The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
((wait that don’t make sense, umm she meant as a comparison .__. ))
“One of my friends died and i could have done something to save him”, she said piggy backing off of what Bones said.
“I burnt down a lab with over 50 people inside, including my best friend. I, they had chemicals around me and I didn’t know, so I practiced with my fire. Everything lit up. Carter was the head scientist’s son, and he would sneak in to visit me. Everyone in the lab died, including Carter. I only made it out because fire doesn’t burn me, but it left this.” She pulls up the bandage on her nose, showing a bright red burn. “It never really healed… I didn’t mean for any of them to die. They all poked and prodded me, but they we’re nice enough. I didn’t want them to die. I could have saved Carter, but he insisted on getting me out. He died pushing me out a window so I could escape.” Tears roll down her face silently. “I was young, but I was infatuated with Carter. We were both just kids.”
“I don’t think you meant to kill them, and i don’t think any one of them thought you did it on purpose”, Nova said scooting close to her and putting an arm around her. “I have not gone through what you have but i know the feeling of losing a friend”, she said smiling, this time when she remembered her friends it was not of their deaths but of all the good times they had, Nova made her Aura grow strong with good energy, she transmitted it to Emma’s Aura to make her feel a little more happy.
I get up and walk around the Van pulling off things from body’s and the man with the gun’s body to get more information on the people that attacked Fallen. After I collect everything from the men I would need I sit next to Fallen. “I will find these guys and find out why they want to hurt you, I will stop them.” I quickly kisses Fallen on the cheek, smiling and wave bye as my body breaks away into ice, leaving my bag with Sam inside and the box of popsicles behind with Fallen, A moment later my body reforms in a alley. “Ouch…” I am on my back. “Dang how does Jax do that all the time?” I say getting up and brushing off, I put my hands in my pocket and walk around looking for more information on the men that attacked Fallen. On the man with the gun was a phone, I turn the phone on and check the calls he made. As I walk around I check the gun the man had that I took off him, I walk over and toss it into the trash. “Stupid gun.” I say as I walk towards a address the man had in his jacket. After a while of walking and checking the map I realise this address doesn’t exist. Who carry’s a card with a address of a place that doesn’t exist? I think to myself as I sit down to get a meal at a fast food place.
“Yeah. It just makes me feel like it was my fault sometimes, but it’s already done. It happened a few years back, but I’m stronger now. I know how to control myself and my actions.” She sniffs, standing up and stretching. “Let’s go spar. I need something to distract me.”
“Ok!, with powers or swords?”, Nova said enthusiasticaly.(there fixed it)
I walk over to a bench and sit down feeling exhausted from the heat my body temperature has risen to a normal body temp instead of it usually being cold. “It gets too hot here in the summer.” I mumble to myself.
“Dakota” Fallen says softly and touches his shoulder. She looks out at the sea.
The sun starts to set “Pretty huh?” She rubs Sam’s belly.
“Yeah…” I turn back and lean forward looking at the sun set.
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