Latest Update

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    February 17, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    <span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px; background-color: #f0f3f5;”>Cloud has left for a school to play hockey and Dakota, Sky, Jax, and Fallen went out to get him and try to bring him home. Nero was broadcast on air of his execution from a man that is hunting everyone with powers. At the moment they know what Jax, Dakota, and Fallen looks like and they know of Sky, Cloud, and blaze’s existence but not what they look like. Jax, Dakota, Fallen, and Cloud had ran into new people with powers Bone’s is one (There’s a chick that joined but I don’t remember the name the name will be in the comments later). The Five have ran into a so called Death God and went into a major battle with the man (While Cloud went off doing who knows what.) When the ghosts (Or spirits whatever…) of Nero and Tela came up and aided in the fight against the man killing him. (Nero is Dakota’s dead brother and Tela is Fallen’s dead brother so you know.) Now as everything settled Kai died in the battle while Bone’s and Cloud were close to death but they have survived.</span>

    (This is my first post so don’t be mad if I let something out.)

    [This is for all the people that are in active with some thing I think is called a “life”? I wonder what that is…

    Nero: I think it’s a pizza.

    Dakota: That sounds tasty, Cloud go get us a pizza!

    That is all for now.]

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    February 18, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    (There shall be many side notes from the creator’s opinion. If you don’t like it well don’t be inactive I’m not mean I’m honest of what I think.)

    Okay so if it okay with Blaze I will also post what I think everyone’s Job is in the RP like how Fallen is now second in command and I guess Dakota can be the trainer. (I like that idea of him being a trainer) So if you get assigned a Job and can’t remember it shall be posted here as a side note in the updates.

    (“My mom-ma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.” -Forrest Grump)

  • Etherin Ven Scastroto

    February 22, 2015 at 4:05 am

    New people with powers have been showing up around from no where and the group is starting to fall apart at the same time it becomes stable at points. (People that are actually in the Outsiders group in the RP: Dakota, Nova, Fallen, Blaze, Jax, Sky, and Bone’s the rest I haven’t seen them online or I forgot about them sorry.) The situation of the people hunting the transhuman’s (Thanks Ducky for the name) has died down but everyone is still to be careful of when they use their powers. (This one is kinda short not many things happened during the time.)

    The transhuman hunters know: Jax, Dakota, and Fallen identities are already known Sky and Blaze are known of their existence but what they look like is unknown to them at the moment. (This is what we the Outsiders think they know about the hunters.) Nova, Bone’s and any other transhuman is unknown of their existence.

    (Also for the people that have just joined welcome.) (Stupid is as stupid does – Forrest Grump)

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