The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Actual RP
Bones tries to move into the forest, but he trips over a root and falls down a hill, his left arm making a sicking *crack*
*one of the bullets grazed her wing causing it to bleed, Nova frowned at this and winked at the sting of the cut, she landed and turned into a fox and tried to find the ‘Indian’ again, although her left front leg was bleeding a little soaking her fur around it, Nova made one of those elusive Fox noises to try and throw the shooter off guard*(The fox noises are high pitch i think idk XD they sound really unsettling though too i think)
As the persona shoot at him he quickly teleported somewhere else before a ball of ice appeared in his hand. “Frost Bomb!” He said before throwing it in the persons general location.
Nat sees the ice ball and thanks goodness she warped away, aiming a weapon in the direction of the fox sound, her other now down and at the ready. Her eyes stayed dark for a while, trying to stay hidden in a bush and balaclava.
Bones instantly knows his arm is broken, in two spots, he tries something that has worked in the past, he tries to make the bones mend together, it works one one of the breaks, but only partly on the other break
“Hey I’ll make a deal we lay down are weapons if you do the same and come out of hiding.” Kazuma asked but then he felt the temperature increase a little. “And i say you got about 2 minutes to make up your mind.”
Natalie’s eyes flash back to a ocean blue, but then she glares in the direction of the end of the path where the most of them came from, her eyes going orange for a while as she stays silent. They wouldn’t take her alive… Not today…
*Nova looked around and saw that Bones was no where to be found, she sniffed the air and followed his sent all the way to a down ward sloping hill, she slide down and padded up to him*”Are you ok?”, she asked concerned.
“You got one minute before its over so just come out of hiding no one will hurt you.” Kazuma said as the temperature in the area kept getting hotter
Nat smirks as she focuses her power, warping away as far as she could see to the trail leading towards the city. Her eyes were much darker now, her hat now one of those drink helmets. She runs as fast as she can towards the city, her vision darker and a faint ringing in her ears.
“…..i don’t sense them anymore which mean they’re gone…..great he’s going to have a field day..” He mutters before going to check on the other two.
*Meanwhile* A shadow was following Nat and gaining on her.
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