Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)

  • Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)

    Posted by MaraTwasHere on July 16, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    (This is where we will begin Chapter 1.2 when we have enough familiars and students bonded. As the title suggests, our students now have the option to figure out the mystery of The Woods. Chapter 1.2 unfortunately will be a bit more exclusive–if you are not very active you will be missing out on important events now which may lead to confusion later. The woods are not easy to get into as specified above–“Students must figure out” how to get into the woods. With Piper, Iorek and “NPCs” I will leave hints and give help of how to get into these woods and other areas. If your character isn’t anywhere remotely around mine, or people who are entering “forbidden areas” then please don’t just make your character magically find out about these areas. :p Also note, at times students progressing through Chapter 1.2 may find themselves trapped in certain areas where they need to either battle, or figure a way out of a situation. During these times those students trapped will generally have to figure out a way out on their own, and if you are late in joining and don’t know how to work you’re way into chapter 1.2 come talk to me and we will figure something out. >;o)

    This is where it begins! Where crap is going to go down!

    Kit Apparently replied 8 years, 9 months ago 8 Members · 402 Replies
  • 402 Replies
  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 16, 2015 at 8:43 pm

    *Liv was awoken by the loud speaker and ms. Vines voice. She groaned and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up*(Liv and Abilard are gonna bond in a couple days)

  • Jazzy

    July 16, 2015 at 9:19 pm

    Orsin clapped his paws and Goldmyth smiled, “YAYAYAYAY!” Goldmyth hopped around and giggled.

    Orsin smiled and tipped his hat, “Yes, thank you Ms. Vine, shall we leave you?”

    Goldmyth smiled, “I have something for you, Orsin!” Goldmyth was clearly hiding something behind her back.

    Orsin winked, “And what is that you are wanting to give me?”

    Goldmyth hopped and took the thing from her back, “A flower crown!” She took of Orsin’s hat and put it on his head.

    It was hard to tell, but he was blushing slighty, “Thank you Goldmyth.” he put his top hat on her head and smiled brightly.


  • Kit Apparently

    July 16, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    Rea’s face turned bright red, even her slightly pointed ears were becoming rosy. “Well… ah… I um… I….” she groaned and grabbed a pillow, hiding her face. “NEVERMIND.”

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 16, 2015 at 9:48 pm


    Piper rolled over in her bed, yawning at the announcement. “Jeesh…What time is it?” She murmured quietly, staring at the clock that said 3 AM. “Jeesh, at least wait until the breakfast room opens.” She whined, rolling over onto her face to shove her head into the pillow some more, letting out a low moan.


    “Ah…yes, I suggest you students get to bed.” She looked at her watch, 3AM. “Clearly that ritual took more time than I had originally thought. For tonight, it would be better if you stayed in your own separate rooms but if you would like to arrange later on to move into a room together that is open for you. However, Goldmyth, I understand that your room already has four members in it. I am sorry to say but we would be unable to squeeze a bear in there, so that means you would be leaving your roommates behind.”


    “Aww, come on don’t be shy. You can’t just ask me something like that and then simply pass it off as nothing.” He poked at her side, smirking a bit. “But…I won’t pressure you.” The blood thrived through his veins seemed to get more quick, pulsing throughout his body. The upcoming moon made him feel his inner wolf pacing.

    (I’m just gonna have a mythical creature, extract Iorek.)

  • Kit Apparently

    July 16, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    Come on, how hard is it? ‘I like you’, and then you’re gold!
    “Sorry. I was wondering…..” If you would go out with me! By the Wolf, tell him! “If maybe we could hang out not just on the full moon?”

  • Jazzy

    July 16, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    Goldmyth smiled brightly, “Bye Orsin, I’ll see you—”

    Orsin hugged her, “You can ride me to your room, it’s okay, I’m always up at this time.” Orsin let go and went on all fours, Goldmyth smiled and hopped on top, they rode off into the distance…

  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 16, 2015 at 10:12 pm

    *Liv fell asleep again*

    *Aaron was sleeping in his tree outside the school*

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 16, 2015 at 10:49 pm

    “Oh. Nice.” He sat back, “I have the academy to worry about…But no problem. How does Saturday sound for you?” He rose a brow, crossing his arms.


    “…Best friends already, it would seem,” She murmured into Genie’s fur, stroking back the shaggy locks. “Do you suppose they’ll be that type that are just all sugar and rainbows?” Genie’s soft, high voice, whispered out  a laugh. “I doubt it…It’s unrealistic, unless…” Ms. Vine’s eyebrows rose at the thought. “I certainly hope that is not the case.”


    Piper drifted back to sleep slowly.

    Aurora was busy icing the stairs boredly.


    The blue maned wolf was no where to be seen on campus.

  • Kit Apparently

    July 16, 2015 at 10:59 pm

    “Yeah!” she answered instantly, looking up from her pillow and smiling brightly. She blushed again. “I mean- uh- I’ll have to check with Miss Vine.” she continued. “Do you have a watch? What time is it?”

  • Jazzy

    July 16, 2015 at 10:59 pm

    Goldmyth was soon in her bed sleeping happily.

    Orsin was in his quiet room, still wearring his flower crown.


  • MaraTwasHere

    July 17, 2015 at 12:02 am

    “Nice. It’d be cool to do something…Have anything in mind?” He pulled out his cell phone–Yes, he was allowed such luxuries at the Academy. “Its around 3:25…In the morning. We should sleep.” Fang snatched up his pillow, curling his arms around the softness, chin creasing the top before he let himself fall onto his side with a audible thump.


    Piper stirred a bit from where she laid at the sound of bear claws against the floor. Grumbling something in her sleep she pulled her pillow over her head although her dark hair pooled out.

  • Kit Apparently

    July 17, 2015 at 1:30 am

    “We could get coffee?” she suggested tentatively, not sure if he was still awake. Then she grabbed her own pillow and laid down, falling asleep.

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 17, 2015 at 1:48 am

    “Coffee…nice..” He murmured, losing conciseness rather quickly. “Coffee it is.” He yawned, and fell asleep.

    (Day 2?)

  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 17, 2015 at 1:55 am

    *Liv woke up and groaned, she rubbed her eyes*”A’m not a mornin person.”

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 17, 2015 at 3:05 am

    Another groan came to Piper at the sound of the morning announcement. “Good morning, students~! If you had not heard the announcement last night of our two first student and familiar being bonded, then please note it today! The first day we have the only 2015 bonded within our school! Woo-hoo! Also today’s specialty breakfast is a fruit salad and yogurt. Please enjoy.”

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