Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 12:27 am

    “I’m Piper.” The dark haired one smiled. “I mostly like getting myself in and out of trouble. I also have a huge fear of spiders and heights.” She smiled, to stop rambling.


    June 30, 2015 at 12:46 am

    Monty hung down from the branch he was lying on his head eye level with Piper “So you’re fine with snakes then?” he said holding his S’s to make fun of the stereotype of snakes.


    “I’m Ace and my favorite animal is a wolf to be honest” he said with a slight chuckle.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 30, 2015 at 1:01 am

    *Liv gasped at the snake and stumbled back putting her hand over her dirk’s hilt*

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 1:03 am

    “Oh, god, its a snaaake!” She leaped back about ten feet banging into the tree. “Eh! Familiar or not, don’t bite me with your venomous posion…” She edged behind Goldmyth, grabbing onto the other girl’s shoulders.

  • Jazzy

    June 30, 2015 at 1:24 am

    Goldmyth put her hand out, “Snakes are really nice.”

  • Kit Apparently

    June 30, 2015 at 1:33 am

    Rea nodded to herself, following her nose to the heavily scented room. “Hello? I have a note from the lady in the office…” she held it out nervously.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 1:52 am

    Daisy danced over to where a girl was, her eyes taking in the wolfish features the girl had even in human form, but she didn’t say anything. “A letter? For me?” She took the letter from the girl’s hands, “Ah, thank you pumpkin. And Ms. Claude, this is for you.” She rose her red eyebrows and handed the letter over to the dark haired woman. Ms. Claude read over the letter as well, but smiled. “Oh. I don’t know what the circumstance is that you need unrevealing powder, but that’s in my room.”

    “Actually, as the Charm’s teacher, I have some too.” Miss. Daisy went back to grab what look like a large clear flour shaker with green-gold dust in it. “I stole some from your room.” Miss. Daisy winked, although Ms. Claude didn’t seem pleased at all. “Here you are, dear. Careful on what you use this on. Don’t just throw it around at random…use your witch aura-sensing skills to detect large pockets of magic. Anything being hidden by magic will have gathered magic, no matter how faint.”

  • Kit Apparently

    June 30, 2015 at 2:01 am

    “Right.” Rea answered, wishing she didn’t have to be inside. Night would be falling soon, and she liked to watch the moon rise, and go out running. She took the powder and tucked it into a pouch strapped to her hip. Next to the pouch was a dog demon’s fang, sharpened into a blade and embedded into a hilt.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 2:07 am

    “Alright, dear, is that all you needed?” Miss. Daisy asked. “You know to get to your room and everything?”

    “Snakes! Are! Not! Nice! Once, there was this snake up north under our trailer, and-” She rambled into a story about how somehow the snake had gotten into the house and camped itself in her blankets because it was warm, and that how when she went to bed that night she felt something slithering across her ankles and feet.


    June 30, 2015 at 2:30 am

    “I Don’t have poison I’m a constrictor which means I don’t bite my prey I squeeze the life out of them think of it as a really big hug and I wouldn’t do that to you rather I would like to become friends. I only meant to scare you a little as a joke.” Monty said as friendly as he could no longer holding his S’s “All jokes aside are you okay?”


    Ace chuckled a little from Pipers reaction then realized that she hit the tree and ran to her side “Are you okay?” he said helping her off of the ground “Don’t worry I won’t let him do anything to you.” he said moving to stand in front of her.

  • Kit Apparently

    June 30, 2015 at 2:39 am

    “Actually… no. I don’t. It’s room 90?” Rea blushed. “I’ve only ever looked at the map for the headmaster’s office..” she looked embarrassed, lowering her head and making herself small. “Could you maybe help me?”

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 3:13 am

    “Aw! Thanks Ace,” She smiled, wiping off her skirt. “And…its okay. I can handle myself as long as Monty doesn’t give me any ‘hugs’.” She chuckled nervously, but looped arms with Liv and stepped behind him a bit.


    The sun began to dip behind the horizon as the clocks neared 7.


    “It is getting late,” Said Ms. Claude checking her watch. “But I’d like to finish up here with Lilianne…” She looked over at the brown haired girl, and Daisy piped up. “Well I’m more than happy to lead our special girl to her room. Room 90, was it? Aw, sugar, there aren’t any roommates there. But at least you get to think without hearing your roommates jabbering.” She laughed, and lead Rea out the classroom. “So what’s your name? I’m Daisy, but during class time its ‘required’ you call me Miss. Daisy.” She grinned, rolling her eyes.

  • Kit Apparently

    June 30, 2015 at 3:20 am

    “Rea, nice to meet you.” Rea was quite surprised at this person’s kindness- she didn’t seem at all disconcerted by her wolfishness. “To be honest, it’s probably best I don’t have a roommate to be disturbed by my nocturnal behaviors.” Oh, but I bet Ronan would have loved this place…. “So, what’s it like here?”

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 30, 2015 at 3:35 am

    “Rea. Pretty name.” She led her over to a flight of stairs, and halfway up they began to flicker, fire leaping up ankle high but Daisy didn’t seemed phased. “Oh! I hope you know about these stairs. The fire isn’t real, only an illusion,” She murmured humming a bit. “And I suppose that would be a problem for a roommate, although I think some of our witches and wizards here think they’re nocturnal. You know it’s the second tonight is only the second night and people have already been caught past curfew? It’s not like its 7 pm, or anything, it’s 11. 11! What on earth could interest you after 11pm?” She shook her head and sighed with a smile, coming up to the first floor of dorms. “And our school is quite old. There is a lot to know, but if you’re worried about discrimination against you then don’t worry much. Back in the day this school specially allowed the W.I.T.A–Werewolves In Training Academy to roam free on our land in exchange for their protection against witch hunters. Nowadays we simply visit their school for a few days to see the life of a werewolf’s and they’ll visit ours just the same.” They went past a small water found–decor leisurely of being someone on the first floor, and led her all the way down the hall to room 90. “Now if you need anything, you know how to get to my classroom and the office, right? Here. I always keep a map on me during the beginning of the year for lost freshman.”

  • Kit Apparently

    June 30, 2015 at 3:45 am

    Rea smile gratefully, a twinge of concern at the sound of the word ‘curfew’. “How much trouble do you get in for getting caught out past curfew?” she asked nervously.

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