The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“I liked him.” Said a dark haired woman to the blond headmistress. Ms. Claude. “Well, I have to hurry to Illusionary classes and…” They both stared at the hooded boy that had enetered the school some time ago, passing by them twice now. “Excuse me,” Ms. Vine called out, “How can I help you? Are you lost?” At the look on his face, she smiled, “Don’t worry dear, I’m the head mistress.” Ms. Vine looked over at Ms. Claude quickly, “And make sure the catacomb is cleaned and a spell ready. I’ve requested some strainers from the W.I.TA. We have only tonight until tomorrow night begins.” Ms. Claude nodded before smiling at the seemingly new student before heading off toward the hall of magic to go to class.
“Did you? Haha, sorry.” She laughed, stopping abruptly when they came out of the hall of magic where rows of classrooms were. “Whew, that thing made me dizzy, how about you?” Piper nudged him with her elbow a bit before pointing over to a classroom where the tiles around it changed from boring bricks to birds that would fly around chirping something about illusionary magic before returning back to the holes they created to become bricks once again. “I think that’s the place.” She moved over to the iron door to pull at the handles that turned into snakes before she could grab onto them. They looked pretty harmless, but she still jumped back biting down shriek.
The boy looked at the woman with delight, as it would seems he found help finding the door room. In a polite manner boy said to the woman ” A yes it seems that I may have gotten lost, can you please help my predicament, and point me the boys dorm room?”
“Boys dorms are not really separate.” Laughed the head mistress. “However, there are magic principles that keep our students from…activity on campus. If you will please come with me…” She walked to the entry of a hall, and to one of the yellow-orange torches posted there. “Okay, then,” She grabbed a small vial of white powder before sprinkling some in a flame. “Right this way, young man,” Ms. Vine smiled her blond hair tinting green as the fire popped, turning a toxic kind of lime green color. “On this piece of paper right your name before throwing it into the flames. This will determine your room number.” She smiled brightly, holding out a slip of paper.
Rea smiled nervously, wondering what kind of questions would be asked of her. She blushed some when it was mentioned the stuff about the upcoming moon, and her hands raised subconsciously to her head to make sure her ears were still safely tucked away. “Ms. Vine, what did I need the revealing powder for again?” She whispered, “the one in the bathroom?”
Ms. Vine turned back to Rea from where she stood in the doorway of her office, a smile coming to her face as she walked back in. “Yes, Ms. Hartfeld. The door should be under one of the sinks in the girl’s bathroom…although I cannot remember which one exactly. The third or second, maybe.” She sat down in her sterotypical ‘principal’ long back chair to fold her hands together. “Have you thought over the questions? How far your parents live from the school, their business here, and why your brother and you were not brought with them here? Unless you live fairly close to the school, which the closest neighborhood I know is about a good 20-to thirty minutes away, why would they leave you unattended for so long?”
the boy took the paper within the woman’s hand and wrote his name, and threw the lime color flame in which determined his room number. After a few minutes talking to a person she sit on her seat and ask her a questions in which he answered politely: “ I’m really sorry to tell you this but I really don’t have parents, and a place to call home anymore, and through my childhood till now I always live in back alley, and street trying to survive, and the only reason why I’m even here attending this school now is because of someone I don’t really know or even met enrolled me here.”
Goldmyth wrote down some things and listened to the very interesting class. Some students showed their powers, including Goldmyth. She was the only one in the class who had her powers. Goldmyth blushed at the boy and still glanced at him from time to time. (should I make a thing for Alex, ’cause I might ‘play’ him tbh…should I?’
Raven walked outside and flew into a nice cool tree, he curled up and closed his eyes.
Rea opened her mouth to speak, but before she got even a little peep out the other student answered. She huffed quietly and pulled out a small notebook and pencil to write down her answers.
‘We live far away from here, outside of the wizarding community in a small town in Wisconsin. I’m not sure how far away that is from here. My brother and I were at the zoo, visiting the wolves there and when we came home they were gone, and no one knew who we were or who we were asking about… And my parents were plenty good neighbors. They didn’t say anything about going and they definitely wouldn’t allow another family to move in and take our place.’
‘(oops, it didn’t get the rest)
Plus, neither of us were alive when my parents lived or rather went here. They were fifteen and graduated early, married at seventeen, and my mom had my brother when she was 18.’
Lilianne rushed out her door, mentally reprimanding herself for spacing off and missing breakfast. “Jesus, Lili, you’ve fucked up again.” She hisses, shaking her head in annoyance and running down her her classes in a hurry. Brown curls bouncing across her back, she takes a sharp turn, dodging people and familiars alike.
Ignis finally watched the letter fall to the ground, exhausted in it loud spiels about his classes. Doing a quick once over to preen his feathers, he flitted out of his room to find his classes.
*Liv listens to the class*
*Aaron sits in his class in the back not really paying that much attention, he had already took this course*
Ms. Vine smiled at Rea for a moment before lifting her gaze up to the new student with a hood. “I am sorry to hear that…it seems like every year our lovely students are mistreated or have some sort of dark past; part of being in the human world as I take it you were in.” She stood up, mentally calling for Genie wherever that golden monkey had gotten off to. Ms. Vine smiled as Rea wrote, “Understand that here you are not alone with those issues. Many students also have faced hardships and you may be able to relate. If you have issues, teachers and I myself are just about aGlways welcomed to help and talk it through.” Genie, the golden haired monkey, Ms. Vine’s familiar, trotted in the room on all fours to leap on the desk with a grin. “I’ll take you to your room.” She said, rubbing at her golden fur before leaping off the desk and onto the new student’s shoulder where she got herself comfortable. “Ok, what’s your room number?” Ms. Vine smiled at them before returning to Rea and looking over the sheet. “Well that’s very strange. Have you ever considered…” She cleared her throat, before going on delicately, “-that maybe your parents didn’t willingly leave. That maybe, they hadn’t even come to this school?”
“Okay, you two,” The transfiguration teacher walked over and yanked open the snake handled doors. They looked at Piper. “Nothing to fear, dear, it’s just some magic. Now go take your seats at once.”
inside the room, similiar to most nice classrooms in the school there were several long windows that were blurred out for the student’s ‘attention’ needs. Except the light today that filtered through was gray onto the black worn long desks, and instead of brick walls they were cement almost like the inside of some old chapel.
“Uh…Alright..” She looked over her shoulder at Ace, beckoning him forward as she went in.
” Let me see.. oh its room 106” said the boy embarrassed for answering a question not meant for him to the golden hair monkey, as the two walk out of the room leaving the woman and the girl alone privately. Eventually after a few minutes the two finally arrive into the kid’s dorm room were the golden hair monkey, make his leave. Now entering his dorm room the kid now taking off his hood that the face is now visible, made himself at home, as he took out all his item in his bag. Finally after a few minutes he finish setting up which includes, his alchemy lab: with all of his material he use for dark and light magic recipes among other things, two mandrakes plants, which also include one one headphone to cancel the mandrakes screams, were can be found in his closet in which he enchanted so no one outside the closet can hear the mandrakes scream if pulled out for emergencies. and various of talisman, and holy items for protection among other things. But as he check his material once more near his alchemy table it seems that he is missing some plants he need, and so he wrote down all the things he need on a piece of paper, and put it in his pocket, took his map of the school, and exit his room now looking for the school garden for the items he needs.
Rea’s magic slipped and her ears and tail popped out. Her tail was fluffed out and pointing outward, giving away her anger at the very idea. “Who would do that?! Why? I- I don’t understand… If they didn’t come here then where? They didn’t go out in their wolf forms without us, and then it was a family thing on the full moon!” She started out sniffling, but it quickly escalated to hysterical sobs. “Why would anyone take my mom and dad away?”
“Oh! Ms. Hartfeld, it was only a suggestion. Perhaps to ring a bell as to if anyone would have taken your parents…here, dear,” She reached across her desk and pushed the box of tissues forward before pulling open a drawer and rummaging through. “However, Ms. Hartfeld you have nothing to fear.” She clunked a mystery candle on her desk before lighting her finger on fire and sharing the flame with the wick. The smell of pine and lavender began to coat the room, mixed with other mysterious fumes. Charm magic. “If they or their familiars have been using their magic we should be able to see how well they are, and possibly some idea of where they are at.” She leaned across the desk to pat the girl’s shoulder. “We should get word back from the tower tonight.”
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