The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“Unfortunate it is that this world can be so cruel to one another. It’s just the days, I suppose.” Ms. Vine shook her head, also taking a sip of her tea. “But I have grown quite fond of you, Rea. It’s quite nice to enjoy tea with someone like you with intentions so pure. We will find your parents, and even after we have you are more than welcome to join the academy at any time for learning if you wish to further seek out your witch blood. We would be most honored to teach you.”
Rea blushed, her tail wagging slowly. “Thank you for saying that, but I don’t even know the most basic of spells.” She argued politely. “Most of the people I’ve seen here know that at least.”
“Oh, dear girl, here your requirements of magic can be little to none. The beauty of the school of binding is not the knowledge you have in your head, but the ridges and passages of your heart. Here, you find your bonded. Your destined one to walk by your side in battle and companionship.” She laughed, “If this stage required certain magical skills many of my students would not be here.” She thought for a moment, “Of course, who’s to say you dont meet your bonded during your time here with us now? If the connection is strong enough..” Light seemed to shine in her eyes at the thought.
“I’m a little nervous, to be honest. The only familiar I’ve met so far is Aaron, and we really hit it off, but I don’t know if we.. HIT it OFF.” She said, more to herself than Miss Vine.
“Hm…Aaron…The panther familiar, yes? My sources have told me Aaron isn’t very social. It’s surprising to me that you to hit it off.” She grinned like a little school girl, sitting gingerly down in her seat again. “So, tell me all about it.” She propped her chin on her fisted hand, elbow on the desk.
“Weeeeell…. I saw a blurry shape out my window and i was curious, so I turned into a wolf and went outside. He was hunting, and I asked if I could share a rabbit with him and he said yes and then we were talking and he made a flower grow. Wow that was a lot of ands. Um, he complimented me on my design that I made on the rib bone of the rabbit and then we talked some more, and I didn’t want to get in trouble so I came back inside- oh no I was going to meet him again today I forgot what day it was, I never forget that! I hope he isnt too mad…”
“Mhm, mhm, oh yes…” Ms. Vine smiled before wiping a tear from her eye. “Such chemistry. It starts out so small, y’know, and before you know it–BAM! They’re your familiar. I remember when Genie and I were paired together.” She sighed happily.
“You mean Aaron and me- erm, Aaron and I – might be-” she squeaked, nearly dropping her cup and deciding she should probably just put it down.
“Well, maybe. Let me know if you feel any earth-shattering emotions or somehow your auras have meshed together.” She smiled, “but if you want to hurry and try to meld your auras together now we can always speed up the process with a ritual.”
“Well I mean if Aaron wants to we could try, but I heard it’s dangerous?(to go alone take this)”
(dah dah dah daaaasaah)
(Daah..~ x”D)
“Well, nothing dangerous will really come of it unless the witch or wizard does not properly understand what they’re doing. Of course, I am here to assist you. I am the one who conducts all the binding spells.” She sighs, “All 3000 of them in this school. You see, it all starts with the first witch or wizard to bond, and then they all just flood in.”
Rea bounced in her seat. “I’ll ask him after the full moon has passed then!” She said cheerfully.
“Alright, Rea! I am so very happy one of my cherished little buttercups is decided to finally get a bonded.” She ranted happily, “I’m sorry. I always get excited of the first bonded of the year. If you two work out, you’ll be quite the role-model for my students this year.”
“I hope he doesn’t mind, though….” She thought out loud. “I would hate for him to be angry with me…” She tucked her ears away, concentrating on the tail after that. “I should start grabbing some stuff and taking it down there today while people are still in class. How much time is left of this class?” She asked.
“I’ll help.” Ms. Vine smiled, before looking at her watch. “Twenty minutes. The only thing that is really left to take down is calming herbs used when werewolves transform to soothe them.”
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