The School For The Mostly Gifted And Possibly The Talented
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Active 5 years ago
Hello and welcome to my school! I’m Miwa Uchiha, the principle of this fine establish. Though call... View more
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Hello and welcome to my school! I’m Miwa Uchiha, the principle of this fine establish. Though call me Miwa, Mrs.Miwa makes me feel old, and we don’t want that!
Let me give you a tour of this fine place! The school is a castle, just like the school that I went to when I was little! To the north is the beach, where you can find many marine creatures in the cove! But watch out for the sea serpents, they’re nasty little bitters.
Now the rest in mostly forest, complexity safe if you know where you go! Just be wary of the wolves,dragons, unicorns (they their horns give a good wound) and other creatures that thirst for blood!
My job is to keep you alive and teach you, the staff list will put up so you can choose which classes you wish to go to! Now off you go my little students and learn!
Bakura Darkwing replied 9 years, 2 months ago 10 Members · 107 Replies
Q slapped Ren’s back then tapped Aena’s head, “Come on you two, let’s not fall behind.” Q walked out of the room and follow Miwa but stayed further back leaving Takra and Miwa some space. He knew Takra had something on his mind and that he didn’t want to be here.
The clone hummed thoughtfully,”I could show you a room and you can rest while the other students come?” She bounced on her heels, unanble to stay still.
While the real Miwa exited the castle through large back doors, outside lounged a dragon but it flew off once they got outside.
Aena hurried and bent towards the floor. She retrieved her finger and followed Mr. Q.. She didn’t want to get behind, but she could moved only so fast in small enclosures without breaking something. She wasn’t as dense to forget that sometimes others value privacy.
Miwa looked around, deciding to show them the beach first and trotted down a slightly worn path made of gravel until the small rocks became even smaller,thus sand. She walked down near the water, the beach going on for miles on both sides, though jagged cliffs started up to the right of her.
“This is the beach obviously. Some of the sea serpents of nice, though most aren’t. I can’t stress this enough to stay out the water. I don’t want to ward the water because the serpents will get real angry about that.”
She looked out over the water, Fuso appearing by her feet and jumped to her shoulder. Which he barely fit of, so he dug him claws in Miwa’s shoulder to keep balance.
Ren run to the group trying not to be left behind. He caught up and stared at the beach. Ren stared at the movement of the water and smiled. He put his arms arounf Q and Aena with a childish grin staring over at the beach.
Mica kicked some rocks and looked out, “I wonder if I caould run accross the water.”
Aena felt happy seeing such a beautiful beach. It was easily within her top three favorite beaches, probably even number one. She however, did not choose to hurt Mr. Ren again, instead tried with her clumsy arms to escape his grasp, and did so without any pain, that is, pain to Ren.
“It’s a shame, that salty air only does bad for me, but I wonder what it’s like to take a breath of it,” she said with a curious smile.
Q stared at Aena and tilted his head. He put his hand on Ren’s head, “My ex-wife was a witch with similar magic to yours Ren. Every so often she would simulate human traits to me. I breath, felt hunger, lust, tired, pain, sickness, and so on. I think at your level you can Aena some simulation of human traits. I would ask Miwa but you are the only pure blooded human.” Q tighten his grip on Ren’s head and stared at him.
Mica changed into his black wolf and trotted along the beach, letting the cool water touch his black paws, “Miwa, can I run ahead?” Mica sniffled and wagged his tail.
Takra looked around at Q, an eyebrow raised “We feel the same as any human, Q, feelings don’t shift from different races, it only depends on which feelings other races act on, in any case we’re not that different from humans, just physically more powerful” He cast a glance at Ren “Usually.” Noticing Miwa staring off into space out over the water (I.E. she’s busy and we need to keep this rp moving along), he turned his attention to Mica and shrugged “Only thing really dangerous within a few hundred feet is us, I don’t see a problem with you running ahead, just don’t go too far and for the love of god, stay out of the forest, Miwa loves her trees to death and unicorns can be right bastards.”
Miwa snapped out her daze and gave her brother a grin,”Damn right they can, I still don’t understand why people portray as peace loving nature horses. They thirst for your blood when they’re pissed, though other then that, they’re pretty chill.”
The woman frowned when she noticed the waves rolling a bit more aggressively,”I think a sea serpent wants to have a chat, we better not stick around to see what he or she wants.”
Mica smiles, “Thanks.” He bolts off at a speed faster than anything. He changes into a human in mid run he slows down and smiles. He stops and waits for them. Mica waves and jumps not even breathing heavly.
Miwa started up the same path she travled to get to the beach, though she was returning to the large field. She waited for everyone to catch up and scooped up Fuso, cradling the aggressive cat in her arms.
Mica ran back and smiled, “Did you see me?” he fiddles with his necklace and sticks out his tounge.
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