The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)
*Liv and Abilard get to the health office, the nurse puts little bandaids on the small cuts on abilard and wrapped Liv’s injured bicep. Liv pulled her sleeve down when the nurse was done looking them over, they walked out into the hall way. Their was an awkward silence then the both of them went to talk but stopped, Abilard spoke this time,”sarry I went after a rabid Madra (dog)…,” Liv crossed her arms,”Thank ye,” After that they started for their first class.
“Alright.” Piper shrugged, and stood to throw her plate away and head on out of the Breakfast room. There was a time when familiars and students had sat on the other sides of the room from each other, the tension and shyness nearly throbbing. Now it seemed everyone was talking with one of the well-spoken animals-familiars…Even Goldmyth who upsetted two familiars was happily chatting with Orsin. “Ugh…I gotta get out of here..”
The unseen intercoms rang out today, “Students! Even though today is Friday, a normal school day, considering Goldmyth Commers and Orsin have bonded we will have the day off for the preparation of a celebration tonight! For today marks the day of a new beginning!”
Fang moaned under the loud noise of the intercom that although was muffled from where they were underground, it was still quite loud. “Ms…Vine….” He murmured, elbowing himself up, “…Too…Noisy..” He yawned. “Sleep well?”
“Well,” Liv said wide eyed and smiled, and started to walk to the front of the school to were the benches where. And where she presumed the little gang would hang out, Abilard followed her for some reason. She didn’t mind though.
“As well as I could, given the circumstances.” she answered, handing him a bag of flamin’ hot cheetos. “How does that work?” she pointed to the ceiling. “The announcements.”
“Oh, you are a amazing.” He smiled, nodding thankfully before popping the bag open. “Oh? The intercoms? Well…” He sat the bag down on his leg, “They say this school is ‘alive’ and that Ms. Vine as the headmistress is able to bend it’s magic to make announcements and stuff like that.” He popped another one in his mouth, “have you ever notice how you dont get cell-phone reception here, even with a data plan? This school doesn’t like electronics as it supposedly interferes with true magic…You could say the school is a person all in itself.” He shrugged, “On friday the 13th the school really acts up, and doesn’t some crazy stuff. One time the students of this school had to go to the Academy it was acting so weird here.”
Thomas finished his breakfast and threw the trash away. He and Ingun headed outside to the front off the school, but immediately turned and headed towards the forbidden forest.
“Wow, that’s impressive.” she observed, taking a long drink from the can in her hand and setting it down. “Grape soda?” she asked, offering him one and opening one herself. “So how long you think we can last?” she asked. “I’ve never made it through the whole cycle, so I know I won’t this time.” the wolf was already there in her head, restless to be let out, but she quieted it by finishing the entire grape soda on top of the red bull. She would be good for a while on that.
Orsin smiled brightly, “No school for us. Goldmyth, why don’t we do our song?”
Goldmyth smiled and looked up from her bright phone screen, “Sure, but we sould go tell Ms.Vine that we are doing this.”
Orsin stood up and cleaned off their plates, “Yes…let’s go!” They started to walk to the office, Orsin knocked on the door quietly and smiled.
*After a while of siting on the bench and staring at the sky, liv looked over at Abilard*”Hey, were friends right?” Abilard nodded,”Aye,” Liv smiled,”Brilliant,” She looked at the seanery again.
Thomas and Ingun approached the forest, and took the book out.
“How are you sure this will work?”Thomas asked Ingun.
“I’m not. But it’s the only other way I can think of.” Ingun said and landed on Thomas’s shoulder.
Thomas opened the book and briefly looked through it. “It’s in Latin.” He said “Can you read this?”
Ingun took the book and held it in one claw “Yes. Just not very good.” He cleared his throat and started reading from one of the pages “Augurium mea voluntate conteram scientiam meam!” he shouted. Aside from causing a small bird bath to crumble to bits nothing happened to the forest.
The forest, even in the light of morning, somehow managed to keep its darkness within the trunks of trees and thick leafy branches here. The darkness gave off the uncanny feeling of someone watching…like a lioness coiled lowly staring at their prey from the shadows…the prey inching closer and closer until the lioness was ready to pounce. Of course, one should not feel as so self-conscious about this feeling, as Stephanie Blanc and her familiar had gone missing in those woods, never seen again. That being said it was made quite clear from the beginning of school these woods were warded off from the students of both schools except on planned events, so truly there was nothing to be afraid of.
“I last on my own about 2 days. Although, if others around me don’t shift until like the last day of the cycle I can go a bit longer…I guess it depends on your surroundings.” He shrugged, “When outside with the OTHER forest I don’t make it out the doors of the academy.” He finished the bag off before folding it nicely into a small square. “…What does your wolf look like anyhow?”
Ms. Vine opened the door to her office smiling at the sight of Goldmyth, “Ah, Goldmyth, fortunate of me to have you come here! I have your bracelet ready to go. Please come right in.”
“I’m – it’s – oh whatever. I’m just a little blue thing, blue eyes just like now. Well when I say blue, I really mean more silvery blue, though a bunch of my fur has got black tips. What about you?”
“I’m mostly black with dark red markings.” He shrugged, “gold eyes look far more intense, that sort of thing…” Fang grinned a bit. “Since I’m already large normally on the full moon my claws, ears, and teeth just tend to get bigger. I look like something out of a werewolf Hollywood human movie.”
Looking away from the birdbath and back to the forest “Just what I thought. Nothing.” Thomas said.
“Hmm…” Ingun questioned as he flipped through the book “There must be something here…”
Thomas took the book back “Well it’s obviously not enchanted. Unless we’re using the wrong phrase.” Thomas said with an annoyed tone.
“I guess we better return the book.” Ingun said with a laugh.
“Easy for you to say. I’m the one that has to sneak in.” He answered, turning around, and headed towards the school.
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