The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
“From the massive sinkhole they opened, maybe?” Heck said to Nova. “I’ll leave when they’ve stopped fighting.”
“Heck i belive the battle will be over when Blaze kills Kaz”,she said Grimly.
Blaze gets hit, then back up a few steps. “You know what, I’m done.” He closes his eyes for a second before an explosion of energy cone out from him. After the flash of white light is gone, Blaze’s normally all black hood has turned pure white and now Blaze is completely made of the white energy. He surges forward and pushes Kazuma back by creating a tornado from his hand, then creates a sinkhole directly under Kazuma, choosing it after he falls in.
After Kazuma fell in the sinkhole he started to laugh. “I guess its time for the trump card.” he said before he unleashed tremendous amouts force sending everyone flying back.
Blaze grinds his feet into the ground, still in his energy form “Oh, this is gonna be fun.” He then punches the ground, creating a shockwave and making a crater so deep it shows where Kazuma is. He smiles, then creates his fire sword and gets ready.
*Nova morphed into an armadillo and rolled back ward for 20 feet then stopped and fell on her side, she un rolled her self and glared at the new sink hole that incased Kaz, she Morphed into a Red Wolf and Prowled up to the sink hole and yelled down*”YOU WANT TO GO BRO!?!”, she also sent down a deep Grawl of hostility.
As Kazuma flys out of the hole he looks at blaze with a grin before making his own fire sword. “Let’s dance buddy boy.” He said before taking off towards Blaze.
*Nova jumped back a pace and got in her fighting stance, her purple wolf eyes following Kaz waiting for a time to jump in and attack*
Blaze parries with his sword before flipping back then going into the air and throwing the sword at Kazuma, then b making it come back and sit fire at Kaz
*Nova had a thought, she raced to Blaze and said*”Blaze, i can morph into a mythical beast and end Kaz right here but…, my body will be exhausted and i will be vulnerable after i am forced to Morph back to human form if i am to do this i need some one to get my body out of here”.
Kazuma notices hes about to be set on fire so he ditches what’s left of his cloak and lets that burn. “Not bad but try this.” He said before turning his sword into a flame spear and throwing it with his left arm then sending a gust of wind behind it with his right hand making an infero head straight for Blaze and the persona next to him.
*Making a split second descition, Nova closed her eyes and took deep breaths when her eyes opened she Morphed into a phoenix, her Crimson Feathers ruffled as she moved in the way of the fire blast, her Long tail feathers gracefully swept up behind her as she leifted off into the air and ignighted her self, she body edmiting more heat than lava, she ground she flew above began to crack from the heat, she swooped forward taking the blast like it was nothing and screeched making any glass in a 3 mile radios to crack, she headed strait for Kaz*
“Guys! You made more problems! This is the opposite of not fighting! Nobody wins when this happens!” Heck yelled, frustrated. “You see? This is why people drink!”
“Nova, stop!” Blaze yells, knowing what will happen. “I can handle this, I’m almost invulnerable in this energy state, but if you don’t move and let me handle this, I’ll fizzle out because I can’t be like this for too long.” He then charges at Kaz, his hands crackling with electricity, then jumps on him, sending 10,000 volts of lightning coursing through Kaz’s body.
“Wait! No! You’ll kill Snacks!” Heck ran towards Blaze to try to stop him, then tripped on a rock that had been displaced in the fight and fell face-first toward the ground. He looked up and said, “He’s not such a bad…” A massive electrical arc jumped from Blaze’s hands to Kaz’s body.
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