The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Goldmyth glanced again, but he was looking at her, she blushed and took out some paper and wrote on it, ‘See something you like?! XD’ She quickly passed it to the boy and looked at the teacher writing in the board.
Rea started taking big gulping breaths to calm herself down and pulled a tissue from the box, wiping at her eyes and another one for her nose. “I’m sorry, my em-m-motions are a bit out of control with the upcoming full moon.” She explained, sniffling. “What’s the tower, anyways?”
“The tower is the base of magic. Magic runs through there attracted by ‘things’ I cannot tell you about as it classified from everyone but the elders that run the tower. Most of the magic attracted there is witch and familiar magic however, and the tower also holds records of every witch that has lived. Including you, I take it.” Ms. Vine smiled warmly. “So they will surely have something on your parents there. And yes, the full-moon is tomorrow night, correct? We are nearly finished with your needs in the catacombs.”
“Tomorrow, yes.” Rea nodded. “But I’ll probably go down tonight. I…. I have a hard time controlling my temper the day of.” She admitted, ashamed. “I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone.”
“Very well. I understand how it feels to have a hard time with control. Magic is very hard to harness as well.” She stood up slowly with a smile, “However I hadn’t expected you to be ready to go down just yet. The materials have just come, and they’re currently setting up your things down there. So you can’t go down just yet.” She looked around the room. “Herbal tea?”
Rea frowned, thinking with worry about tomorrow. “Do you have any mint tea?” She asked Miss Vine. “Um… Do you think that…. No, nevermind.” She was worried. This full moon would be her first alone. Even under the influence of the night and the wolf, she feared she would be lonely.
“Think what?” Ms. Vine moved over to a station where coffee was with other hot beverages. She got two packets of mint tea, making their leave soak more quickly and staining the hot water a darker color with magic. The blond picked up the two mugs and brought over packets of sugar and cream,.
“It’s just that…. Ugh, this is going to sound stupid… I’ve never spent the full moon alone before.” She said, reaching for the mug and inhaling the scent of the mint leaves. “I just worry… And I don’t want to wake anyone if I howl.”
“Oh honey!” Ms. Vine sighed, her eyes widening. “I’m so sorry. I hadn’t even thought of that, gah! Your headmistress here is very stupid. Very, very stupid. I’m just trying to throw you down into the catacombs alone, thinking you can handle yourself. But you are a cub, I must remember that.” She gave a small, apologetic smile. “It’s just..your remind me of your mother a lot. Quite the independent girl. Yes, I can ask someone from W.I.T.A to come and spend the full moon with you. Do you have preference of male or female?”
After a few minutes of wrong turns, finally the kid arrive in the garden in which inside he was impress by the collection of plants that was growing in there, and finally what it seems like an hour in the garden he finally comes out with the ingredient he needs. Upon returning to his dorm, he notice a crow lying on the ground hurt, and so with great haste he picked up the crow, and return to his room. Upon returning to his room the kid lay the crow in his bed, were he took out a black book with a white cross on the cover, and opened it as he cast a incantation shining a great light on to the sky into the crow healing himself itself od all its ailments, as the crow now just sleep peacefully.
” You really think I’m like my mom?” She asked, eyes shining. “Um, I usually stayed with my whole family, but recently I’ve gotten used to staying with-” she stopped, unable to force herself to say his name. Tears began welling up in her eyes and she furiously wiped them away with her sleeve. “Stupid full moon!”
“I really do. You’re strong willed like her. Any other child, werewolf or not, probably would have just fled the scene and wait around for their parents to come home. But you must had done research to discover that your parents had come here. It was brave of you, Rea.” She handed her another tissue. “I’ll order a W.I.T.A student to come with supplies for two immediately. Now tell me, do you use bondage on the night of the moon? I know every wolf is different.” She asked gently. She needed to figure out this information before the sun fell.
Rea shuddered. “No, we had a basement at home or we wandered the reserve nearby.” She offered up. “I’m not dangerous to other ‘wolves or even animals… It seems lime it’s just humans and witches I can’t be around. Mom and dad’s familiars were always fine with us.”
“Ah, alright.” Ms. Vine nodded. “I heard some werewolves can be aggressive, but I suppose that usually stands with the human bitten ones. I’m sorry for misunderstanding.” She rolled her chair over to a phone before smiling at Rea and dialing a few numbers in, pressing a button for speaker phone. “Hello? Mr. MCafe?”
“I was wondering, as a dear old friend of yours, if you could send over one of your W.I.T.A wolves to accompany my minor wolf these full mooned nights?” She smiled at Rea, crows feet from her eyes showing how old she actually was.
“I suppose so, Ms. Vine ole mine. However, you’ll have to take me up on this weekend.” The old man’s grin was almost heard.
Ms. Vine rolled her eyes. “Very well then. I will be waiting at 8 oclock sharp this Saturday. I promise that if you are not there to pick me up on time I will not be there when you are late.” She smiled a bit, hanging up before he could answer. The blond looked at Rea, almost forgetting the girl was there. “Oh. I’m sorry dear, I’m sure you could have lived without that.” She laughed jollily.
Rea shook her head. “It’s nice to see happy people again.” She said, taking a sip of her tea black. “I really must thank you for all your kindness, though. Lesser witches would have turned me away.”
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