The Outsiders
Public Group
Public Group
Active 5 years ago
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to... View more
Public Group
Group Description
An unlikely group for any superpowered individual. These are the heroes that want to do justice to all innocents, but haven’t been able to do that. This is the place for any superhero, no matter what power you have, or lack of them. Anybody who has the desire to save innocent people has a spot in this group. (The actual RP is in the forum. Please Rp there because it’s disorganized atm and I’m gonna go insane. Use the forum called Real RP because I don’t know how to get rid of other forums.)
Character bios
Austin “Tin Tin” Johns
Powers or abilities:
At a young age, her body took to a strange mutation by some unknown variable, which caused her hands and forearms to suddenly grow in size, and shift from flesh to near-indestructible stone, as well as a lost of a digit in each hand. The mutation also gave her enhanced strength, considerable amounts of durability, and high stamina.
When she she was around eight to nine years old, Austin’s mutation somewhere during the night, and by morning, it was done by the time she woke up that morning. Seeing this, she panicked, and tried to get help from her parents. Instead of being sent to some specialists, and her parents being that type who care more about appearance than their suddenly mutated child, sent her off to go live with a distant relative to live in isolation until it ‘wore off’. Many years later, she ran away, and decided to try and find some social interaction. Kinda hard too when your hands are practically wrecking balls, though.
Name: Emmaline Jaycen
Age: 13.Powers/Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Aerokinesis, and the ability to heal others at the price of feeling their pain without sustaining injuries.
Looks: Long, Brown hair that reaches to her elbows, usually in pigtails. She has a smattering on freckles and stands at 5’1, being somewhat skinny. She usually wears a brown, beat up jacket and jeans with combat boots. A know it all smirk and bows in her hair give away her bubbly personality, and aviator goggles are usually upon on her head. Her eyes are blue, but are known to almost darken when she’s angry. After escaping the burning lab, she gained a permanent scar on her face in which she covers with a bandage. She’s tiny, but she sure packs a punch.
Bio: As a young child, no more than 9, she discovered her powers. Quietly nurturing them and living a double life, she reluctantly told her mother about her abilities. Angered by her daughter who wasn’t perfectly perfect as she wanted her, she sent her off to a lab. After unintentionally setting fire to the lab when practicing her powers that she wasn’t supposed to use, she escaped with her life and ran off, eventually finding the Outsiders. Her main goal is to help people have a normal chance at a family like she never did.
Name: Kazuma Netherwood
Age: 21
<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Appearence: Dark skin, messy black hair, and teal eyes. He wears a black sweater with the left sleave missing, bandages around his left hand and wrist, black cargo pants, and white shoes.</span>
Powers or abilities: Elemental Spells
Bio: Kazuma was born in Japan and moved to the states when he was young his mother could use magic and taught it to him when he was 12 him and his family were kidnapped and were experimented on which lead to them cloning him. He was saved by Nero and joined a little group he put together.
Name: Natalie Puccile
Age: 23
Looks: Long blonde hair to her shoulders, green eyes, stands at 5’6″. Wears a black jacket over a long sleeved red shirt, a pair of green cargo pants with many pockets, and brown hiking boots. She also dawns her special hat that changes forms.
Powers or abilities:
Teleportation ability- Short range: 25ft, 5 sec cooldown; Long range: Anywhere in view, 20 sec cooldown, 5 sec charge up, temporary decrease in all senses after use; Homebase: Goes back to anywhere at all that she knows the location of, 1 day cooldown, 1 minute charge up, will pass out afterwards. Both charge teleports can transport others but both the person and Nat must allow it.
Changing hat- Her hat changes it’s form whenever she teleports. When the hat is a certain distance away, she will enter a frenzy, going abnormally fast and being inhumanly strong, her only goal to get the hat back. The frenzy will end when she receives the hat back, but no memory of the incident will be had, and her powers are unusable until another 5 hours of having the hat.
Bio: Nat grew up living the life of poverty and loneliness. Her father left when she was born, only her mother and older sister to help take care of her. She gained a sense of self-sufficiency as she grew up, learning all kinds of skills like basic first-aid, a bit of mechanical skill, and how to take things unseen. Soon after being eighteen, her mother had passed on and her sister was nowhere to be found. She did everything she could to survive, even making a few deals with people to get by. Little did she know, one of those deals was with a demon. The powers of teleportation for the cursed helm. And that’s where she is today, a cursed and blessed woman with only the drive to survive.
Name: Aria
Age: 22
Powers or abilities:
Can morph into a raven
From a young age, Aria has lived on the streets. As an orphan, she became quick on her feet and has learned to survived on minimal food and water. She enjoyed herself whenever she played pranks and tricked others. She is a great liar and is very cunning while also being agile. She learned of her powers ate the age of 6 when she was thrown out of a 2nd story window. She morphed into a Raven that day. The next day she started messing around to see what else she could do and learned she can move things with her mind. From that day forward she started pranking the populace around her. Today she is very mischievous.Extra:
Height – 5’4″
Weight – 135 lbs
Hair color – Brunette
Skin color – White
Eye color – Green with amber around the pupil -
Name: Adam Vitruus
Age: 17
-Super speed
-Flight (basically pyrokinetic rocket)Bio: Adam was born on an oil tanker and lived there until he discovered he could set things on fire at will. Silently, in the cargo holds, he practiced until he became proficient. The first day he decided to reveal his abilities didn’t end up with revelation, because he had flung himself like a bullet into the city, where he resides now.
Name: Milo Traudet
Age: 18
Powers or abilities: Molecule reformation/reconstruction (Turn objects of one mass to another object of the same mass; can add two objects together if they are touching). Does NOT work on living beings and is uncontrollable most of the time.
Bio: Before he was imprisoned in an insane asylum at the ripe age of 14, Milo Traudet was an ordinary child who had many friends and an active lifestyle. This all changed when his parents were brutally assassinated on his birthday. He walked in the door to an abandoned looking house and searched for his parents. Lying dead in the upstairs bedroom, two bloody carcasses that resembled his parents were sprawled along the bed. Running outside in the rain to find someone to help with this predicament, he met two officers who responded to the murder cases. Milo tried to explain what he had seen, but the officers were informed to arrest Milo. Apparently, the person who called in the report told the police that Milo was witnessed killing his parents. As impossible as Milo thought this was, he was still sent to an asylum for the manslaughter of his parents. For 2 years, Milo rotted inside that asylum, being treated with chemicals and therapies to cure his ‘insanity’. This gave Milo a lot of time to contemplate on what happened to his parents. On his 16th birthday, though, a strange power emanated from Milo; this unknown power coupled with his desire to escape the asylum provided Milo with an escape with a big hole in the wall and a lot of dust on the floor. From then on were the years that Milo spent feebly trying to find his parents killers and trying to understand what his powers.
Thomas Pryde
5′ 11″ sandy brown hair, green sweater, black jeans, sneakers, bluegreen eyes, talkative, funny, smart
can summon pure energy, and control kinda like green lantern style, can compress into ball of energy called Nova Blast, which has the power to take out a few skyscrapers.
born this way, parents made him swear not to use his powers unless absolutely necessary, accidentally killed former best friend when he showed him his powers, lives with guilt
Name: Elliot Artisan (prefers the name Artisan)
Age: 19
Powers and Abilities: dimensional folding <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>(within limits)</span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>, transmutation related abilities (within limits), energistic manipulation (within limits)</span>
Appearance: Elliot looks mostly normal, besides from the tattered cloths that he wears and the fact that his body from the neck down is covered with scars
Bio: Elliot was orphaned when he was very young, and unfortunately because of his lack of other family members was put up for adoption. In the orphanage it was soon noticed that inexplicable anomalies occurred in Elliot’s presence, these included the malfunctioning of electronics, spontaneous combustion, and seemed like points of impossible spacial illusions appearing out of no where. A special forces recruiter when visiting the orphanage (looking for young recruits to take) was urged to take young Elliot off their hands by the terrified staff. After hearing the reasons for this suggestion and given subsequent proof of fact, Elliot was soon taken and quarantined at a high security research facility. Here Elliot was subject to painful experiments that where partaken to help develop his abilities and to create a super soldier. But eventually Elliot became powerful enough to escape the facility and now lives as a vagabond still trying to escape his original captures.
Name: Fallen Casfont
Age: 17
Powers or abilities: Has the powers to morph into any object, along with the ability to read minds
Bio: A young orphan, whose parents died at her birth, She was raised by her brother who was killed by their evil Uncle, Montor. After moving around for a while, in hiding she finds an old abandoned house, cleans it up, and makes it her home. She lives (or tires to live) a normal life, but can no longer trust due to her uncle. Who is still looking for her.
(I did this because I saw that it was gibberish as I call it.)
(Your welcome :3 .) -
Name: Kritika Belldonas
age: 21
powers/abilities: high physical strength and speed. Talented weapon maker. Has a demonic side which improves on her already impressive strength and speed as well as allowing her to phase through most solid objects and travel between shadows, but this form is highly weak to magic, especially lightning and she rarely uses it as she has difficulty controlling it and sending it back.
Apperance: 6″3 , long black hair pulled into a ponytail with one red streak, pale Caucasian skin, mid build with clear musculature, bright green eyes. wears a purple trenchcoat, a sleeveless black t-shirt, loose fitting grey jeans and thick knee high boots
bio: Kritika spent most of her childhood learning how to be a blacksmith like her father, planning to carry on the family trade. During the time she wasn’t in her workshop, she often trained with the weapons she made. the day she discovered her demonic side was when a number of a local lord’s men attempted to conscript some of her village’s men into the army. Not wanting to lose her father, Kritika challenged the captain to a duel. Hopelessly outmatched, bruised and bleeding she was unable to do anything as the demon took over her body and killed the captain. Branded a monster she fled from her home. Now she spends most of her time trying to discover the origin of the creature inside her and how to control it.
Unknown Member
MemberMay 6, 2015 at 10:12 pmNAME: BONESAW
Hey Kaz, I started this group, not Nero, get cho facts straight boi
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