The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)
“Conferagulatians,” Liv mumbled covering her mouth trying to speak.
“Different? Not really?” She smiled grabbing a paper coffee cup to pour some cappuccino from a machine and added some foam. “..Wait…you bonded? You’re kidding me! You just met this bear…! Isn’t there like, stranger-danger rules for bonding?” Piper’s cup coffee fell to the floor, and the brown liquid pooled at their feet.
“Yes! I know right!” Goldmyth moved out of the way from the coffee.
“Let me clean that up for you.” It was Orsin, he said it in a slow and tired voice, some water came out of his paw, he put his paw over the spilled coffee and lifted it back up, and it was all gone, he started to lick his paw.
“ORSIN!” Goldmyth hugged him and took a hold of his amazing necklace, “Wow, a dragon eye and claw! That’s so cool!”
Orsin laughed quietly, “Mhm. Yes indeed, the eye is fake though, but the claw is real. Oh, and good morning Piper.” Orsin yawned and stood up on his two legs, he yawned a large yawn and showed all of his sharp teeth.
“The Big freckin bears showing of again!” Abilard muttered under his breath so only Liv could hear, she frowned and turned to him,”Dun’t Ye gang Pickin fights wi’h muckle ani’als,” Liv had a hand over her mouth as she chewed, Abelard’s nose twitched and he huffed before continuing to eat. He secretly plotted to go and look for a fight though, but not with Orsin.
“Nice to see you again, and thank you.” Piper nodded thankfully, and shied away from the brilliant shine the two golden ones. “You guys are totally blinding this necromancer with your bright light.” She joked, holding a hand up like she was burning or something.
Orsin was clearly not amused, “Mhm. Yeah.” he slowly walked over to the table and grabbed a plate, he only filled it with all the meats, and an apple. Goldmyth picked her things out, fruits, some ham, yogurt, and coffee. Orsin grabbed a cup of water and walked to a table, Goldmyth followed and they began to eat.
“Uh…Okay.” The sudden mood change made Piper’s stomach twist. “I was only kidding.” She shrugged, but wasn’t going to let herself feel bad about it. “Whatever, that fruit salad is calling my name…” She winked at Abilard and Liv before moving over to the salad buffet before returning to Liv’s table again. “It’s been weeks, and I have yet to find a familiar myself.” The dark haired girl sighed quietly.
Goldmyth looked over at Orsin, “What’s wrong?”
Orsin stopped, “Oh…I just didn’t get much sleep last night…you know. Stress. Worst fear was in my fucking face and I was just worried that we couldn’t bond. Blah, Blah, Blah!”
Goldmyth slapped his paw, “Don’t say the ‘f’ word!”
Orsin smirked, “Fu–”
Goldmyth raised her voice, “Don’t say the word.”
Orsin smiled, “Fuuuuccc—”
Orsin put his ears back and shrugged, “Kk.”
Thomas walked into the breakfast room, quickly scanned the room for an open seat, and went to get his breakfast.
Thomas grabbed his food and sat down at an empty table. Ingun flew in a few seconds later and perched at the table Thomas was at.
“Did you find it?” Ingun asked.
“Yeah.” Thomas said and pulled a small, purple, torn up book from his bag.
“Funny. I thought it would be bigger.” Ingun said.
“So did I.” Thomas said as he flipped through the pages. He then put the book back in his bag and started eating “But here isn’t the best place to read it.” He added.
Rea woke up first. She had only gotten a few hours of sleep, but the wolf called her back to consciousness. She blinked her eyes blearily and sat up, grabbing a red bull.
Goldmyth smiled, “You know for the Halloween dance party thing, I should dress up as springtrap and you should be golden freddy, and we sing ‘Just Gold’.” Goldmyth clapped her hands.
Orsin laughed softly, “That would be pretty cool, but I guess we would change up the lyrics, like no ‘I’m’ but ‘we’ instead. Otherwise, sure!”
Goldmyth smiled and took out her phone, “On it!”
*Abilard hopped away from the tables and hopped towards the forest, he herd their was a rabid dog near these parts or just a crazy one. Liv noticed he had gone, Worry washed over her and she went to put away her plate calling to Piper,”A’m ganging ta leave early,” She waved before jogging off to find the brown bunny rabbit. She exited the school and walked round the little grass area in front of it near the forest, All a sudden Abilard came scattering out of the woods swiftly. He was later followed by the stray black furred dog, He turned around and went to kicked at it but missed. The dog went to bite Abilard with its dripping jaws, Liv sprinted toward them,”HAY!” She yelled and threw a kick at the dog kicking it away, she muttered some words and her hand set fire.”Gang Madra! (dog)” The dog jumped forward and went to bite her arm, Liv fell on her back surprised. Her grabbed the dog’s neck and burned it but its teeth were already snagged on her arm. Abilard kicked the dog off Liv and sent it flying into the trees and under brush, their was a defeated growl whimper.”Ye ok Lass!?” Abilard was on her stomach now where the dog once was.”I think so…ye?” Liv sat up and held him looking him over then realized what he had done,”YE WENT AN FAUGHT A MUCKLE ANIMAL!” She scolded irritated, Abilard’s ears sagged a little lower now.”Maybe…” He replied, he didn’t know why but he felt bad. Why would he feel bad? Why did he care what she thought? Liv stood and whinced at the sting in her arm,”Lets gang to the health affice,” She walked in the direction of the office, but glanced back at the forest suspiciously. Liv didn’t know why she cared about what Abilard was doing, perhaps he reminded her of her little brother and grandfather at the same time.(Random Dog Attack is for Bonding purposes, to speed it up)
Orsin laughed, “Yes. That would be awesome. I can see it! It sound really cool! We could be all creepy and and just like get in their faces and scare them!”
Goldmyth smiled brightly, “I know! I’m fixing the lyrics right now!”
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