Actual RP

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    March 31, 2015 at 11:40 pm

    “Uh..okay?” I scratch my neck nervous of flying.

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    March 31, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    “You have flown with another person before right?” I say with a concerned tone, you can tell I’m worried.

  • OmgItsFallen

    March 31, 2015 at 11:58 pm

    “Nope!” Fallen laughs and grabs Dakota’s hand and lifts up into the air.

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    March 31, 2015 at 11:59 pm

    My eye’s open wide. “Oh crap!!!” I stare at the ground trying to touch something and stretching my hand out almost touching the lamp post.

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    April 1, 2015 at 12:09 am

    I stare at the buildings as we fly over them. “How do you get used to this!?” I say not looking away from the ground below me.

  • Emmaline Fostermen

    April 1, 2015 at 12:39 am

    “Nova?!” Emmaline yells, hearing noise in the training room. “Where were you?! You disappeared and I was stuck here, and…”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    April 1, 2015 at 12:42 am

    “huh?”, Nova said stop waking the dummy, she sheathed her sword and stepped into the hall way to find Emma.”Oh, uh i was Walking Toby then came back”, she said smiling at the sight of someone not unconscious.

  • Emmaline Fostermen

    April 1, 2015 at 12:44 am

    “You guys were gone… I couldn’t find anyone… I thought I had been abandoned again.” She lights a little flame in her hand, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    April 1, 2015 at 12:49 am

    *Nova looked taken aback at Emmaline’s comment*”We would never Abandon one of are own”, she said trying to be comforting.”Your one of use and we would never leave you behind, everyone just left HQ for a bit”.

  • Emmaline Fostermen

    April 1, 2015 at 12:51 am

    “Sure. Right.” She clenches her fist, shaking her head. “I need to down something before I snap.” She gets up, looking at the wall before pushing her hand out towards one of the dummies. It flies into the wall, shattering into little pieces. “Okay… Just… Calm down.”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    April 1, 2015 at 12:54 am

    “Did you know some people calm down petting cats just saying i know a few people with cats that pet them when they want to calm down”, she said trying to help but just made things awkward.”Never mind”, she said embarrassed.

  • Emmaline Fostermen

    April 1, 2015 at 1:00 am

    “I just… Fighting is what calms me down, alright?” She gestures her hands towards a dummy, picking it up without touching it and hitting it against the wall. “I don’t take well to being left alone by people who give a shit about the oxygen I breathe.” She grits her teeth, sitting down and hugging her knees. “I don’t want to light anything on fire… Not after last time.”

  • OmgItsFallen

    April 1, 2015 at 1:03 am

    Fallen spins around “I dont know! Haha!!”

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    April 1, 2015 at 1:10 am

    My voice cracks for a moment. “What the hell!? Fallen!!” I yell while spinning in the air.

  • OmgItsFallen

    April 1, 2015 at 1:32 am

    “Dont worry I got you!”

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