The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)
Rea looked up, flicking her ears, and changed back to human form, dusting fur off of her clothes. “Hey, Fang!” she said, smiling nervously. “You didn’t get into too much trouble, did you?”
She thought for a moment. “And what’s up with all this talk of the schools coming together? Does that always happen, or is it because of the- you know-” she dropped her voice. “The ghost.”
“Um…” Fang thought of the look on his father’s face, the look on his pack members faces, the way they all chanted as he’d challenged and failed against his father in leadership. “Yeah, nothing too bad. Aren’t you supposed to be inside?” He smirked playfully, reaching for one of the brass door handles and opening it for her before following inside. “And no, both academies every year experience either the ‘wolf life’ or the ‘witch life’. Its a learning experience for both races, and they also review over the history of how the wolf and the witch became allies in the face of the humans way back when.” He said easily to her, branching down a different hall that had low flames on the torches. He turned to face her before he descended into the darkness that dimmed out behind him. “But yeah…Rea, I’m here on business so I can’t stay long…But be careful, alright? It’s crucial you stay in your dorms with this ghost out. As far as I know, based off of what I heard my father discussing with one of his Beta and main Elder, this place has a lot more than that ghost at night. And with it out it’ll probably stir up more trouble from the back of dark closets.” He shook his head, dark hair with red tips flying around him. “So…be careful. And don’t be too curious, little Miss. Pandora.” He winked at her before turning down the hall.
Rea tried to read Fang’s face as he answered, but got rather distracted by his teasing. “Y-yeah..” she smiled, blushing. “Just… I’m really sorry about that whole thing.” she split away from him, heading for her room.
Fang felt bad for Rea. First her parents, now this. With this ghost out in the school there was no way Ms. Vine was paying any type of attention to things that have already happened, such as Rea’s parent-less situation. On another note Ms. Vine was working really hard right now to not let the Tower’s Of Magic to be suspecting of this early transition between the schools. Hopefully they’d be too busy with the Werewolf hunter’s to worry about what poor little-rich-kids were doing.
Fang turned down the hall and to Ms. Vine’s office. It was late now, the students and familiars were probably all cuddled up in bed unknowing of the horrors that awaited them through their thick wooden doors. What little protection it gave them from an entity that could easily surpass thick brick walls, Fang knew. Maybe they put down incantations, wards or something to keep the thing away from the dorms. <i>He wondered silently as he knocked the door lightly with scarred knuckles. Past injuries from fights. “Ms. Vine?”</i>
The door opened with a puff of stale coffee and the sharp assaulting burn of alcohol. Under those his canine senses picked up faintly a mixture containing Rosemary. It all made Fang step back. “Uh…” Ms. Vine was a wreck. He knew she must not had been taking visitors today as her normally pale lovely hair was a bird’s nest on her head, the ends that normally hung down looking greasy and stringy. What a wreck. Her normally pressed pencil-suit hung in all the wrong areas and tightened the same, looking crinkled as she leaned against the frame of the door, making him wonder if she’d slept in it. Her eyes were blood-shot. “Ms. Vine, let me help you sit down.” He took a pale hand and helped the mid-thirties woman hobble over to her desk chair, his eyes wandering. He was right, of course, in the center of the her desk like an over-grown paper weight stood a bottle of vodka. There were plenty of coffee filters filled with old grounds in the garbage can, and unexpectedly in small baskets beside her desk was little pouches. “What are these?” He asked, picking one up. It looked like marigold flowers with their stems wrapped in plain canvas, but from it wafted that Rosemary. “
. Marigolds with dried Rue blooms, Basil, and some other stuff. It’ll keep the ghost at bay for some time.” “And Rosemary?” “Oh, yes, Rosemary as well.” Ms. Vine pushed her feet against the floor making her wheel over to the coffee machine, grabbing a used mug he presumed was her’s. “So,” She said, watching as the black liquid steamed into her mug before wheeling back over to her desk. She reached for the vodka. “You bear good news?” -
Rea opened the door tiredly, forgetting to close it. She stripped down to her tank top and a pair of shorts, and flopped onto the bed. “Oh sweet Fenrir…” she muttered, opening a pouch full of herbs to calm her sudden unease.
Goldmyth (That’s the dress she’s wearing) got up to her room. She sat on her bed, messing with her fingers. “What to do. What to do.” She said out loud, “Uhhhhh, I’m so bored!” She fell on her bed, kicking of her black and white Vans. She dug under her pillow, she stood out a knife. Goldmyth looked around. She opened her mouth and slowly put it down her throat. She took it out and put it in again.
Piper dragged the bag toward the wing that had that stupid library with the stupid student libarian who help start this whole mess. “Orthelo!” She shouted, banging the entrance door open. Lonan shot off her shoulder, slamming into a lamp and knocking it over with a clatter, but stood atop it showing his sharp teeth only inches from the red haired boy’s face. “W-what?” Orthelo stammered, dropping the book he held and stumbling back from Lonan. “Dragon? Another?” Piper stomped over, swinging the bag with her and up to toss it on his desk. “I have that mandrake root water you so desperately needed.” Orthelo’s eyes narrowed out of confusion, his glare piercing into her like silvery knives. “Yes, just as you needed to get into that forest so badly Pippy.” Piper tossed the water to him, almost wanting the glass to shatter and break so she could blame him for it all. Sure, she’d definitely played a part—but if they were going to get in trouble so should he.
The water didn’t puddle on the floor with the crack of glass though. Instead, Orthelo caught it in his beefy hands with a small grin. “Nice. Didn’t think a freshman could pull it off, y’know?” He sat it down gingerly on the desktop, sinking into his own seat and motioning her to take a low bookshelf nearby. She took the seat, and Lonan retreated back slightly, bringing his fangs in only to glare with those liquid-like eyes. “So! I’d heard about the ghost thing…I know things, of course, and wondered if you’d actually gone down there.” He pushed his twisted, chipped, glasses up his nose that was so fairly large he almost had to cross his eyes to see down it. Was he always this awkward and bumpkin-like? When they first met he seemed to be like a witch’s raven in the library—mysterious, knowledgeable, keen on whatever he was planning. Patient.
Now he just seemed like a stuck-up-adolescent-know-it-all.
“Yeah. Not too hard to connect the dots there, buddy,” She said with an exasperated sigh, bringing her fingers up to squeeze the bridge of her nose. “So. About that passage-way to the forbidden library?”
Orthelo gave a toothy half grin. “I thought you’d never ask…”
Rea sighed and crawled under her covers. She doubted her ability to sleep now, but she would try- she probably needed the rest.
“Yes. Here.” Fang held the crisp envelope out to her, and Ms. Vine watched him for a long while with blue-green eyes. “Can’t you just tell me? Save me the damned suspense?” Fang didn’t say anything, nor did his gaze waver. Finally Ms. Vine tugged the letter from his hands, grabbed a engraved letter opener, and slit the mouth of the white folded paper, popping the wax off. The paper was thin and nearly see-though, the ink on it clearly a well pen, old-fashioned cursive scrawling across the page. This was not Fang’s father’s writing. Those loopy o’s and curly q’s obviously belonged to his assistant and favorite Omega, Betty.
Ms. Vine,
We at wolves’ academy are more than excited to have you attending our school for the following three weeks in order to enrich our students and youth of our history and alliance with one another. As it is near Hallows Eve, or as we call it, Devil’s Night, it will be a lovely time for the students to see how silver bullets affected us back in the 1600’s, and how your people were burned at the stake. We wolves were hunted, and your people discovered around these dark times of Devil’s Night. For humans, it is a time of games and tricks, treats and horrors. A celelbration to the deaths of our ancestors lost through the ages. Now, once more concealed, we at Wolves’ academy will partake of the event of getting revenge upon the petty humans. As a school coming in at this time, we expect the witches to partake in all the same. And in return, we will celebrate your withcy festivals, if it is not too private for non-magic bariers to attend.
Please write in return,
Miss. Betty Hopkins in the behalf of the Headmaster and his population.
Yes, of course, how could she forget of how the wolves’ celebrate? Long ago, during a different incident when the witches for some insignificant reason had to go to wolves’ academy. After the withces had performed summoning the souls of their powerful and significant ancestors, learning the history of the struggles first hand from back then, the wolves’ had taken the magic-barriers out to play in the human world. Usually, for the wolves, it was cornering a few humans and chasing them down, frightening them half-to death with fangs and claws.
But when the witches tasted that vindictive cruelness, they happily cast spells and curses upon the humans. Sure, the wolves and witches learned their ‘alliance’ but at the same time it made Ms. Vine sick to see how vindictive her students could be, their blood knowing the wrong the humans had inflicted upon them as if by instinct. “I will write a letter and send it over by magic,” Ms. Vine said quietly, pinching the bridge of her nose. “But for the goddesses sake, please tell your father I have agreed to whatever it takes to make my students safe.” Ms. Vine shook her head, thinking of Sarah Good and Sarah Osburne, of Giles Corey and Martha Corey. Rebecca Nurse and the 35,000 other witches who’d lost their lives during these trials. She knew by Hallow’s Eve the restless souls would call through the void of death and rebirth of reincarnation, those victims souls who were reborn would be the most frightening ones, and those far, far, descendants of those who burned by the fire’s of humans would seek reveneg tonight. Undoubtedly, innocent human lives would be lost. -
Rea had fallen into an uneasy sleep when she heard a whispering. She flicked her ears, picking herself up from the bed and looking blearily around. “Hello? Is someone there?” she realized she had left her door open. “Oops. ” she walked over to close it, gazing through the empty halls.
The hall was as quiet as a grave yard, and all the students should have been tucked away in their beds for the night.
Except one thing was strange about the scene, something that couldn’t be seen from the naked eye, or viewed from outside of the situation. The temperature dropped quickly, like the Thermostat changing direction. The silence dragged for seconds that were comparable to hours, and suspense could almost be choked on in the air. If possible, goose-bumps would raise on the werewolf’s forearms, and the held breath of silence would be released to gust wind through the halls in the form of a blood curdling, ear-shattering-pitched scream. All the doors of the dorms flew open to the guests within them, letting the cold air sweep in like a devil to press against the students. And like the whole school had come to life as hellish being, the doors and windows slammed open and closed making the walls thunder.
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Rea stepped backwards, her eyes wide and bright. She let out a low growl and had to concentrate very hard not to change form right there in the hallway. Evil. That’s evil! Her instincts cried for her to hunt, fight, and kill the threat, but, she reminded herself, she was not a wolf. She was a witch, and she should act as such. She backed inside, clenching her fists. “What do I do? No magic, can’t bite it. I’m a sitting duck, the others too I think.”
She finally yelled “Screw it!” And gave up, transforming and dashing into the halls with a savage growl. There had to be something she could do.
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