The School For The Mostly Gifted And Possibly The Talented
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Active 5 years ago
Hello and welcome to my school! I’m Miwa Uchiha, the principle of this fine establish. Though call... View more
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Hello and welcome to my school! I’m Miwa Uchiha, the principle of this fine establish. Though call me Miwa, Mrs.Miwa makes me feel old, and we don’t want that!
Let me give you a tour of this fine place! The school is a castle, just like the school that I went to when I was little! To the north is the beach, where you can find many marine creatures in the cove! But watch out for the sea serpents, they’re nasty little bitters.
Now the rest in mostly forest, complexity safe if you know where you go! Just be wary of the wolves,dragons, unicorns (they their horns give a good wound) and other creatures that thirst for blood!
My job is to keep you alive and teach you, the staff list will put up so you can choose which classes you wish to go to! Now off you go my little students and learn!
Bakura Darkwing replied 9 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 107 Replies
Q put his hand on Takra’s and Ren’s shoulders and squeeze it enough to make it hurt. “Miwa I would like a classroom near the entrance.”
Takra growled sharply, wrenched his shoulder away from Q and walked to the other side of the room, glowering. I swear to god if Miwa hadn’t asked me here I’d be walking out, Ren’s as idiotic as ever. Temper, Takra, all Ren did was walk into the room and greet everybody. I didn’t ask for your opinion, Fox-face! At least we don’t have to worry about this place being blown to smithereens… Takra folded his arms, biting his tongue.
Aena instinctively raised her arm, “Um, I would like a classroom with a projector, and also I want to have access to a P.A. system. And also permission to shoot at Mr. Ren.”
She whispered that last part. She decided that whatever happened between the others was fine, and nothing could ever cause her to leave. She remembered from decades ago when almost everyone else were her students, and she still saw some of them as so. She couldn’t deal with language and no one took her seriously, but now things were different.
Ren flinched when Q crushed his shoulder and stepped away. He put his hand in his pocket waiting for the next order of business. Then he heard Aena request then pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket. A glow happened around is and it turned into a shield. He pointed the shield at Aena and peeked over it and smile slightly.
Miwa lifted her head sensing a student and mummered something under her breath, forming a clone. Who appear next to her and nodded before vanishing. The clone appeared near Mica with a small grin,”Hello there! You’re the first student to get here, my name is Miwa and I’m the principle here.” She started to walk,”The front desk area is this way, all the students will gather here so be prepared for more faces. And at the moment, the original me is talking with the staff, so I’m just a clone. But I’ll hang out with you until I’m dispelled?” She was rather friendly to the first impression.
“All right Mr.Q, lets see…” She spun the image around to the front and the castle split into parts, each part for a floor. She vanishes all the floors except the first and pointed to a large, circle for a class room.” Will this be good?”
She glanced at Aena with a small smile,”I can grant you the first two, the last one, I do give you permission, just don’t kill him.”
Lastly, she sent her brother a wary glance and prodded him a bit with her mind, speaking through their bond or what ever the heck it’s called,“Are you all good up in there?”
(( Slanted <b><i>speech for Miwa is telepathicly speaking or thinking to herself.))</i></b>
Takra shot a glare at Miwa Somehow I knew this was a bad idea, and how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my head. Takra sat against the wall, his arms folded as he started thinking up what the hell he was going to teach whatever kids Miwa sent his way.
Miwa sighed,”If you say so.” She crossed her arms and looked at the other teachers.
Q stared at the spot and nodded. He tapped Ren’s shield. “Seem tough enough. Fire away Aena.” Q chuckled and tilted his head at Ren, “By the way, what happened to your kenpo stick and sunglasses?”
Aena grinned maliciously. Over the years, she had tried to install for facial functions, and she now had an amazing set of like 6 whole facial expressions: angry, happy, sad, confused, neutral, and her favorite, sheepish, which she used for everything that didn’t fit the others. Also, even though she matured, she still had close to ZERO tolerance for lolicons and other assorted perverts. She did have a little mercy, so instead of a real weapon, she shot out her pinky at his forehead.
Ren stared at Q and said, “I gave it to some kid who I thought was brave enough to take care of his small town. The kenpo stick is infuse with magic to help him fight off biker gangs and the sunglasses to make him look cool. I picked up the pocket knife of some old guy who I saved.” Ren let down his shield and got hit in the head with Aena pinky laser. He flinched and rubbed his forehead. He stared at Aena and the shield reverted back into a knife. “Sorry for calling you beautiful. Geez lucky robots never looking older don’t have to shave or do math..” Ren put the pocket knife back in his pocket.
Miwa clapped her hands to gain attention of everyone,”Shall we do a tour of the grounds?” She swept out the room before anyone could reject, small bells strung on her ankles chiming nicely and as all ways, Miwa was bare foot. The woman walked down the hall way, a young looking cat coming running up.
Miwa leaned down and picked up the cat,”Hello there Fuso, like the new school?”
The cat, newly named Fuso nodded his head and purred, nuzzling Miwa’s hand.
Miwa grinned and she continued down the hall way, hoping the rest of the teachers followed.
Takra walked out after Miwa, only too eager to leave the room and follow his sister down the hall “So, you brought Fuso along to help around here.” Takra sounded indifferent as he looked around at the school. You are insane, how the hell do you make that quick of an emotional turn-around!? Takra straight-up ignored the demon, busy thinking quietly to himself.
((It Y’all don’t remember, Miwa saved Fuso as a kitten back in the old school, it was one of the last things she did there.))
Fuso growled a hello to Takra and bounded out of Miwa’s arm, rubbing against her legs and getting in her way, almost making her trip.
Mia lightly pushed him away with a foot,”Yeah, he’s a good messenger and guard cat, though he’s still a little iffy about other people.”
Fuso swiped at Miwa’s ankles and hissed before trying to trip her again.
Mica sighed and closed his eyes, he stopped and shifts his bacpack.
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