The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“Ah, well, trouble isn’t exactly what I would call it. C’mon, it sucks to change on the full moon alone…to be left with that beast like animal with no purpose, yourself, alone. Or at least that’s me, I tend to be very aggressive and violent with any intruders–non-wolves–on the full moon. People like me have to stay with wolves all the time so they feel like they have something to protect. You know what I mean?”
Ms. Vine grabbed a paper ‘first bonded of the year’. “Oh boy.” She grinned seemingly excited.
“Oh! I’ve heard of protector types, but I never thought I’d meet one!” Rea said excitedly. “Truly, it’s an honor!” she resisted the urge to bow. “Um, Miss Vine, does Fang know where to go?” she asked. “… Miss Vine? What are you doing?”
“Its really not a big deal. More so the wolf in me just wanting to isolate the pack away from any danger or threats. It can be pretty severe.” He laughed, “Its a true honor to meet you too, Rea.”
“Oh? Me?” Ms. Vine’s glasses flashed as she smirked. “I’m not doing anything, anything at all. And do you remember the route to the catacombs Mr. Cockingdale?”
Fang’s eye twitched at his last name, which he particularly didn’t care for. “Yes…Ms. Vine..”
“Well there you have it.” She stuck the papers behind her back. “When would the two of you like to go down?”
As he walk in the courtyard to get some fresh air, he opened his red book and check all the spell he have learned for many years. Upon looking in the book he notice a summoning spell in which he haven’t use for a while. So with a simple incantation, he summoned a skeletal puppy. Seeing the puppy circle around him happily, reminded him of the first time he use this spell and the look of his father proud, and his mother smiling for learning his first spell. After a few minutes playing with the skeletal puppy, Hans found the nearest tree he can find, and sat under the shade of leaves as the puppy slept on his lap, leaning into the tree trunk, feeling the breeze on his hair, as hug the book tight, till finally falls into a deep sleep.
*Liv wrote down some stuff in her note book*
*Aaron sat in the back of his class room skimming over a text book*
Goldmyth smiled, “Well, I’m going to be late to my class so…I just gotta go fast!” Goldmyth waved good bye to Piper and ran off to her next class. ((lol still trying to figure this one out so give me time, I’ll not role play till the bell rings. Some one please tell me or PM when it does. XD))
Rea nods. “Well, actually that sounds like a good idea!” She said. “Let me just grab- oh nevermind they’re right here!” she pulled out a deck of cards. “Okay, let’s go, Fang.”
“This is not over…!” She called as Piper was swept up by the crowd, and she ducked into her illusionary.
“Cards? This will be fun.” He reached in his pocket to slap his cellular phone into Ms. Vine’s open hand with a smile, “Alright, I know your phone and electronics policy. But honestly, what do technopathans do when they get to this stage?” Fang shook his head, and Ms. Vine laugh. “They usually become something of a metal-bender trying to create a computer. Now, assist my girl if you would please.” She smiled, unlocking her drawer to toss his phone in.
He turned to catch up with Rea, swiping his red tipped hair back from his face. “You have magic? Or some way to get entrance to the catacombs?” The dark haired boy was walking toward the staircase because getting the crap beaten out of him for going into the girl’s bathroom wasn’t an option and he didn’t have any true magic other than fire arts.
Rea shrugged, aware that he couldn’t see it. “No idea. Miss Vine gave me something to find the panel though.” she walked in after that, checking that she was alone and then pulling out the powder. “Let’s see if this works…” she pulled some out of the bag and threw it at the sinks in a wide ark.
The powder would fall and hit the ground causing it to bubble, some sinks that clearly did not have any secrets or glamor continued to bubble before looking like the regular floor. Under one of the sinks, however, the fake flooring glamor melted away revealing a trap wooden door.
Fang sighed. “I’ll have to go the other way,” He grabbed the pinch of powder given to him from his dad when he was informed he’d be staying in the catacombs, before jogging over the staircase and ducking under. Flicking the dust away from his hand, the similar effect of that in the bathroom would happen before a lopsided tile in the wall would glow a bit. He punched the tile causing a portion of the wall to pull back and to the side.
Rea shrugged, closing the bag and tucking it back into the pouch strapped to her side. She grabbed the trap door and pulled it open, stepping into the dark. Her eyes adjusted quickly as her night vision kicked in. “Fang?” she called down the corridor.
A torch sparked to life down the darkened corridor, farther off, and the sound of boots scraping across the cement in an human pace was heard. “Yeah, I’m here.” Within 3 minutes he was by her side, hardly panting with his hand completely engulfed in flame. “The area that’s closed off is this way.” He grabbed her hand in order to not get seperated in these catacombs, who knew how big they were? “Pass one tunnel, then number two…” The third tunnel had a faint glow to it. “Here we are.” Inside was a circular room rather large and seemed to be swept clean. Hanging from the short ceiling were random colored bags of mixtures known to relax wolves. The faint glow in the room came from what looked like a faint gold visible ward. “We can get in,” He moved through the ward, that seemed to brush through his insides, as wards did, “But nothing else can. Only wolves.”
Rea smiled and blushed when he grabbed her hand, but quickly schooled her expression when they made it to the room. “Wow.. to put this all together in a few days… and the ward… magic is so cool!”
He grabbed a torch with his fire covered hand. “Yeah, I’m sure the longer you stay here the more they’ll add to make you more comfortable. Takes time to build these places up.” His smiled was a bit lopsided, and he sat down on the floor to cross his legs. “Wanna play with those cards?” He pointed a long finger at the deck.
Hans suddenly was awoken by the puppy barking, as if something was bothering him, and before you know it he was off somewhere. At first Hans ignored it but he realize that the puppy was a graveyard guardian and the only reason why he would go all suddenly was because someone is disturbing the grave he was guarding which peak his curiosity, and plus he was worried that if the puppy might bite someone, so leaving no other choice Hans follow the skeletal puppy into who know were.
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