The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Seth let out a deep long yawn as he himself slept pretty well. His eyes adjusted to the morning sunlight and with a blind hand he grabbed those black framed glasses. He slowly set up and looked out with a warm smile. This was a new day and he couldn’t be more happy. After taking a moment to put on a pair of dark blue jeans and his favorite black and white stripped v-neck shirt, Seth left his room and headed outside to see where everyone else was going.
“Okay.” Piper stepped out from the water closet, taking her pjs from last night and tossing them in the dirty clothes hamper. “I wonder what today will hold? What our classes will be like-Ugh, I have to do laundry.” She murmured, looking down at her favorite striped shorts dirty in there. “I was wondering what happened to those.” She looked over to Liv and Goldmyth, a smile forming on her face. “You guys should let me do your hair! For you, Liv, we could do a side tight fish tail braid…just as to not freak you out too much for the first time, and I’ll do a waterfall braid with Goldmyths hair–” She looked at Goldmyth’s golden hair, seemingly perfect. “Hey! Did you sleep at all last night?” She accused.
Aurora awoke at the smell of meat, her stomach grumbling as she headed out into the hall, nearly drooling with no shame in her dark eyes. She past by the guy she’d fell asleep on last night, glad she had no cheeks like the witches did to show her discomfort. All the same, it was hard not to bark out a laugh at his obviousness. -
“Uh. I’m going to do my hair today, and no, no sleep.” Goldmyth got out of bed and picked up her uniform.
“Do you have any idea how unhealthy that is? Like, witches who are sleep deprived plus magic does not equal good things.” She slid on her moccasin rubber soled shoe slipper things that were the most comfiest thing in the world.
Goldmyth holds up a shiny rock, “This keeps me up and running.” Goldmyth walks into the restroom and gets dressed. She comes out with a messy bun in her hair and her uniform with black tights on.
Rea woke up tangled in her blankets, thinking of her meeting with the familiar Aaron the night before. She felt like she was glowing with her excitement. She felt like she could have actually made a friend, and that made staying here even better. Then guilt washed over her like a wave. She was here to find her parents, not make friends. How incredibly selfish of her to forget that… her excitement evaporated, replaced with sadness, and she sniffled. “What am I doing….” she whispered, curling up on the bed.
Knocks came to the rooms of all the students and familiars, and before anyone would even have a chance to open their door, letters filed through the crack between the floor and door. A letter for each student in the dorms, each generally saying the same thing:
<i>’On this letter is your schedule, as seen below, and the two extra items–a silver card. This silver card is our “point system” card. Each student gets a thousand points each month to buy food, clothes, and other needs. Additional points can be earned for being valid victororian–600 points extra month–or simply working as a student staff member. </i>
The dangly key you have on your letter–be it old, or brand new, is the key to your room. Please keep up with your key and do not lose it. Also, it is highly reccomended not to give your key to anyone who does not live in your room. Thank you students, and have a wonderful day! — Ms. Vine.
<i>On Rea’s letter instead of a schedule–since she hadn’t signed up for classes– there was a note. “Seeing as you have not signed up for classes see me in my office. Toodles! — Ms Vine.</i>
Aurora nearly got bit with a letter that flew at her, squaking something about ‘classes’ and ‘room keys’. She tore off, running away from it only to have the letter chase her.
“Cool, so here’s our schedule.” Piper jumped onto her bed, reading over it. -
*Liv read it all before ripping the key off the paper and placing it in her pocket*
Piper ripped off the key, and the silver points card before shoving them into her pocket. “So what hours did you guys get for transfig?”
(Okay I have decided that the RPers character’s who have chosen the same classes as other characters will have those subjects during the same hour. Why? Because I have no teachers and it will be easier this way. If any one wants to take up a teacher’s role PM me. If you have classes you specially added yourself for your character (that was not on the list) then you yourself will be controlling the teacher for that class. x”D Thank you. Remember, any suggestions you have feel free because I’m waay open, and if any questions look over the forum before asking me if you still can’t find an answer.
And remember! Look for the ‘bonded’ to your character. I can see some of you fancying familiars or witches and not even talking with them. Make a move! :D)
Rea snatched the letter out of the air, reading it and looping her key onto her necklace. “To the main office it is, then.” she wove through the people beginning to move about the halls, and knocked on the office door. “Ms. Vine, I got your letter…”
Goldmyth smiled and looked at the key, “Ooo.” Goldmyth put the key in her pocket and looked at the paper, “Wait what?! I got a shapeshifter class?! That doesn’t make sense!”
Piper frowned. “Well did you sign up for shapeshifting? Can you even shift?” She shook her head. “If you don’t want it I’m sure we can go to the office and have it changed.”
Ms. Vine smiled before standing up. “Rea…Good to see you. Doing well?” She asked, waiting for an answer before continuing. “We have informed the tower of magic of missing people–your parents, and also have the Wolves In Training Academy involved as well, where they have begun sending out troops of graduated wolves to search the area since your parents came here, to this school. I wanted to ask you some things, so please have a seat.” Ms. Vine returned to her seat, and cleared her throat. “Do you know why your parents and their familiars were coming here? Why they didn’t take you and your brother with them? How far do you live from this school, exactly, Ms. Hartfeld?” A quill nearby was scratching away the questions, waiting for an answer.
Ace got out of bed and quickly went into the bathroom and got ready he was wearing all black including a black hooded cloak and he reached into one of his bags and pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on and looked at Piper “So how do I look for my first day?” he asked slightly blushing as he remembered that the first time she saw him in this room was him in his boxers and nothing else.
Monty slithered out of his room and went to Ms. Vine’s room because he forgot to sign up for classes and he sees Rea “Oh hello did you forget to fill out a sign up sheet for classes as well?” he asked the girl as he slithered up towards the door to wait for Ms. Vine “I’m Monty by the way” he says with a smile.
“I can’t shift! I don’t know. I’ll talk to the office later.” Goldmyth looks at Ace, “Oh and I saw you too. Last night, I was on my computer, heh.” Goldmyth smiled and puts on her green convers.
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