The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
Kaz stumbles back and holds his face. “AH GOD FUCKING DAMIT YOU FUCKING SHOT MY FACE THAT FUCKING HURT.” He yelled before pausing and moving his hand showing his face perfectly fine. “NOT!” He said with an insane grin before sending a bigger repulse at Blaze.
“Jesus Christ this is gonna be hard .” Blaze mutters to himself. “You know, if I can’t kill you, I’ll just hit you where it hurts just as much.” He then goes in front of Kaz and Falcon Punches him square in the nuts before jumping back away.
Kaz just looks down then back up to Blaze. “That it…..that’s the best you got.” He said with a bored look. “Well that is disappointing let me show you how to do it.” He said before getting a sadistic grin on his face then dashing straight for Blaze a repulse in his left hand.
“Fuck.” Blaze says sharply before putting up a barrier of rock and creating wind to slow Kaz down
“Come on its not going to hurt…much.” He laughed as he said that and he sent the repulse at the rock wall destroying it before being pushed back by the wind
Blaze doesn’t respond, he just shoots a concentrated beam of lightning from both hands at Kaz, adding the other elements as he continues until it is a giant blast of fire water ice earth lava wind sand lightning metal and darkness. “How’s this for a Fuck you
You hear his voice next to you. “Pretty good had i not moved then i would probably be dead.” He said before turning his back and walking off before stopping mid step and turns to look at Blaze. “Hey your friends back at your HQ or whatever it is they can survive all that right, no oh woopies then.” He said before busting out in maniacal laughter.
“You. Giant. Ass. Cock. Sucking. Mother. FUCKER.” He screams before stabbing Kaz with a knife in the back and transferring all of his power into it before blowing himself and the knife up, taking Kaz down with him.
*In her mini coma Nova was at a volcano, inside a volcano(think lord of the rings when frodo got his finger bit off),Nova looked around her, fumes and smoke surrounded her, Nova stoped turning when she saw a dark figure , 2 yellow eyes staired back at her through the smoke.”Awake… The darkness seeks”, it said in a deep raspy voice. Nova staired back at the figured her face nutral.”I won’t be able to move”, she said softly, the figure inhaled,”It seeks…”, it said again. Nova put on a frustrated face,”You should know as well as I do if you are able to contact me that I can’t move yet my body hasn’t recooperated”, that figures eyes growed a little larger, it’s light geting intenser.”If… You don’t awake… The darkness may… Come and destroy your friends”, it said with its deep Raspy voice, Nova could faintly see a smirk through the Smoke. Nova’s frustration turned into anger, she glared at it.”You know me well…”, she said gritting her teeth showing her fang, she grawled,”Fine”, she said then right hooked her self. Nova awaked in her bed, she tryed to move her fingers, she could, she tryed to lift her arms, she couldn’t, Nova sighed and staired at the ceiling, she couldn’t do anything at the moment, worry flooded through her at what the figure said*”He’s stupid”, she whispered and continued to try and move her body.
*Nova thought to her self,”Why does he have to tell me what to do, I know that the dark being was relieved from Kaz’s tattoo and that it seeks destruction”, Nova sighed,”on the one hand he did warn me… Er I still don’t like him, It was obvious after 3 minutes that it was him”, she thought,”Er, it’s no use if I keep trying i will make it worse”, Nova thought depressed and slowly drifted back to sleep.
-i wake up in the middle of the night as im in some frozen area-
Fallen awakes from her bad dream, She saw Blaze get killed. “Blaze!” She screams when she wakes up, but only see’s Dakota.
“You okay?” I ask Fallen when I see her jump as I rub her arm trying to comfort her from what just happened.
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