The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Raven looks at the girl and smiles, “Hi. Now leave me alone.”
“Oh. It’s the reptilian thing from before.” She stepped back from it, looking skeptical. “So, I’m going to take a wild guess and say on your way here you got caught in a three-year-old’s basket at some arts and crafts store?” She asked referring to the feather on him with a grin. Her English accent was thick, but Northern American seemed apparent there too.
She stared at its eyes which seemed to glare at her. “You know what? I’m gonna go unpack.” She moved past the two blonds, into the room to kick off her heels and jog over to the closest queen sized bed. The room was fairly big, and common. She was glad she hadn’t gotten one of those old fashioned rooms. Her bedding probably would have clashed with everything. Thinking of bedding she pulled up the plastic bedding before pushing back her sleeve for the telekinesis spell again. Her bedding removed itself from the package, and the sheets already on the bed started to strip off.
*Liv sat on her bed and continued to read the book titled,’Shape shifting magic’*
Piper smiled at her new companion’s choice in reading. Shapeshifting was no amaturere’s read. She began to take her hair down from its complication of braids to let the dying curls hang on her shoulders. Her bag had unpacked itself and left assorted her clothes into the walk-in closet they were to share and her dresser. “I guess I’ll be the first to shower?” She asked her in her semi-thick accent, moving over to the dresser to start getting her pjs out.
*Liv frowned as she read*”Wait I ‘ave been readin dat wrong this hole tiem!?” She exclaimed and face palmed, before continuing to read.
“What?” Steam came from the bathroom as Piper stumbled out, her eyes darker without the blue contacts in–as dark as night–and over them thick black rimmed glasses. “You’ve been reading what wrong?” She tossed her bundle of clothes into the hamper like she was shooting a basket before sliding on her slippers and hopping onto the bed next to Liv. “Oh, right, we aven’t exactly exchanged names have we? I’m Piper.” She held out a hand as an offering of friendship. Lord knew she didn’t need to have an enemy as a roommate.
“Damn, I hate schools.” Tobias muttered to himself. The wraith following him growled at him, saying goodbye. This particular wraith had raised Tobias itself, so he considered it his father. He still didn’t know if it was male or female, nor did he know if wraiths had genders at all. He followed the instructions to get his room and looked at the paper. “Room 177. My unlucky number is 7…..” he groaned, dragging his luggage to the room.
Lumos pushed past the witches and wizards, nipping at their feet so they would move out of his way. The one thing he hated more than being immortal was the thought of having to be bonded in order to die.
“Dis blows…” He grumbled to himself. His accent was a very distinct one, sounding similar to a mobster boss’s accent, or Frank Stalone. Something along those lines. “Why I gotta be a familliah in da foist place is beyond me. Move it tubby!” he growled, nipping at a chubby boy’s ankles.
“A’m Liv,” she smiled and shook her hand before pointing to a word in the book with a pronunciation next to it.”A’m such a bampot (idiot).”
“Uh…Bambot? Okay.” She rose a brow, “You must be from Scotland, then. I had suscpiciouns maybe Ireland but that really gave yourself away, mate.” She grinned lamely. “I’m Piper. Anyway, Shapeshifting magic? What course will that require?” She smoothed her hair a bit.
“Excuse me all students! Those who were able to settle into your dorms please report to the lake beside our school for a evening announcement! A welcome party will held for both familiars and magic users! If you do not know where the lake is please follow the orbs of light running through the building. Beverages and snacks will also be served! Welcome to your new school!” The Headmistress’s voice rang through the building as golden orbs of light formed and began running through the main halls like a river, and a stray ball down the dorm room halls drift to go join the crowd.~~~
Aurora sat up from where she’d been dozing off, and shook her fur out with a small growl. <i>”Why is it always a party with witches? Its the only thing they do, really.” </i>But she knew why. Witches loved to party because of the numbers around them, the energy and magic that made them dizzy with power from one another.
” Nice tae meit ye piper, and I tink It requirse magic control,” Liv looked at the door when the announcement sounded,”I think we shauld gang (go),” Liv closed her book.
*Aaron slinked over to the lake and climbed a tree near by it on the out skirts of the lake, he was very well hidden in the shadows of the leaves*
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