The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
*Nova lets out an ear splitting cry, shattering all the glass within a mile radious, she was tiring from the mythical form she took on, she Morphed into a dragon and punch Satan Kai, her wounds transferring to her other form her Snout was bleeding and her one of her wings lay crippled usless on the ground next to her. She swept her tail and stood. She let out a roar and breathed a masive amount of fire on Satan Kai*
-i turn into a giant black dragon as i suck in the fire and i blow out more than what she did to me as i sweep my tail under her knocking her to the ground-
*Nova Roared at the sting of the fire her scales glowed orange with heat, Rage filled Nova as the Dragon reminded her of Merk she lundged forward and bit into the Other dragons wing, she Brock it in her jaws, she then swept up with her arm at Dragon Satan Kai’s under belly. She ha lost all hope of geting Kai back to reality*
-i turn human as im perfectly fine and i climb up on you and i shove a ice sword in the back of your neck-
*Nova brought up her first and smacked Satan Kai off her back and pulled the sword out of her neck in the same movement, she gasped once then, Morphed into a Phoneix again, she exhailded Blue flames and they surrounded her she was healed all over good as new but she was extrimly tiered. She quikely Morphed into a human and took a tiny tiny peice of obsidian from her Obsidean Ankle ring, she put it in the palm of her hand and make a hand sight, she spoke an ancient language, before saying.”Forgive me, I have to, to protect the people of the earth”, and with that ruby crystals formed on her hands and broke, the spell was cast, she then slammed the peice of rock into her calf, it imbedded itself there and slowly her leg was turning into Black and red sparkly dust, star dust, she laughed.”your screwed, I have released somthing powerfuller than you are for a limited amount of time”, she said standing from her siting position, her leg was now a mass of black and red dust mostly black. She staired at Satan Kai her purple eyes peircing him. She smirked as half her body was now engulfed in the dust.(scary right :3)
-i turn normal as i sit their looking at you curious not knowing the fight-
*Nova recognized that Satan had left Kai’s body,”A trick!”, she thought ferrous*”Run! KAI RUN!!!!”, she screamed trying to slow the process her other leg was starting to transform, she yelled out in pain as she fought against the star dust.”Dam you!”, she yelled and punched the earth with her her transformed hand, making a crater. “The transformation lasts 24 hours Run Kai, tell the others Run!!!!”, she screamed at him. Falling back and screaming through her gritted teeth at the pain of holding back the transformation, her other leg fully taken over now.
-i walk over to her and hug her calming her transformation down as it stops-
*Nova gasped, as the pain subsided only a sting as her body began to form back into flash and bone*”Wa…”, she said baffled at how Kai stoped the transformation. She began to cry, her shoulders shuddered as she thought of how close she was to puting her friends in danger, Teirs rolled down her cheeks at this.”Sorry”, she said devistated at her stupidity.
“its ok its ok no harm was done to the city or anybody i promise you its ok you can stop crying no need to apologize we all make mistakes.” -i say hugging and rocking her back and forth-
*Nova stoped crying eventually*”thanks”, she said quietly. Her transformation was reversed and the peice of obsidean removed itself and clicked back in place in the ObsideanAnkle ring on her ankle. Although there was a dark Brus were she had slammed the peice of Obsidean, starting the transformation in the first place. She gulped then pulled away from Kai, she put on a grim face, sad ness in her eyes.”Thank you…i…I got to go”, she said before Morphing into a horned owl and flapping off.
*Nova landed a few feet away from Kai and Morphed back into human form, she was really tired from being a mythical being for so long, she turned back to him*”I…I need… To think”, she said nervusely and ran towards the wood, her Ankle rings clanking together at she ran.
-i teleport behind her silently as i turn into a white wolf that was following her-
*Nova kept running until a stream was in her way, she ploped down, rolled up her cargo pants so they were bunched at her knees, she then put her feet in the stream winking at the Brus on her calf, she sat their silently not noticing Kai, she just staired at the stream and thought, about how she almost fully transformed Into…Well…something more evil than Satan him self really, she almost turned into a being that almost destroyed her kind, Nova hugged her knees, tensing every muscle in her body,”No one is really safe around me”, she whispered.
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