Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

  • Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    Posted by MaraTwasHere on June 23, 2015 at 7:52 am

    A blond woman in a pencil skirt clicked her way down the stairs, a smile curved on her face as she was greeted with the faces of her new students to be. From here, she could almost already see who the troublemakers were, the adventurers, and her best students in the crowd. Ms. Vine was prepared for them all, looking forward to the year ahead. Her bonded, a golden shaggy haired monkey, leaped up to her shoulder scanning the crowd with it’s dark eyes. “What do you think?” Asked the female monkey, though she could already feel the waves from her bonded of excitement. As the headmistress of the school of binding, it was pretty much a given she’d have a deep bond with her familiar. “I think they will make excellent students.” Ms. Vine smiled before moving to the center at the top of the staircase. With a clap, she gathered everyone’s attention with a ball of light that formed between her hands. It floated near the ceiling, high above her head. “Ladies and Gentlemen of this year! I am pleased to welcome you to my school as the headmistress, Ms Vine.” The students quited down. “In my school you will find your bonded within these very halls. If not this year, than the next. You see, it is crucial for every Witch and Warlock to have a bonded, and crucial for a familiar to have a Witch or Warlock. The two together are stronger than they ever could be before hand…” Ms. Vine patted her familiar’s shoulder, and she responded by nuzzling into the middle aged woman’s neck. “Many of you might be here for many years, some of you may struggle with your bonded, and all of you are of different ages. There is no true requirements in magic or age in this stage of your learning because this is a life lesson. Your familiar will stay with you not only this year, but those to come. Now, as for the “bonding” process, I assure you will know when you have found that special familiar or witch. If you have uncertainties, feel free to find me in my office which can be located by the map stapled onto your acceptation letter. Now, as today is the first day you will be choosing your dorm rooms. Both familiars and students will be able to wander the halls but curfew is 11 PM.” With a snap of her fingers, the ball of light overhead drifted down and widened out into a type of TV screen, revealing picture of a green glowing torch. “Along the halls are torches with green flames. It is tradition to take a slip of paper off the table under these torches and throw it into the fire. The fire will spit out your room number at random to keep it fair. This school is old, so some rooms are very old and have a more antique feel. Other rooms are very large and common and finally there are smaller dorms with enough room for you to live comfortably. As for familiars, according to your species we have assigned you rooms based off of your size and need of room. Please check either the floating scrolls, or this visual to figure out what room you’re in.” The picture of the green flaming torch shifted into a long list of names of familiars, room numbers directly across from them. “Please enjoy your school year! Me and your lovely teachers are more than excited to have you here!”

    Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
  • 625 Replies
  • Jazzy

    June 23, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Goldmyth runs up to the school looking around the place.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 23, 2015 at 7:08 pm

    *Liv’s parents drove her up to the school, She got out of the car and her dad handed her her bag*”Alright las, study hurd and learn much,” Liv hefted the bag on her back,”Haste ye back,” Her mom called from the car.”Bye mum, bye da,” She waved as they drove off. (Yes i am trying to learn how to write a Scottish accent)

    *Aaron lounged in the shade of a tree on the out skirts of the school*

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 23, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    *Liv wrote her name on a piece of paper and dropped it in the fire, it produced room: 109*”Awright,” Liv walked around the halls looking for her room.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 23, 2015 at 8:36 pm

    “Aight then! Mum, Pops, I’ll see you sometime around Thanksgiving! You know they celebrate that here? Well, ciao!” Piper slammed the door to the van, waving at her smaller brother who had his stingers fingers so jammed up his mouth she expected to see them pocking out his nose soon. She stepped back from the van, hair swinging, and waved off her parents as they drove away. Piper grinned, balling her hands into a fist to pump it. “Aight then, now…what was that spell?” She shoved back her sleeve to read over the simple words every child witch should have learned if raised properly. She read it so fast it started to slur into gibberish, and her four bags began to float up like balloons, bouncing against once another as they bobbed in the air. “Can you believe some people can actually just do that in their heads?” She shook her head before striding into the school.


    Aurora padded through the entry hall, trekking away from the large crowd of familiars, warlocks, and witches that gathered near the stair case and clung to the edges of the hallways–throwing in slips of paper with their names on into the fire for the words to disfigure and change into a room number. Aurora already found her name lamely on one of the scrolls of paper floating around, and intended to hide in her room for as long as possible to wait for this wave of excitement of new students in a new place to crash over.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 23, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    *Liv entered her room, it was big and had a couple other beds in it for other wizards and witches. She sat down on the bed closest to the door and set her stuff down, she sighed before getting a book out and started reading it*

  • Jazzy

    June 23, 2015 at 11:48 pm

    Goldmyth walks into the school seeing a lot of people, “Oh what do to what do to?” Goldmyth looks around pulling her bags behind her.


    Raven flys around the school looking at some of the new students, he growls, “Uh. Need to find some trouble makers.” Raven sqints his eyes at some boys.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 24, 2015 at 12:11 am

    Piper had missed the announcement that everyone was buzzing about, but the English girl was able to pick up the snags of conversation that came about: ‘Magic torches’, ‘Familiars’, ‘Familiars!’. She grinned, trying to contain her excitement as she looked upward, catching a glimpse of a reptilian looking creature only with feathered wings…She squinted. A dragon. Mythical creatures were a rare sight in familiars. Just as quickly as she saw the dragon, just as quickly it disappeared from her sight. Piper kept herself from squealing. It wasn’t good for her image. She moved over to a green torch that was spitting out crisp little papers for students to snatch up before whisking themselves away. Piper followed suit, scratching her name down on a piece of paper before tossing it in. The paper that spat back out roughly said ‘109’. “How did they get ‘109’ from the name Piper?” She squinted at the paper in the light as if she could see some sort of scam on it. Nope. So she just trekked toward her room, ducking and diving around students of all ages before finally coming to her room, luggage somehow coming in once piece behind her. Clearing her throat,  she knocked on the door.


    Aurora found her room, 66, and holed down in a doggy bed enjoying the comfort it gave her. The room was painted white, and the carpeting was dark blue. “I wonder if they’ll have familiar’s pair up in rooms…most likely…” She murmured to herself, wondering if someone really out of all those faces was her ‘bonded’.

  • Jazzy

    June 24, 2015 at 12:17 am

    Raven looked around and sighed, “What a dump. They should clean this place once in a while.”


    Goldmyth got her number, “105. Okay, that’s fine.” Goldmyth walkes up to her romm and knocks on the door.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 24, 2015 at 12:20 am

    *Liv herd a knock at the door, she tugged at her red flannel before opening it and stepping out of the way when she saw the girl had luggage,’Must be my roommate,’ She thought*”hello,” She smiled.(She’s wearing a red flannel and grey t shirt with jeans and uggs)

    *Aaron stayed under the tree almost hidden, he didn’t like the fire torches in the school. He preferred the shade and shadows out side*

  • Jazzy

    June 24, 2015 at 12:22 am

    Goldmyth fixes her long golden hair, “Ello!”

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 24, 2015 at 12:26 am

    “Hey there mates.” Piper waved to the girl coming out of the room, and to the golden haired girl. “…You’re both blond! I’m so jealous.” She pushed back her dark bangs from her cat curved eyes.


  • Jazzy

    June 24, 2015 at 12:28 am

    Raven flys around looking at the three girls he rolls his eyes and flys to the ground (still small).


    Goldmyth smiles, “Thank you.”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 24, 2015 at 12:31 am

    “Nah, ye fine yer self,” Liv complimented back, before moving away from the door.

  • Jazzy

    June 24, 2015 at 12:34 am

    Raven changes into a some what large feathered black dragon, “Er…this place stinks.”


    Goldmyth glances at the ragon but quickly looks away as if it was a Five Nights at Freddy’s monster.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 24, 2015 at 12:37 am

    “Its a dragon! awesume!” Liv said wide eyed.

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