The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Lilianne rolled over, opening her eyes to find a letter poking her face repeatedly. Giving a short shriek, she rolls completely off the bed, curls a static shock around her face. “What the fuck kind of alarm clock is this?” She hisses, grabbing the letter and ripping it open. Scanning the text quickly, she pulls the key and card off and shoves both in her pocket. Grabbing clothes and changing as fast as she could, she finishes her morning routine and flops on her bed, tying the key to her bracelet and staring at the card. <i>Weird,</i> she decided. Most thoughts were vacant of her head, a few voices tickling at the back of her mind. Picking up her phone, she notices one text from her mom. <i>Screw that.</i> She throws her phone away from her, staring at the bracelet on her wrist. The voices disappeared.
Ignis squawked loudly and took off of the perch he’d slept on with a flurry of feathers as a letter starting screeching things at him. Classes, keys, points… He twittered nervously, daring to dart forward and nip at the letter when it came close.
Rea flinched and turned around to look at the snake. “I didn’t forget to, I wasn’t here!” she answered defensively.
“I don’ get what ye lasses are telling aboot…” Liv looked at them blankly.
Raven walked around and looked at some of the students, saying things like, “Ohh! I’ll pick him!” Or, “He’ll be great working with me!”
Goldmyth sighed and picked up her phone.
Piper smiled at the cloak Ace was wearing and nodded. “Pretty cool. By the way, where did you get that cloak? It has an awesome mysterious feel to it. Very witchy. It’d be pretty cool to wear that in the human world.” She cracked a smile at Goldmyth bringing up last night’s…occurence before turning to the door. “First hour, transfiguration. Anyone else have transfiguration this time?”
“Ah, Mr. Monty, we’re having a bit of a long discussion. How can I help you?” She asked, smiling to Ms. Hartfeld. “When you’re ready, tell the quill the answers to my questions when I help him. I know these questions seem personal, but it’ll help us on our search.”
Aurora ran down to the breakfast room to chow down on some meat after leaving the letter shreds on the floor. There was no card, points, or key for any room. Instead on a ripped piece the letter said, no familiars require keys or cards as their DNA is on file. Blood covered her muzzle, as Auror lifted her head up tiredly from her meat and she looked around the table where she sat alone. Foxes were never very social creatures, but she felt old and lonely and that is why she had come to this school. To bond with someone, understand them fully, and die happily. Whether it be by their side fighting or in a hospital bed. She also wanted familiars for friends, too, but hadn’t seen Raven in a while. And the Swift was sleeping so dreamily she didn’t want to wake the small creature up with a fright.
“Aaah! Thank god. At least I have one class with a friend.” She grinned thankful. “Well, we should all get breakfast first, yeah?”
Rea nodded and readied herself to answer.
Calcifer bounded through the school, searching for his first class, transfiguration. He was so excited, lightning crackled around his paws, setting everyone’s hair on end with each leap.
“Aye!” Liv smiled and started out the door.
*Aaron was already in the breakfast hall eating a slab of meat in a dark corner where their wasn’t any torches. Because he knocked them down*
“Aight mates, see you later then!” She bounded out after her friend, a grin on her face as she headed down to the breakfast room with Liv.
Aurora sat her head down on the table with a sigh. -
*They made it to the breakfast room, Liv got beacon and a beagle and orange juice*
Piper, not feeling very hungry, grabbed a banana and apple juice. “Oh how I miss just blending my breakfast together.” She sighed, peeling the banana open. “Now I actually have to chew things.” She rolled her eyes playfully, sitting down at a table near the arctic fox. “Hey…um…Icey?” Piper asked, biting into the banana and looking at the shorter fox.
“It’s Aurora.” The fox corrected, not meanly, before looking over at<i> </i>Liv. “Nice to see you Piper, Liv.”
*Liv waved as her cheeks were filled with bacon so she didn’t talk but chewed*
Ace followed Piper down to get breakfast and grabbed a handful of bacon and grape juice (his favorite) and sat down across from Piper “Wow you know everyone here don’t you?” he asked gesturing to the fox and then realized he was being rude “Pardon my manners I’m Ace nice to meet you.” he says to the fox and sits and talks to her for a while and gets up and goes to get more juice and walks towards the table with the juice and gets quite a big ZAP from a wolf running with lightning on his paws “Ouch… Well someone’s excited for their first day huh? I’m Ace” he says making lightning go between his fingers and from one hand to the other in a playful manner “It looks like we have something in common.” he says chuckling after and smiling at the wolf “What class do you have first?”
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