The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“Aye,” Liv nodded and placed the book on her bed heading out the door,”See ye lasses thaur,” She waved before jogging off following the orbs.
Goldmyth ran outside and smiled, “Whoop! Whoop! I’ma witch and I’m gonna eat ya cause you ate mer candy house! Whoop. I’ve got an ugly long nose and I’m green!”
*Liv looked at her other room mate confused and a little offended*”eh,” She went to say something but decided not to try and convince her that she didn’t have green skin.
Goldmyth ran up to the lake and looked around, “I wonder if could spawn something like a rock dog, lemme try!” Goldmyth put her hands to the ground and a dog sculpture animal came out of the ground, “Awe, it’s just a still boring grey sculpt dog.”
“B-But I’m in my pajamas!” Piper squinted at the clock and gritted her teeth before jogging after both blondes. “Hey! Wait up!” She grinned as golden orbs of light swarmed around her as she trekked along. They almost felt…warm…
Around the corner and towards an open doorway to the night, what she saw outside brought a bit more of a bounce to her step.
Tables with plastic party cloth draped over them held bowls of chips, dip, and sparkling punch, on small plates floating around were tiny sandwiches and sushi. Golden orbs of light similar to the ones that led half the crowd her bobbed around lazily like Chinese lanterns. But their shine was nothing compared to those of the stars white glow, the reflecting of the lake making it even more majestic. Music could be heard somewhere, full of 2014’s 15’s latest hits…some students danced, while others laughed and criticized the teacher’s doing the Marciano and ‘the sprinkler’.
Aurora padded through the grass toward where one of the floating plates held sushi. With a wolfish grin, she casually kicked a paw forward underneath it making a fountain of ice capture the plate. Reaching up, she bit onto it and the ice cracked. <i>”I’ll just take this…”</i> Her voice said, muffled, as she loped towards the lake…but not before she crashed into a long golden haired girl, sushi flying all over. “Hey!” She shouted to the witch, who was screaming something about an ugly nose. “My sushi!”
(Here’s your chance to have the familiars and students interact….( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕`) )
Goldmyth jumped back, “Hey! Watch where you are going! You could have hurt me really badly!” Goldmyth growled and rolled her eyes.
Raven flew around the party place and landed on the ground increasing his size and messing with his feathers, “There’s sushi? That’s the only good thing here. Christ.” Raven took some sushi and glared at the kids.
“There you guys are..” Piper huffed as she moved beside Goldmyth and Liv. She narrowed her eyes the white arctic fox growling low beneath them. “What’s your problem?
“Me? get in your way?!” Growled Aurora, looking at her sushi as it lay in the grass. “Listen to me, young lady, I am nearly a hundred years old. I do not need to be mouthed off by some punk little witch!” She clawed at the ground, her tail flicking back and forth. Am I really supposed to find a bonded here?
*Liv crouched down and picked up the sushi back on the plate for the fox*(didn’t know i was with you guys sorry XD)
*Aaron stayed in the tree, watching the wizards and witches*(Aaron is anti social X3)
Goldmyth rolled her eyes, “Watch little runt.”
Raven raised and eyebrow at the young girl and he turned his head up to the tree, “I see you in there.”
Aurora sighs. <i>”Thank you young lady. At least someone knows manners here.” </i>She reached up with her mouth again to clamp it around the plate to take back down to her height. She set the plate in the grass. “Anyways, what might your names be?”
“Ye welcum, A’m Liv,” she said dusting her hands off, off to the side.
*Aaron stayed still and didn’t move, he stared at Raven with his green eyes,’Really? do you?’ He thought as the leaves of the tree slowly shifted around him to cover him, on the out side it looked like the tree was swaying in the wind gently.
Goldmyth walked up to the dragon, “May I pet your feathers?”
“Eh?” Raven turned around and looked at the girl, “Oh yeah sure you can.”
“Thanks.” Goldmyth touched the feathers and smiled, “They are very soft. Thanks. I’m going to leave now.” Goldmyth ran off to the lake and throw stones
Raven smiled, “Oh. Okay.” Raven looks at the fox and walks up to her, “Ello!”
“Uh, yeah, hi. I’m Piper.” Piper waved awkwardly, watching as Goldmyth ran off somewhere. Shortly later a dragon waltzed up, stealing the white fox away from them.
Aurora grinned at them, her canines showing, “I am Aurora. A true pleasure to meet you.” She looked over to the dragon startled at the sight of a mythical familiar approaching her. Rumor was that those things were vicious and rude. “Hello there.”
*Liv stood and turned to Piper*”Hehe, nae ane has noticed this,” She pulled at a leather knot string on her waist and grabbed the strip and held it up, a scabbard followed suit harboring her dirk that had been semi hidden by her flannel this hole time.
Raven smiled, “Nice to meet you. I’m Raven. You are quite small to be a familiar.” he licked his feathers.
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