The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Into The Woods (Chapter 1.2)
“…Right.” A feeling came over Piper, as if being watched, and she looked over her shoulder and up toward the roof of the school. But nothing was there, besides some long drawn out shadows from the sun in areas where the roof angled. “Did you feel that?” She frowned, her eyebrows coming together.
“…Aye,” Liv nodded glancing around, Abilard nodded as well and looked around a little.
“Hm…Lets go in,” She said quietly, but her gaze still lingered as she marched toward the side bronze door, and held it open for her companions. Once inside, Piper easily navigated them to one of the two libaries of the school biting back a grin that she finally learned its halls. “Here we are,” She moved into the library, looking among the books–some tattered and old, others had a new shine to their leather. “Cool. Seems the place is pretty deserted other than that kid at the school store.” She jabbed a thumb in his general direction, the glasses-guy with his nose deeply buried in a book. “Look around the library and let me know if you find anything on the forest…”
“gatcha,” Liv smiled and saluted casually before jogging off through the book selfs, Abilard went off in a different direction to look.
Raven flew out of his dorm room door and yawned slightly. He quickly flew passed the opening doors and went down the stairs, he was clearly looking for something. His bright green snake eyes scanned the area. “Maybe…I should find a person to bond with, I am worth 4 familiars, someone must want me.”
Thomas rushed into the library, giving a quick wave to the librarian, who smiled and waved back. Trying not to raise suspicion he slowed down and walked normally. He brushed passed the only other students in there and headed towards the very back of the library.
*Liv thought she found a book, she took it from the book shelf. It was an old one, she cracked it open and started to read the first page*
Raven quickly flew into the library and looked around, he picked p a few books and sat down on a chair (like a human >.<). He slowly opened one of the books and began to read, slowly scanning the large room for other people.
Piper scanned the titles, her hands brushing over the spines of the books as if that would somehow help her sense the knowledge in each one. No luck, really, other than brief explanations on the forest–Stephanie Blanc’s face in a black and white newspaper clipping with a small description by it. “Stephanie Blanc went missing back on May 13th, 2014. The search for the girl is said to be continued outside of the two Academies realm–S.O.B and W.A.T.A–as it was deemed impossible for her to be in the forest which was tightly warded off or–” the newspaper clipping ended there, shaving off most of the article. “Liv! Look what I’ve found.” Piper’s superficial gray eyes slid over to where the new guy and owl came in, and the shop keeper to lower her voice as she moved toward Liv and Abilard. “Its pretty brief, and I dont think its supposed to be here. Stephanie Blanc.” She held the ‘History Of S.O.B’ to the familiar and blond girl, showing the clipping of paper within the safety of a row of shelves. The girl staring back in the picture had a soft face with large semi-dark curls to halo it, she bit her lip with a shy smile, her eyes not quite unsure but looking a bit amused.
Thomas, who was now joined by Ingun as he flew in next to him, made his way to a secluded part of the library. Quickly making sure he was out of site from the rest of the people in the library, he took off one of his gloves and put a finger in the air. He lowered it down and tore a purple and black hole into seemingly nothing. Slowly he reached his hand in and moved it around. After a few seconds a small wooden panel popped open next to him. While Thomas crawled in, Ingun stayed behind to keep watch. The light slowly diminished as Thomas closed the panel.
“Brilliant!” Liv whispered, she read the article and frowned.”Ahw.”
Thomas closed the panel behind him and pulled out a small pouch fille with a mixture of gunpowder and firesalts (used in potions class). He put them in a small circle on the ground. “Ardere.” He whispered and the ground inside the circle caught on fire. He slowly slide his hands under the fire. It levitated above his hands, as he transfered it to his right hand. With the small fire in his hand he crawled through the small tunnel.
“I know…” She sighed a bit, “I want to check this book out.” Piper sighed a bit, before gesturing over to the librarian/school store guy who Piper remembered being called Orthelo. “Hey, Orthelo..” As they approached him they would hear his soft, constant, murmuring unnoticeable before now.
“And just how am I supposed to get that? I need it before the dance, though, and if I don’t then Willimia won’t go with me…I need it now. I need it quickly.” Orthelo looked up at the sight of them, and slammed his book onto the table before him. <i>”Freshman! Ugh, what do you guys want? Can’t you see I’m so clearly busy?”</i>
“It is my job, but I’m in the middle of…” He blinked at them through his bottle-thick glasses. “Of…” Orthelo tried again, but then a hesitant look followed some hope that etched his face. “Freshmen, huh…?” The red-head reached forward to gently take the book from Piper’s hands, and she rose her brows at his 360 attitude change. “School History? Why on earth would you two be interested in something like this?” The red-head asked carefully, thoughtfully…It was curiosity, the sound of someone forming plans in their head. Piper glanced at Abilard and Liv, raising a shoulder in a uncertain shrug. Do they tell him, or not? He was the librarian…Chances were he knew where the ‘record’ books were since they so clearly weren’t out in the open.
(I am actually quite curious as to where Thomas is headed to. I suppose we will discover in due time, however.)
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