The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Rea nodded, pulling the cards out and handing them to him. “What do you want to play?” She stood and pulled off her bag, hanging it and the dagger on one of the hooks for the herbs.
*When class ended Liv hurried to her next class bumping into people and tripping in her rush*
“Uh…Goldfish?Garbage?” He laughed with a shrug. “I dont play a lot of card games. Tomorrow I’ll bring some board games here too. Maybe some books.” He checked his watch. It was only 2 something, but the full moon even by day was enough to make his whole academy to go out of commission, so he wasn’t missing any training back at W.I.T.A. Thank god.
(Classes are over?)
After many minutes of Hans following the puppy they arrived in the girls bathroom, and as soon as the puppy got in, the girls inside ran away screaming . Upon arriving outside of the girls bathroom he felt a dark aura, the same aura that can be found in graveyard, and catacombs, and it seem as more he get closer the more stronger it is. At first he was hesitant going to the girls bathroom, but the more he try to get away the more he was curious, so finally holding it in anymore he entered thee girls bathroom. As he entered the girls bathroom, he saw the puppy scratching the floor under one of the sink, and upon looking at it more closely it seem as it was a trapdoor, and so Hans opened the trapdoor as both him and the puppy entered inside.
If there was such a way for Fang to hear the intruder in the catacombs, it would have been heard. But in reality there was no such way he could ever possibly know, the ward sealing off their room separating the two almost as though they were in a different dimension. They could not see, hear, or smell anything from the outside. Now someone would ask why this was, and the answer was simple once one traveled down to the catacombs. As soon as Hans would have dropped his foot onto the cement floor he would have stepped in something wet and sticky, and if he could see in this pitched blackness the mystery liquid would have been thick like and red. It would not be much of a surprise, either, for the pooch of death to come down to these catacombs after all the blood shed and restless spirits. A wail would rip through the darkness, a disturbingly savage sound of glee. And foot-steps could be heard like a army, marching from every passage way the catacombs had to offer except that sealed off room and dim glowing for the werewolves there. And if this intruder was unfortunate enough to try and flee to that glowing passage way of light they’d soon discover the ward blocking off all those with no lycanthrope blood.
“Yeah, I usually just play Solitaire. My brother always got in a bad way during the full moon. He wanted to be out, running, but my parents could only risk that every so often. OOH! We could stack them, like they always show in those movies and stuff!” She demonstrated, tilting the cards against themselves and then placing one across the two towers she had made.
“Yeah, Solitary is fine.” Fang sat back against the wall, watching as she stacked the cards up with a grin. “Oh, is that what they were doing in all those movies…” He murmured to himself, pulling at his red edged hair. “Running wild on the full moon is dangerous and that’s just what makes it fun, right? I know my wolf tends to get a bit frisky and excited at the thought. We do it every once in a while at the academy for those wolves that get too stir-crazy. It’s fun, and in the supernatural realm the bigger the pack the safer and more fun. If you’d like, I could talk to Ms. Vine about you running with us on those days.”
“R-really?!” Rea stuttered, knocking over the cards. “That would be awesome!” she looked around. “Hm. I just noticed there’s no windows….”
(of course there’s no windows you’re underground, dummy!))
“Yeah, no problem.” He caught a couple of cards in mid-air between two fingers. “And of course there isn’t-” He stood up, moving over to the wall and brushing the hand not holding the cards against the wall. “First off, we’re underground. Second of all…” He turned to look at her with a devilish grin. “This place is supposedly haunted, ooooh.” He wiggled his fingers, causing the two cards to drop.
Goldmyth was working on something, while doodling in her book. She took out a gold colored pen and a blue one, she colored in her dragon picture. The skin being gold and the eyes being a bright blue. the teacher walked up to her desk, “Goldmyth? What’s this?” The teacher grabbed the paper and held it up to her face, “It’s a dragon drawing.” Goldmyth looked down at her feet. “Well, then.” the teacher tapped her foot, “It’s going in the trash now.” The teacher started to rip it slowly. Goldmyth stood up quickly, “Stop!” She held out her hand, the teacher ripped it down the middle. “No!” Goldmyth stomped and large rock spikes went through the floor and stood tall around her. The teacher jumped back, the sharp rocks almost got the teacher. “Office.” The teacher frowned. Goldmyth sighed and the rocks went down, she got her stuff and walked to the large office.
“Pfft, ghosts aren’t real..” she trailed off. She was a werewolf, in a school full of witches and talking animals, and she was still assuming stuff like that wasn’t real? “…. right?” she added nervously, looking out into the hallway.
Ms. Vine looked up from where her door opened to the main office, she swiped her golden halo of hair back, taking out her ponytail holder so she could re-do the blond locks. When she saw it was the student a teacher had contacted her about, she pointed to one of the two chairs in front of her with a pencil. “Ah, yes, Miss. Commmers. Please have a seat.” She said, her voice monotone for the most part.
“Sure there is. You’ve never met one?” He shook his head, “Personally, ghosts I find are the most pickiest and rudest beings I’ve ever met. Usually because they’re lost for some reason, usually things involving when they were alive.” Fang shrugged, clapping a hand on her shoulder, “Anyways, don’t worry. This area was purified by some priests before the witches put a ward up. Nothing without wolf blood can come in, and once you’ve crossed into the spirit realm you don’t really have blood anymore.”
Goldmyth nodded and sat down, she sighed and looked at her feet.
“Miss. Commers can you please explain to me from your perspective what’s happened down in your class?” She folded her hands together and leaned forward. “Please look to me, Miss. Commers.”
Goldmyth looked up, “Just call me Goldmyth please…well..I was drawing..and the teacher saw me and she took my paper and ripped it in half and when I yelled, ‘no’ some large rock spikes went up and almost stabbed her..I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
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