched the troll scream at the new comer, his brown eyes wide with fear. His ears flattened back against his messy hair, and tears sprang up in his eyes, since yelling brought out an instinctual fear in him.
“Fucking trolls; he touches me again and he won’t have all those problems!” Tags snarled, having dropped a knife into her hand from her sleeve. Her tail was fluffed out and her ears tipped back into her head, and for just an instant you could see killing intent in her eyes before she composed herself again. “They think they’re the only ones who’ve lost love, or their homes. Fuck the whole damned lot of them.”
“Vorgun stop!” Mirabelle tried to stop Vorgun and would even chase after him, however, she didn’t wanna leave oliver behind. She saw Tas snarl and turned olver away from her so he couldn’t see her draw the knife and put her hand on his ears so he couldn’t hear her swear. “Don’t cuss around him! Everyone’s scaring him….” She says lowly, herself included with the armor. However it couldn’t be as much it much. It had to reach there quickly and it couldnt be bothered to climb down the building. She did realize that she should have guided it.
Mirabelle held the boy close to her to allow him to lay on her as she pulled him to her chest and let him lay on her in almost a motherly or big sister kind of way. To Tas, she says “People shouldn’t think like that.” Mirabelle says to Tas. “I was hunted by humans all my life, but I dont think every human is bad. Vorgun is nice, but he just has problems. And you said something really personal to him. Not everyone feels the same way…” Mirabelle says softly as she rubs the top of Oliver’s head with her and scratches his ears gently.
Vorgun swam deeper and deeper into the ocean. He swam till he hit bottom where he sat down on the edge of a deep sea trench. “It feels good to get some water in my gills again” he sighed to himself. “Imm sso ssick of thiss place…sso ssick of thiss sstupid rinng” vorgun removed his ring and dropped it into the black trench in front of him. He splayed out his hands and revealed the stretched webbing between his fingers. “Thiss oceann will be mmy homme nnow” he proceeded to kick off his shoes and let them fall in the trench then ripped his pants at the knees making them like shorts. He took off his vest and shirt and dropped them as well. His fins flared out on his forearms and his calfs and his dorsal fin as well. Now you could clearly see his gills moving as water passed out of them he grabbed a metal nod on the sea floor and began to sharpen one end of it with his pointed nails and teeth.
“Where does a troll learn the word werewolf anyways? There’s no lore like that on their planet, and he’s clearly a high blood, so it’s pretty surprising to see him topside, above the water…” Tas mused, barely even listening to Mirabelle. “I wonder what timeline he’s from… I didn’t recognize him.”
Tas shrugged and began walking again, her anger already forgotten as she concentrated on getting out of town once again.
“If you’re going to go look for that troll, you should probably check the seaside. That’s where the sea dwellers usually go for comfort.” -
Oliver whimpered and hid his face in Mirabelle’s chest, squeezing his eyes shut and clinging to her tightly. He was doing his best to ignore the scary woman, but he couldn’t block out her voice.
Vorgun had finally sharpened the end of the metal rod and felt his stomach rumble. seadwellers had a shortened digestive tract due to there extra organs, which means they have to eat much more often. He checked his modus for any food but only found his weapons and restraints from his first days of exile. He decided to hunt and began fishing around the coral reefs with his new spear. He found a shark swimming the area and saw his chance for a decent meal. He took a deep breath and built pressure before taking off like a jet at the shark. he rammed it with his horns and stabbed with his spear but the shark bit down on his torso. Vorgun pearced the sharks head with his spear and dug his thumbs into the sharks eyes until the shark released and died. He took the shark corpse with his as he headed topside. He needed to get above the water and address his new wound; as well as clean up his new meal. Vorgun got to the beach and dropped the shark down. Using his claws and teeth he started to filet the shark and cut off the scales. he needed to get wood and light a fire and find something to make a bandage out of. He went into the forest to gather wood. later hell look in the city for some medical supplies. he brought back the wood and lit a fire and started to cook the strips of shark. “I wonnder what the otherss are doinng right nnow…its beenn a few hourss nnow.” vorgun began to think back, “How did Tass knnow sso mmuch about mmy kinnd? Hass a troll beenn to earth before mme? I sshould go back…i left Mmirabelle annd Oliver alonne” Vorgun got up and began walking to the city. he couldnt run or risk bleeding to much from his shark bite. But the others were more important than his wound at the moment.
Don Patch, missing for a while, fell out of nowhere in particular, landing in the middle of the group. He had left the area to explore, and lost track of time.
Mirabelle held onto Oliver while he held onto her. “It’s alright.” She said gently to comfort the boy. Vorgun is gone it seems but hopefully he’ll come back. Otherwise Mirabelle will go after him and swim down deep into the ocean for him maybe….but she couldn’t just leave oliver there. So she opted to wait.
Mirabelle saw a new strange looking orange thing pop out of nowhere. She. “Oh. Hello!” She said to the new thing that came out nowhere that didn’t seem dangerous.
“Hey,” said Don Patch. Not only was he an idiot, but he was an unpredictable idiot. No matter what, he always seemed to do something stupid. “What’s going on here?”
Vorgun walked through the city trying to find mirabelle and oliver. After some time he stumbled out of an alley getting light headed from the blood loss of his shark bite to find the two small children where they were. “Mmirabelle! Oliver! Itss mme imm back.” Vorgun ran up to them only to finally black out a few feet away.
Mirabelle looked at Vorgun as she gently stroked the boy and caused him to fall asleep. The armor walked forward. Not able to do much more, and took the boy off. As it then walked off into the alley with him to take him elsewhere to find a new home. Its too dangerous around here for a boy like him…
Mirabelle walked over to Vorgun and sat him up as she listened for his pulse and heart rate He seemed to be alive. She looked at the orange thing and said to it. “I think my friend here got bit.” Mirabelle took his shirt off if he had one on and his jacket to get them out of his wounds. She started cleaning them by removing anything in them. She took a shark tooth out of him and threw it away.
Mirabelle then webs up his wound with spider silk, which started to heal it amd bandages it. As spider silk has healing factories and killed bacteria. She then picked Vorgun up in her arms bridal style to keep his body from touching the ground. And Without much trouble it seemed. Then she walked with him still headed towards the circus. The ground should be softer there. When she carried Vorgun his feet hit the ground occassionally because of how tall he is and how short Mirabelle is.
(I’m back)
Back at the circus Mike was about to follow but instead decided to search restlessly for a box or something he looked all around until he found a paper that said, “too late Mikey,” after reading he crunched up the paper and ran off alerting all agents.
Right next to the group a cardboard box with the top open appears nearby in sight, it seemed so mundane that the inattentive wouldn’t notice it was average sized with the this side up arrow pointing down and an light glow about it.
After walking a bit Agent 3 started to speak, “well since we’re on a first name basis my name is Leonhardt,” he said before spotting an injured person making him run towards the scene upon closer inspection the blood appears wait… violet he had to see what this was about
Vorgun had finally regained consciousness to find mirabelle carrying him. “Mmirabelle whatss goinng onn? Here put mme downn i immaginne imm alittle heavy” he mumbled as he tried to climb to his feet but just ended up sitting on the ground. “Here mmirabelle resst for a while. How lonng wass i out? Wheress oliver?” He looked around puzzled to find they were at a new location and oliver was gone. He skimmed through his modus and found a large old looking wardrobe. He pulled it out and once it appeared he opened it and pulled out a fresh set of clothes to replace the ones he ripped apart and cast off.”i had to pick the carnnivorouss fissh didnnt i” he sighed to himself. He pulled his mace out and began using it to support himself.
Mirabelle looked at Leonhardt with a sort of untrusting glare, and then Vorgun began to wake up.
“Oliver….found a home.” Mirabelle says to him. Not actually lying but more concealing the truth. He was being taken somewhere else.
She saw Vorgun try to get up and she ran next to him to help him up and support him until he got his mace out. “Its ok Vorgun. I’m not tired. But we can rest here. It looks like you lost a lot of blood. Why did you go and fight a shark?” Mirabelle asked him inquisitively looking up at him.
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