The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Character bios
<p style=”margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 16.3199996948242px; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f5f6;”>Age: 16</p>
<p style=”margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 16.3199996948242px; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f5f6;”>Powers/Expert at CQC.</p> -
Name: Joan Tyler
Age: 17
Powers and Abilities: Technokinesis, Telekinesis, Shadow Manipulation, Knowledge Manipulation, Pyrokinesis, Enhanced Assassination.
Description: 5’0″ and she has shoulder length black hair and green eyes. Caramel skin tone. Dark green T-shirt and white shorts. She wears a black hoodie. She wears an old locket she got from her mom before her mom died.
Bio: Joan grew up on the streets because her parents died when she was seven. She didn’t learn how to control her powers until much later. She was found by people like her, they had special abilities too. She was then taught to control her powers. She is a master assassin and can take care of herself. At first she can seem cold and heartless but once you get to know her and gain her trust she’s really sweet. When she was growing up on the streets she had no one so she had to take care of herself. She stole things she needed like clothes and food.
Delete this if possible because I don’t know how
Name: Nova DragonFlame
Age: 13
Powers & ability: can morph into any animal, can understand animals, can understand Auras, has animal senses, can turn into mythical creatures sometimes but it takes all her energy to do it.
description: freckles along nose and under eyes, purple eyes, cream colored hair then goes almost to her elbow, one of her canine tooth is a little sharper than the other, Navy blue cargo pants, tan simple long sleeve shirt, bare foot, 2 hoops around her right ankle one is pure ruby the other sing obsidian these help her keep her powers in check, Also wields a Rapier that Bones made for her, she also uses his Knife from time to time that he gave her when he switched to a Scythe.
Bio: she was born from the stars some were no one really knows, all she remembers is her name and that she lived with all sorts of animals from her past all she cares about really is to not really look back at the past and focus on the future, she tends to be a loner considering she hangs around wolfs most of her life, she usually roams the streets of citys morphing into cats or dogs and getting fed that way, she likes to team up some times but she goes on her own if she thinks the plan is stupid.
age:unknown, looks about 15-16,, about 5’10”
powers: invisibility(takes up a lot of energy), controlling bones,
bio: discovered his powers at a young age and accidentally killed his family when he summoned a skeletal wolf(Terrance), was an outcast at schools, kept to himself, only company were skeletons, he grew up in the ally ways of big cities, learned to fight and defend himself with a small pocket knife he stole, when he joins the group, he quickly makes a scythe, which is bigger than he is, and gives his knife to Nova, he later gets mad at everyone and kills 4 people, he gets arrested but escapes, he now uses a mini scythe, which nova made for him
Desc:white t-shirt, black jeans which are adorned with bone, no shoes; dark grey eyes; white hair; very pale, almost white, skin; carries a gray backpack with a skull on it
Name: Heckie “Heck” Blair
Age: 18
Powers or abilities: Heckie has no powers. He’s just extremely lucky.
Appearance: Heckie is thin and tall, but you can never tell just how thin he is on account of his affinity for wearing various coats and jackets. He’s got short, black hair and dull blue eyes, and a five-o-clock shadow that he carefully maintains for no other reason than to look cool. He’s got muscles but they’re lean – it seems that no amount of exercise will cure his thinness.Bio: Heck’s got a tendency to speak his mind about things. This has a tendency to result in his polite removal from clubs, debates, nursing homes, and, on one occasion, a church. On the other hand, his lack of restraint affects his life decisions as well, and despite his youth he does not shy from alcohol and parties, and is known among his friends for being rambunctious and zealous in his pursuit of a good time.
Heck won’t talk much about his past. Our best guess is that he’s got some distance from his family. Other than that, there’s very little to suggest that he had a particularly interesting youth at all, apart from the good fortune which followed him throughout life.
Our close analysis confirms that this good fortune has no supernatural basis, and is indeed the result of sheer blind luck. However, it has enabled him to stumble his way into the role of a hero, and his heart is, ultimately, in the right place.
Our final decision on the subject of Heckie Blair: Let him continue his work. So far he hasn’t hurt anyone, and maybe a normal human being can do some good in this world.
[In pen, scribbled beneath the final lines of Blair’s dossier: I’m not sure what you actually mean by that.]
Name: Jaclynn “Jackie” Coulson
Age: 9-10 years
Powers: Though she is blind, she is able to “see” the souls of other beings. She sometimes can detect buildings and other non-living things if they have had enough life in them (centuries old houses, for example.) Jackie can also see the dead and communicate with them. ((If it isn’t against the rules, or anything, she is literally a ghost. I don’t know if there’d be a problem with that, but if so, she could still be alive, she just wouldn’t have powers like flying and going intangible. I made her up for a Danny Phantom AU….))
Bio: Jackie Coulson was a week away from having her ninth birthday when she was taken from her home by government agents. Though nothing was ever really explained to her, she guessed that they had abducted her to learn about the weird things she sometimes saw. They would ask her a lot of questions and run more tests than she could count, ignoring her pleas to return home. Once, she was put under anesthesia for some kind of operation, but when she woke up again, her eyes weren’t working right. She was surrounded in darkness, and cried, but no one seemed to care enough to console her. ((Should her being a ghost not be a problem, she was put through one more operation, one to restore her vision, but the procedure inadvertently kills her. She awakens as a ghost and is free to roam wherever she pleases. If it’s not okay…)) She is rescued from her captors by a friendly specter, one who had seen the atrocities being committed and decided to cause enough of a ruckus that she was able to get free. He called himself “Typhoon” when she asked and helped her to find her way back to her home.
Unknown Member
MemberFebruary 22, 2015 at 5:53 amName: Alex Denford
Powers: Strength
Age: 16
Alex was rejected from his privileged family at age 15 after he used his powers accidentally and hurt his mother. He was sent away off onto the street, and found out about the Outsiders. He doesn’t know how to use his abilities nor how he got them, and he wants to learn more.
Name: Florence Mime’N Gale
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Male ( though constantly prone to change due to the chaotic nature of his home and it’s prolonged effects on his body)
Abilities: Multiversal gateway summoner, ability to vibrate his hands at high speeds to solidify air molecules, acrobatic.
Back story: Florence was first taken off the streets of France as child and taken into a small orphanage. He hated it. He was pale, weird, and everyone made sure he knew it. He quickly escaped and ran into a wandering circus.
They allowed him to spend the day with them and it was through this, he learned that their circus was known for keeping runaways.(Which was obvious baiting if anything. ) Begging them was already on the tip of his tongue and their eerie ring-leader took him in without a moment’s hesitation.
Of course, it wasn’t without a catch. Being only five, he couldn’t be in their dangerous acts just yet, so they instead employed him as their ‘caretaker’. Keeping the place clean and assisting people through acts as necessary, all the while maintaining the ‘act’ he was given. In this case, it was a mime and the ringmaster taught him everything he’d need to become one. It was arduous and even painful as he learned the ways of a mime, while also learning to be the best maid he could be. In the case of the ringmaster,who was also a magician, it meant ‘being everywhere at once’. How was this possible? The magic of transportation.
It was during this time, his future act began to shine through as he seemed to have a knack for such magicks. Coming into his tent was always a pleasant surprise for the troupe as his enchantments slowly brought the small tent to life, the once small space expanding into a twisted maze of blacks, whites, swirls, and stairs.
That was several years ago. Now 20, his magic has flourished into something amazing and his enchanted tent has become a major attraction, known as the pandemonium cafe. Where the gravity makes no sense, the sole maid even less, and a place where you never know WHERE exactly you could end up.
Thank you, Mister Ducky. A buddy did it for me, Bless her heart. ‘w’
Samantha Red
Powers or abilities:
Ability to start & control fire, blow things up, & control water
Samantha was an incredibly clumsy child, so clumsy in fact that she managed the nickname “woahmantha”. Her parents fought about her a lot, but never split up. She burned her mother by accident when she was 7, then her Dad put her up for adoption. Strange how she was never adopted…
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