The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Posted by MaraTwasHere on June 23, 2015 at 5:06 am(Every Rper will need to have a familiar and witch or wizard. Here’s a layout for both:)
– Witch/Wizard –
(Familiars mature quickly and are immortally in their prime until finding their ‘bonded’ where their lifespan syncs with their witch or wizard. So you’re familiar could be a month old or a century old. Remember. No mythical creatures like “unicorns” or whatever unless you’re one of the first 5 in.
Also, remember your own familiar and witch cannot bond… 🙂Uh, yeah, that didn’t really work so. )– Familiar –
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 16 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
Name: Liv McKinley
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Abilities: Healing magic, Fire Magic, Shapeshifter.
Appearance: dirty blonde hair with a tiny braid on one side of her head, her hair is 3 inches below her shoulder. blue green eyes, freckles under eyes and along nose, athletic build.
Height: 5’3
Background: Liv was taken to the school when her parents thought that she was eligible, She misses her home in Scotland but is excited about the magic school all the same.
Extra: Carries around a dirk (Scottish knife)
Extra: is clumsy
Extra: She is terrified of spiders
Extra: loves animals.
Extra: Dyslexic
Name: Aaron
Age: 70
Gender: Male
Creature: Panther
Appearance: Black fur and green eyes
Abilities: Manipulating greenery, speedy.
Background: He has hung around the school for years, no one seems to like him. He seems to distance him self a lot as well so if you want to find him you have to look very hard.
Extra: Can not tolerate fire.
Name: Goldmyth Commers
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Abilities: Can mess with fire and water. Can take rocks and minerals out of the ground and make instant weapons.
Appearance: Long golden hair with blue eyes, she has earnings. She wears some black joggers and a white t-shirt that says, “I’m Fabulous”
Height: 5’9
Background: Goldmyth was born in the woods, her mother died shortly after her birth and her father had to take care of her. Her father said to go to the school etc. And now she’s here.
Extra: Likes to hang out with people and is quite nice
Name: Raven
Age: N/A (most likely born 35 million years ago)
Gender: Male
Creature: Dragon
Appearance: A small black dragon with feathers but can grown very big. Has blue and green eyes ((kinda mixed))
Abilities: Can breath acid and fire is an awesome flyer and swimmer
Background: Raven kinda is just there in the school. He hates to talk to people and only likes some people to his liking. Raven was born some where is Germany and he is quite old if you ask me. He likes to tell off students that do some bad things.
Extra: Can stay small but can grow very large.
– Witch/Wizard –
Name: Piper Aedda -(Full of Love) Haru – (One day)
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Abilities: Beginning stages of necromancy, Shadow magic, Fire magic, Basic magic, (Everyone should be able to do basic: Ex: Levitation of small objects.)
Flaws: Far-sighted, Has a hard time remembering spells, Shadow magic and necromancy is difficult and nearly impossible for her to perform without having ‘a power booster’ or other bodies of energy. (People, familiars,)
Appearance: Black long hair (A few inches above her hips), dark eyes (but she wears colored contacts), pale skin, cat eyes,
Height: 5’2 1/2
Background(+): Her grandparents came from Korea to America where her mother and father met (they were both Korean as well), from there her mother and father moved Manchester to follow their moving coven. Piper was always mesmeried by her parents familiars, and decided that before continuing her course of study as more dark things, like an undertaker, she would go to the school of bonding.
Extra: She is very fashionable
Extra: Piper isn’t very good with potions because she usually can’t remember the recipe, and the concept doesn’t make sense to her,
Extra: Piper can be quite a troublemaker if bored
Extra: She is Open-minded (She’ll do just about anything)
– Familiar –
Name: Aurora
Age: 99
Gender: Female
Creature: Arctic Fox
Appearance: White fur, black paws, black eyes, black markings on nose,
Abilities: Ice magic, fast running, Soul-singing, (Basically able to do a ‘howling’ thing to communicate to other foxes far apart)
Background(+): Was born in the North Pole, under the Northern Lights where she got her name “Aurora”. She discovered she was a familiar when she was able to control ice when running away from some hunters after her white fur. After all her friends had died because she hadn’t been aging, she became weary of continuing on as an immortal and went to the school of binding to find a witch or wizard to bind herself to, where her natural death would come alongside them.
Extra: None.
Name: Tobias Cossey
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Abilities: He is very good at curses, and likes to dabble in the dark arts. He is horrible at potions and healing, and white magic is a real struggle for him. He is also slow to catch on to social things, but he’s a quick and creative problem solver.
Appearance: He has wild blonde hair and always wears black under his school clothes. He has small, thin framed glasses and fingerless gloves. His black sneakers are always beat up, and look very old.
Height: 6’2″
Background: He grew up as an orphan in a graveyard, so he has a strong connection with Wraiths, ghosts and other dark supernatural creatures. They taught him his first spell, a killing curse, and told him to use it for self defence. By the time he was 8 he had learned many Black magic spells. When he applied to this school, he was half afraid they wouldn’t accept him. When they did, he and the graveyard inhabitants had a celebration for him, making his favorite food: pasta.
Extra: He’s very quiet, and doesn’t like humans very much. He hopes his familliar will be a reptile or a bird, but he knows that might not be the case.
– Familiar –
Name: Lumos
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Creature: Albino Red Panda
Appearance: Mostly white with grey stripes and patches where most Red Panda markings are and bright red eyes.
Abilities: Turning invisible, making his nose light up like a light bulb in the dark and pissing people off.
Background: Lumos grew up as an outcast in his community due to him having white and grey fur instead of red and black. Because of this, he is very sarcastic and mouthy, and its hard to get through the huge wall he’s built up. If you do manage to get close to him he is a loyal and protective friend, and sadly, is still very snarky. He always threatens to “eat people’s souls” but that’s just him joking around.
Extra: When he’s nervous, he massages his tail.
Name: Lillianne Mae Blake
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Abilities: Basic telekinesis, the ability to hear people’s thoughts, mainly when they’re feeling strong emotions. Often tells people to “Simmer down and shut up.” Because of this.
Appearance: http://www.polyvore.com/lilianne_mae_blake/set?id=165760979
Height: 5’8
Background: Grew up with only a mother, her father having left after he found out his 19 year old girl-friend was pregnant. She was a realtively normal child, but as soon as shestarted showing signs of magic, things changed. Her mother didn’t have the money to get her checked out and didn’t have the heart to sell her daughter out to a scientist, so they lived the “Perfect Family” scheme, although it was far from perfect. Her relationship with her mother coldened and went dead at age 11 after she told houseguests to “Stop talking so much.” During a silent period at a dinner, complaining to her mother that, “Their voices are fighting with each other in my head.”
-Due to her poor relationship with her mother and lack of friends, she doesn’t open up very well to others. Not much of a team-worker, either.
-Very vulgar and rude, generally sarcastic because A) Her lack of a maternal figure meant not much discipline, and B) Uses this tactic to keep people from becoming too close to her.
-She doesn’t trust easily considering she doesn’t want to be left all alone without a friend like what happened when she was eleven.
-Enjoys collecting leaves since a branch used to poke through her window as a child and shed leaves into her bedroom.-Bought herself a guitar with saved up change and small job money, taught herself to play and occasionally sings as she plays.
-Can’t control what thoughts she hears and more often than not gets irritated and talks to herself, saying things like “Shut up in there.”
– Familiar –Name: Ignis
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Creature: Swift (a type of bird)
Appearance: Small, brown, large wing bones, angled feathers for flying.
Abilities: Extremely fast flying, uses echolocation, and can control light, hence the name Ignis.
Background: Grew up as a normal bird, breaking away from his group and discovering the ability to manipulate light sources. Gave himself the name “Ignis” for the Latin word for “light”, and is extremely protective of the name.
Extra: Generally happy and playful, but can get very rude and mean when angered, and often recreate what he says when he’s angry after wards. Seams to have the need to apologise for every little thing, and it’s clingy. Very intelligent, but can be naive.
Name: Ace Lee
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Abilities: Teleportation magic but he can only teleport to places he has been to or seen (picture, T.V, Drawing, ect.), Shadow magic is difficult and nearly impossible for him to perform without having ‘a power booster’ or other bodies of energy. (People, familiars,) Lightning magic but when he uses it it gives him the jitters for like 20 min</span>
Appearance: Slitted eyes
Height: 5’5 1/4
Background: Grew up living in multiple homes throughout the adoption agency his parents put him in there when he was eight because they couldn’t handle him because he would end up teleporting places (not on purpose) all of adoptive parents were human and didn’t believe in magic so he just stopped talking to everyone and to cover for it he started wearing all black so his adoptive parents would just think he’s “Going through a phase” and that “He’ll get over it” one time he got mad at his adoptive parents and accidentally made a bolt of lightning it the house and that night was when he found a letter with a picture of a school and it was an invitation to a school for witches and wizards and told is adoptive parents that he got accepted to a boarding school and that he will leave for it tonight they told him that they loved him and he said it back (or the first time and meant it (to anyone but his real parents))
Extra: Nearsighted. He has never had a girlfriend. Occasionally “Talks to himself” he actually talks to shadows.
– Familiar –
Name: Monty
Age: 37 million year
Gender: Male
Creature: Ball python
Appearance: 6 feet long
Abilities: He can Grow and shrink depending on what’s needed and can speak any language.
Background: He has lived in the forest all of his life and has been all over the world and now just wants to find a witch or wizard to see how powerful they can become together.
Extra: He doesn’t attach to people very well and doesn’t open up to people much.
Name: Seth Geist
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Abilities: Sometimes we can’t pick what we’re good at, so in such causes you only have two options. You either embrace it and make it your own or hide from it and allow the power to do what it wishes. Seth went with the first choice and pinned it till the unlucky bastard gave in. Since he was young he had always been plagued with nightmares yet none of them had anything to do with the boy himself. It wasn’t until later on that Seth discovered these were the fears of others around him. Since then he has learned to focus this ability and thru a rather basic form of mind reading can see and understand people’s worst fears. Sadly that’s all he can see but such is life. Along with that comes hand in hand his natural talent of any magic related towards illusions of both sight and sound. The obvious weakness to this is the fact none of it is real. Of course with sight and sound telling you your worst fear is attacking it’s hard to tell the difference.
Appearance: When you normally see him Seth stands at 5’11 with short smoke colored hair that stands on end. His eyes (which see thru black framed glasses) are of the darkest grey, which in some ways work with Seth’s naturally pale skin. When it comes to clothing he couldn’t be simpler. Striped t-shirts (or sometimes v-necks) of two different colors and simple dark blue jeans are more then enough for him.
Background: For someone like him you would expect a terrifying story filled with nights crying alone or some other terrible crap. But the story of Seth Geist is far more normal then most could say. His father was a local machine shop owner while Seth’s mother stayed at home, looking after their son and writing horror novels in her free time. When he started showing signs of other’s nightmares invading his dreams Seth’s mother knew he was born with the gift. Seth’s father was a normal human but his mother on the other hand came from a long line of magic users. She began teaching the boy to fine tune his gift and focus it away from dreams and upon the waking world. During their time together Seth’s mother taught him the family art of illusions. She knew his natural gift (known thru out the family line as the Sight of The Scarecrow) would give him a born edge in using such magic to protect those he loved and help other face their fears. Soon enough tho his mother had taught him everything she could and along with Seth’s father decided to send him off to school.
Extra: Seth is honestly a very caring boy who loves everyone and (mostly) hates no one. If ever his friend needs a hand or is looking for company they only need to look towards the grey haired guy.
Of course delving into nightmares and fears so often has left it’s mark on him. Whenever someone truly ticks him off he starts to put on a sort of mask. This mask of illusionary magic turns his eyes bright as the full moon and into the shape of a serpents. His teeth grow sharper then any knife and Seth’s normally deep and summer time breeze like voice turns ice cold and darker then any pit.
Name: Zebain
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Creature: Gray Wolf
Appearance: His coat starts out black near the head but slowly starts to turn towards a lighter grey the farther down you go all the way to Zebain’s tail. The wolf’s eyes are of a soft yellow and almost seem tired half the time.
Background: It’s kind of hard to be a normal wolf when you suddenly find yourself speaking in a english tongue. Around his tenth birthday the wolf suddenly found himself understanding nearby humans and even talking to a few of them (Ending with them running away most of the time). Luckily a witch on vacation discovered the friendly beast and finally sent him in the direction of this very school. He’s sadly been here for awhile, making plenty of friends but never really finding that special someone.
Abilities: <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>His name was given to him by the witch that found the friendly dog. If you translate it into english Zebain’s name reads out to “Hell hound” due to his ability to burst his coat into flames whenever someone is in need of protection. This </span>ability<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> quickly drains him of </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>power</span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> and can even harm the poor wolf if left on for too long. Besides that he can speak english but still hasn’t taken the time to learn to read. </span>
Extra: Head pats are very nice oh and so are back scratches.
(Should I start with my introduction of joining the school for Seth and just another day for Zebain?)
Name: Jake Jhonson
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Abilties: can ‘play’ with fire and change into a golden tiger
Apperance: Short brown hair with green eyes. Wearing the simple uniform ((dont worry I know what it looks like just with pants lol))
Height: 6’8
Background: He was born like anyone else in a hospital and grew up with his mom and dad and two sisters. Jake is really nice and already knew about hia powers. His mom and dad talked over about making him go to The School of Binding. Jake aggreed and now he is here!
Extra: Is really nice and peppy!
Name: Nami
Age: 4 yrs old
Gender: Female
Creature: 9 tailed fox
Apperance: All white with black paws and blue in the fur, the tails have red tips. She has red eyes!
Background: N/A ((also know as: still trying to figure it out))
Abilites: Can mess with fire and is very big ((like a dire wolf big)) and water!
Witch/Wizard – Rea Hartfeld
Gender: female
Age: 17
Abilities: her mom and dad were both werewolves. She can turn into a wolf, has a sensitive sense of smell and good night vision, and gets very aggressive on the full moon. Other than that, she has kinspeak (the basic language of all animals) and is working on transformation magic since in her mind she already basically knows how to do it.
Appearance: Blue eyes shaped as a wolf’s eyes, silver-gray hair, sharp teeth and pointed ears. She’s about 5’6″, slim and wiry.
Background(+) Her parents went missing and she came to the school where they had gone looking for answers. She doesn’t know much about magic, although she’s read Harry Potter, and bases oat of her assumptions off of that.
Extra: She likes meat a lot, and gets sick if she eats too many vegetables.
– Familiar –
Name: Calcifer
Age: 2 years
Creature: Red wolf
Appearance: red fur, bright green eyes.
Abilities: electricity
Background(+): Calcifer is young and excitable, but level headed in fights, although he is often the instigator. He came to the school after failing to bond with a regular human. He knows little of being a familiar, but has good instincts and an open mind.
Extra: He can ride clouds, as long as he can get up to them, and jumps very high for a wolf. He’s also small, both because of his breed and his youth.
Name: Bones
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Abilities: Able to control the bones of dead things easily, to a lesser degree can control/repair bones of the living. Can see in the dark
Appearance: spiky white hair, pale skin, dark grey eyes
Height: 6’3
Extra: Bright lights hurt his eyes
– Familiar –
Name: Flash
Age: 14,000
Gender: Male
Creature: Galápagos tortoise
Appearance: http://kids.sandiegozoo.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/animal_class_hero/galapagos3.jpg
Abilities: Hyper intelligent, Can memorize whole books and Passages, Speaks every human language
– Witch/Wizard –
Name: Hans
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Abilities: Necromancy, and Heavenly magic
Appearance: black hair with both blue and red eyes, wears a hooded priest garment and glasses, rosary wrap around his left hand and always carries the necronomicon, in his right
Height: 5’6
Background: Hans was just a orphan boy who lived in the street when he started learning necromancy & light magic by himself, when a person took notice upon him and enrolled him into this magic school.
Extra: He believe that darkness, and light are not different but rather the same
Extra: When in full power he has two mode of fighting which is: the Angle of death (in which he spread a black wings, while dark aura surrounds him, which amplify all his dark spells, while lowering his light spell, and also equips the grim reaper scythe), and The angle of light ( Spread a white wings equipping Gabriel sword surrounding himself with Light aura, which amplify his light magic but lowering his dark magic )
– Familiar –
Name: Sib
Gender: Male
Creature: Crow
Abilities: Sib can amplify magic abilities while also helping a person in combat using fire spell, Also every good at recon.
Background(+): While some believe crows are a omen of death, Sib is actually a nice guy.
Extra: He is very intellectual, but also timid
Name: Thomas McFall
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Abilities: Can tear holes in space and time and use them as portals, (if this is to op I’ll change it), and telekinesis.
Apearence: Wears a light grey trench coat throughout most of the year. Under that he wears a white, untucked, long sleeve dress shirt. Has black converse and dark faded pants. Has ginger colored hair, lots of freckles, pale as pale can be, and is extremely skinny.
Height: 5’7″
Background: Thomas lived a fairly normal life for the most part. Until he found out his powers. Being that his parents are very religious they wanted him gone and shipped hum off to the school.
Extra: He’s very introverted.
Extra: Is the most loyal friend a person could have.
Extra: When fighting he often uses his powers to manipulate his surroundings to his advantage.
Extra: He is very unlucky.
Name: Ingun
Creature: Snowy Owl
Gender: Male
Age: 627 years old.
Abilities: While fighting along side Thomas, he manipulates people’s mind in the heat of battle to throw them off guard. Out of battle he is among the smartest of his kind and has hundreds of years worth of knowledge, but rarely speaks his mind.
Background: He rather hates necromancy and anything undead, since he has no power over it.
– Witch/Wizard –
Name: Yuki Koori Mizuki (just call me Yuki)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Abilities: Water, Ice, snow.
Height: 5’4
Appearance: Long white/silver hair, blue eyes, and white cay ears!
Background: Still trying to figure this one out, having some issues!
Extra: Yuki is very nice and will be your best friend forever!
– Familiar –
Name: Blue
Age: 78
Gender: male
Creature: panther
Appearance: A blue-ish looking panther with yellow eyes.
Abilities: Super speed, wind powers!
Background: Still trying to figure this one out too!
Extra: He’s really grumpy!
Name: Ryan Nalare
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Abilities: Can summon creatures of void energy, attack with void lightning( basically just purple lightning), and imbue his tri-bladed glaives with energy before he attacks.
Height: 5’10
Appearance: Normally seen in black combat boots with a black t-shirt and black jeans with two belts crossing his waist. He has snow white hair, ice blue eyes, and pale skin. His glaives are on his belts.
Background: Ryan’s life has been a tough and terrible story. His mother has had an unknown form of cancer that has spread to her bones, liver and lungs. His father on the other hand is an abusive monster to Ryan’s mother and himself, however he pays for hospital bills and chemotherapy. When Ryan’s mother found out about his powers, she said she would endure for him until he got out of the school. Meanwhile, his father called him a freak.
Extra: He does not tolerate people talking bad about his mother. He shuts down anyone that tries to peer into his family life. He is very new to his magic and at this point can only summon minor creatures and can launch lightning a meter at most. He is very isolated and he can not stand being in crowded or closed in spaces. He enjoys being alone with his fiction books and he can not swim
I don’t know if the familiar is wanted hear or the new forum so if I need to move it I will
Name: Licht
Gender: Female
Age: 1600 years old
Creature: Owl
Appearance: White feather main body and the under body of the wings, with light brown feather on the upper side of the wings.
Abilities: Can bend light to render himself almost invisible and can peer into other people’s thoughts but not interfere with them, making her excellent in stealth scenarios.
Background: Licht began his life in Germany and found that where her family was dying she was still young. After living on her own for 1400 years, she found a small hut in the Black Forest of Germany. She landed near it and found the person living there to be a witch. Licht mad contact with the witch and the witch directed her toward the school, where she has stayed since and still continues to search for her bonding partner.
Extra: Licht is very friendly, outgoing, but can start to pry into your personal life if you talk too long with her.
Please let me know if their is something that needs to be changed, added, or removed. Thanks 🙂
– Familiar –
Name: Spark
Age: 341
Gender: male
Creature: garter snake
Appearance: http://s171.photobucket.com/user/kahrmuh/media/Thamnophissirtalissimilis14.jpg.html (nova halp me)
Abilities: able to electrocute people, able to go into to storm clouds and ‘fly’ using the clouds/lightning
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