The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
*Borded Nova moved to the hall way and Morphed into a brown bear, semi blocking the door way, she Laid down and waited*
Fallen Realizes that fighting Kaz won’t help. “I know how you feel..” Fallen sighs. “And I know what you’re saying but you are not the ONLY one who has delt with that! So why kill everyone like you?! Don’t you think they have been threw the same?!” Blaze starts to move he is not dead “Blaze..” Fallen runs over to him. “hey.. blaze it’s me.. You are okay.”
<i>Why is everything dark I need to find out what is going on… </i>A sidewalk shows up under Dakota and soon building follow. Nero is walking towards him then walks right through Dakota like he is a ghost. Nero wait! I try hard to yell at him to get something out but there is no sound. Nero fades away and the city fades away to a bunch of tvs showing Neros death.
“That did not answer my question girl i asked what is ‘good‘ not if other’s went through the same thing because honestly i give zero fucks about them or people in general in my opinion we harm people and people harm us so if both sides die then no more pain….take that pathetic guy who got shot on tv, he’s dead because the people hate you but the reason for that is you misuse your powers so im just doing the ‘right‘ thing and ending every…single last FUCKING ONE OF YOU!” He says before yelling after sending two repulses one to a bus full of grandparents and the other full of kindergartners and Fallen only has enough time to save one. “NOW ‘HERO‘ DO THE ‘RIGHT‘ THING I DARE YOU!”
Fallen looks at both the bus’s “You seem to forget Kaz” she laughs and with her force pulls one bus to safety, while teleporting another back out. She pulls back. And drops the bus with the grandparents across the huge lake. Running up with all force kicking Kaz hard into the ground blood coming down his face. “I’m more powerful then you think.” She holds a gun to his head. As he lays still, Blaze starts to move around “BLAZE STAND DOWN”
*Nova grimaced at the unnatural evil pulses that came from the battle field,”I hope Fallen and Blaze are Ok, Kaz is Definantly a terrifying sight, the being that intertwined with him… That’s a force to be scared of”, Nova thought starting out into the hallway*
Nero! Do something move! I continue to yell with no progress. The gun fires killing Nero and all the tvs around Dakota has now vanished except one. I couldn’t do anything… I probably would have gotten Fallen killed aswell if she wasn’t a Angel… The man on the tv vanishes and the tv just has a gray screen and static. Where am I…
“That’s an easy one little bro.” A voice said behind Dakota
“I’m not dead. And I’m not standing down because even if I can’t kill this guy, I’ll keep him busy as long as I can.” He gets up, slowly moving as his magic slowly comes back into his veins “I’m not going down without a fight.”
What who’s there? I look around in the darkness. As Dakota turns around the tv fades in with the darkness.
“BLAZE!” Fallen runs up and hugs him tightly she says softly in his ear “Aim for the head”
“Well yippee your alive.” Kaz said with a blank look.
“Oi behind you bbrainless!” the voice shouted again.
((Normal is Kaz with fallen and blaze, Italic is Nero with dakota))
What? I am turning around I think, everything is black so how do I know if I’m turning… Dakota turns around to see Nero standing there. Nero? What is this place, how are you here??
“Yeah,I am,” he says, dusting himself off “And sadly, you are too.” He then shoots bolts of lightning at Kaz, followed by making the earth under Kaz raise up and send him flying.
“Well im just awsome like that.” He jokes before turning serious. “Ok joking aside this is your mind or rather your subconscious.” He says before snapping his fingers and the room lightens up showing rows upon rows of TVs.
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