*~The School For Special Arts~*
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Active 11 months ago
Welcome to the school for gifted Young Adults, you are in this school because of the Powers you may... View more
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swims a length under the water coming back up for air and starts to do another length
Law looks up at Jack from his seat at the bottom of the deepest part of the pool.
Al smirks. “Alright then here I come!” He said before charging at Xeno-Chan with a fist cocked back. (Sorry got distracted this weekend.)
Fallen sighs and looks at the pool room, the guy who was with Jack before is there.
(>sigh< I feel like a nerd just watching 16:00 minutes of Alien Isolation deaths….I NEEDS HELP)
Xeon-Chan turned to the side, her tail went underneath her and she did that classic Xeno pose. She hissed loudly and her second mouth showed a bit.
*Cass wandered out of her room, a melancholy look on her face*
Al punches Xeno-Chan but feels that he going to have to throw stronger punches to damage her. (A Xenomorphs skin is like armor right?)
Peter took his lunch and his ukulele and found himself a shady spot under a tree, closing his eyes, he began to play and sing “Hold me close and hold me fast, this magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose“
Hearing music, Cass quickly headed toward it. Seeing the dancer from earlier, she approached slowly*
“When you kiss me heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose…” his eyes remained closed “…you’re making a habit of this Cass”
*she blushes darkly and sits next to him* am not. It’s only the second time.
jack gets out the pool grabbing his stuff and dry’s his hair while walking back to his room * at least the school has a decent pool to cool off in
*Jayden’s stomach aced, she was hungry, She groaned and put the book down. She didn’t know were to eat exactly and didn’t know if the cafeteria’s were open 24-7. So Jayden got her back and exited her dorm to leave the school really quick to got get food*
Fallen sees nobody is at the pool so she smiles.
Then takes off ur top (TANK TOP ON)
And dives into the pool
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