The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
“Get down dear, Or I’m coming up” Fallen says and start to climb the tree but gets knocked off by an Solider “OH hell no” She throws him in another tree.
I jump off the tree and I pin the man to the tree with two knifes deep into the trees bark. “So?” I hope she doesn’t notice why im not using my powers.
*Nova looked up and saw HQ a block away, she tried to stand on one foot, running her back up the wall of the brick building until she was standing , one eye closed, she sighed*”Er, i need to get to HQ so i can bandage my foot”.
After a while Kaz closed his eyes before opening them again but now instead of a blank look he had a sadistic grin on his face and started to flex his fingers.”Its been too long…but at least now i get to have some fun…and no more HIDING WHO I AM!” He yelled at the end before sending a repulse at a building destroying it and killing anyone in it or around it.
“Well, shit just got real.” Blaze reports before stabbing Jax with a light blade.
*A fire truck zoomed by them down the street, Nova leaned off the wall as far as possible to see what was going on, she Morphed into a Hawk what she saw brought back her fear, she turned away from the seen and flapped all the way to the door of HQ, she morphed back into a human and opened the door, she stumbled in and found the first aid, she took a whet whip, hands shaking slightly she cleaned her foot and wrapped it with the cloth, after that she stood in the kitchen her hands slightly shaking*
Kaz see’s the light blade coming at him and sides steps it. “You cheeky dick-waffle you just tried to stab me fucker.” He said before sending him flying back with a repulse.
“Wh-wh-what do I do”, Nova murmered,”Th-that thing is even….eventually doing to get here”, she stuttered, her hands began to get warm and sweaty as she thought of all the situations that could happen.(well Barney could appear and his parents, also the baby sun can come crashing down majora’s mask style so we’re screwed, Jk). *Nova shook her head, bones might know what to do, she thought, just in case Bones was around the house Nova called out in a shaky voice a couple Times*”Bones”.
“D-Dakota why ain’t you U-using your p-powers” Fallens speech starts to slur. “d-dDako-o”
Samantha just appears. Nothing major happens, She is just there, sitting on the floor & crying.
“d-dakota..” Fallen says slurring still “He s-s-hot me-e” Fallen un covers her stomach.
I get up and quickly run over to her kneeling next to her. “You’ll be fine.” I say as I lift her shirt up so I can check her wound then I grab my bag opening it to look for a shirt or a bandage wrap.
I rip up a black shirt and wrap the cloth around her wound tightly. “Relax…” I say as I make sure the cloth is secure in place and fix her shirt back to cover the cloth. “Hey you still awake?” There is a worried tone in my voice as I talk.
*hearing crying out side the house, Nova nervously exits the building and walks up to a girl crying near Heck,”oh no i hope she wasn’t affected by that monster”, she thought grimly, then walked up to her and crouched down next to her*”Er, are you ok”, she said in a little shaken voice still scared of the dark being that was released into the world.
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