The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
A blond woman in a pencil skirt clicked her way down the stairs, a smile curved on her face as she was greeted with the faces of her new students to be. From here, she could almost already see who the troublemakers were, the adventurers, and her best students in the crowd. Ms. Vine was prepared for them all, looking forward to the year ahead. Her bonded, a golden shaggy haired monkey, leaped up to her shoulder scanning the crowd with it’s dark eyes. “What do you think?” Asked the female monkey, though she could already feel the waves from her bonded of excitement. As the headmistress of the school of binding, it was pretty much a given she’d have a deep bond with her familiar. “I think they will make excellent students.” Ms. Vine smiled before moving to the center at the top of the staircase. With a clap, she gathered everyone’s attention with a ball of light that formed between her hands. It floated near the ceiling, high above her head. “Ladies and Gentlemen of this year! I am pleased to welcome you to my school as the headmistress, Ms Vine.” The students quited down. “In my school you will find your bonded within these very halls. If not this year, than the next. You see, it is crucial for every Witch and Warlock to have a bonded, and crucial for a familiar to have a Witch or Warlock. The two together are stronger than they ever could be before hand…” Ms. Vine patted her familiar’s shoulder, and she responded by nuzzling into the middle aged woman’s neck. “Many of you might be here for many years, some of you may struggle with your bonded, and all of you are of different ages. There is no true requirements in magic or age in this stage of your learning because this is a life lesson. Your familiar will stay with you not only this year, but those to come. Now, as for the “bonding” process, I assure you will know when you have found that special familiar or witch. If you have uncertainties, feel free to find me in my office which can be located by the map stapled onto your acceptation letter. Now, as today is the first day you will be choosing your dorm rooms. Both familiars and students will be able to wander the halls but curfew is 11 PM.” With a snap of her fingers, the ball of light overhead drifted down and widened out into a type of TV screen, revealing picture of a green glowing torch. “Along the halls are torches with green flames. It is tradition to take a slip of paper off the table under these torches and throw it into the fire. The fire will spit out your room number at random to keep it fair. This school is old, so some rooms are very old and have a more antique feel. Other rooms are very large and common and finally there are smaller dorms with enough room for you to live comfortably. As for familiars, according to your species we have assigned you rooms based off of your size and need of room. Please check either the floating scrolls, or this visual to figure out what room you’re in.” The picture of the green flaming torch shifted into a long list of names of familiars, room numbers directly across from them. “Please enjoy your school year! Me and your lovely teachers are more than excited to have you here!”
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