The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“Oh, you just have to wash some class rooms. Back in the day, though,” She shook her head. “We had to clean out the poo the forest trolls left near our lawn. Uck.” She shook her head, hair flying. “You kids have it way too easy.” Although she, once again, looked fairly young to be a teacher. “I’ll see you later, okay Rea?” She giggled, jogging away way too perky.
Rea waved goodbye and then entered her room, collapsing on the bed without even looking much at the room. Nothing like Harry Potter…. she thought to herself.
“He won’t have a chance to ‘hug’ you.” Ace says staring into Monty’s eyes “should I see if I can hit him with some lightning?” he whispers to Piper
“Don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt you I was trying to make some friends” Monty said climbing the tree once more he got to the branch and just layed there
Piper ran a hand through her hair–a fidget. “No…We shouldn’t be like humans and destroy everything we touch.” She said, though seemed to be scolding herself, almost as if reciting something probably said to her many times. “Still, snakes aren’t…my thing..” A conflict waged war on her face, and so she shook it off. Not that important, I don’t think… “Thanks anyways, Ace. And sorry for freaking out Mr. Snake…” She wondered if he was still in the tree or if he had slithered off to be alone somewhere. Was that his first time scaring someone? What if everyone was afraid of him because he was a snake? Guilt boiled in her gut.
Soon enough fireflies and pixies came out to light up the night air as curfew neared, it being 10:30. -
*Aaron padded near a group in the front of the school with a couple familiars with them. He laid down 10 feet away and took a nap their*
Piper looked over at the panther who slinked by. She might’ve petted him, or waved but remembering how she and Liv stumbled upon him and her seemingly bad luck with familiars so far she let him be.
“Your not as big as Titanoboa. A 40 foot long snake, much like you.” Goldmyth smiles and pulls down her skirt, “Why do they make the skirts here do small and short?”
“I’d been wondering the same thing.” She narrowed her eyes at some guys watching not too far off, a clear sign to back off. “Geez, Goldmyth, they’re onto you like…well,I don’t know what.” She laughed. “It shouldn’t be hard for you to get a date to the dance.” Lately, that’s the only thing her mind had been buzzing about. Never more before was she excited for winter.
Lilianne stared for a few moments in total relief. For once in over 15 years, her head was her own. And then the manners that her mother had given up on teaching her kicked in. “T-Thank you. A lot.” She stammered, feeling a bit awkward but thankful at the same time.
(I’ll just continue from that last line ouo)
Ignis uses his wing to trace down the paper, not the greatest at reading but good enough to recognize his name. “Um… Ignis, room [aurora’s room number]. Where is that?”
Ms. Claude smiled warmly, glad that their school had relieved another witch of some sort of stress. “Not a problem. Now that everyone else is out of your head you can have some peace of mind…” Her smile withered a bit on her face, as her eyebrows pulled together almost as if scrutinizing the girl. “But beware, Lilianne. There are other ways to get into someone’s head, too, rather than the obvious.” She straightened up, looking at her watch. “Ah. That was a bit longer than expected. Oh well, as long as it works.” Ms. Claude shrugged, looking at the bracelet that looked very…voodoo. “Don’t go around mundanes with that on…Heavens know how they act.”
“Oh, that medium sized room? Well, that’s on the 100’s floor so we go up!” Deliah barked, not realizing as she broke into a run with her nails scraping against the ground her every step. “Hold on, Ignis,” She leaped to the base of the staircase, taking four stairs at a time–leaping up to the top of the stairs she laughed heartfully as her paws slipped on the newly polished tile, making her legs collapse from beneath her and for them to slide across the floor lazily on her stomach. “Ahhh, I feel young again.” She murmured before standing back up and stretching front leg joints a bit. “Now your room…” She trotted down the hall at an uneven pace, stopping abruptly when they came to his room, “Is here.”
Aurora yawned before slowly moseying down the hall, stumbling in her drowsiness that she could hardly see straight. She hadn’t even noticed she’d pondered into some stranger’s room, never considering the thought of a stranger leaving their door open. Hopping up into the bed she presumed to be her’s, she curled herself up on top the warm ‘pillow’ there before letting her eyes slip shut. Little did the white fox know she was sleeping on a student’s shoulder. The new student girls had been talking about–Seth. Of course, she probably wouldn’t had recognized him in that sense anyway. Mortal gossip was so tedious. -
Goldmyth smiled and giggled, “It’s just my looks, I might look easy, but I’m very picky with my men.”
Lilianne knitted her eyebrows together at Ms. Claude’s statement, tugging her sleeve down to hide the bracelet. “Lived with them my whole damn life,” She mutters, turning towards the door. “Thanks… again. Wait, wait, shit. I don’t have a schedule yet. Damn it, only I could screw up this badly.” She smacks a hand to her head, rolling her eyes at herself.
“Aah!” Ignis squeaked/tweeted, digging his claws into Delilah’s fur in an desperate effort to stay on her back. When she came to a stop he tumbled forward, blinking in a daze. “That was… interesting.” He tweets weakly, hopping back up on his stubby legs.
*Liv checked her watch and yawned*”We shauld gang back.”
*Aaron woke up and slinked into a dark tree*
“Oh? No schedule as of yet?” Ms. Claude moved over to where Daisy kept her extras in the drawer of her work bench before turning over to hand it to Lilianne. “In this school, we are always prepared.” She smiled, handing the sheet of ‘choose your schedule’ over and patting the younger girl on the head. “I think its about time you head to bed now, yeah? It’s 10:45.”
“Yes! It was fun, very fun, ooooh how I miss being a pup.” She lowered her front legs, shaking her rear excitedly before jumping back and forth. “Aaah, I’m sorry Swift. It’s the moon rising. All hounds get the jitters at the sight of it~~~” She barked, not talk but barked.
“Yeah.” Piper rubbed her eyes sleepily. “I’m totally beat. C’mon Goldmyth, you should go to bed too.” The dark haired girl moved over to Zebain who seemed to be asleep. “You think its okay to leave him out here on his own?” She asks, patting between his ears and grinning a bit.
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