Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 8, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    *Liv listened to the teacher oblivious to anything else outside the classroom, She started to doze off for some strange reason*

  • Kit Apparently

    July 9, 2015 at 12:04 am

    “I suppose that’s true… so, what’s the Academy like?” she asked him.

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 9, 2015 at 1:45 am

    Ms. Vine rose a brow. “You could not…control your powers?” She sighed, rubbing her temples. “Ehhhh…! I’m sorry Ms. Comm-Goldmyth, if your powers are out of control we’re going to be forced to put limits on them during school hours other than your rocks and minerals class.” She nodded at her descision. “We’ll have to speak with the charm students, and…”


    “…A lot different then this place, that’s for sure.” He rolled his shoulders back, and a popping sound came along, “Basically we do combat style, pack positions, history, and controlling ourselves.” He held up five fingers. “Combat, Protection, Self-awareness, Restraint, and the ultimate rule: No one is left behind.” 

  • Jazzy

    July 9, 2015 at 1:47 am

    “It only happens when I’m mad okay!” Goldmyth stood up and her bun fell apart making her golden hair fall onto her face, “Plus, I can controll them fine Ms. Vine.”

  • Kit Apparently

    July 9, 2015 at 1:56 am

    “That sounds a lot like what Gramps taught us!” Rea said. “Gramps was this old mundane wolf. We ran with his pack. Well, me and my brother. Mom and Dad never really got a hold of daytime shifting.” she told him. “After Mom and Dad disappeared, Gramps taught us how to live like real wolves, even howling and everything.” She paused for a second, curiosity sparking in her eyes. “Do you get taught howling?”

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 9, 2015 at 2:10 am

    “Goldmyth, I am sorry but your powers have proven to be something you cannot control under circumstances of slight anger. ‘Emotional magic’ is only truly normal when the anger or emotion is quite severe. I am not saying what you did is wrong or that the teacher was right, and this is not a matter of a punishment but rather of safety.” She said calmly, looking up at Goldmyth. “I will speak with the teacher of their behavior after we are finished here. The item–whatever it may be–to limit your magic will only be required to be worn during class hours, and if it makes you feel better then there are other students that have the same issue as you, and require the same limits.”

    “Mundane wolf, huh, so an expert in the field.” He crossed his arms, “Its more of an optional class to take, howling. Most wolves at W.I.T.A  knows the basics, but if they wanted to get more in depth they could take howling classes.”

  • Kit Apparently

    July 9, 2015 at 2:29 am

    “Maybe Miss Vine would let me see it all! Although she seems pretty set on ‘bringing me up’ as a witch,” she said. “So, can we get out of here if we want, or will someone have to come down and let us out?” She asked, standing and admiring the golden field of light.

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 9, 2015 at 3:28 am

    ” Ha! That sounds like Ms. Vine. She’s part of the reason I use fire today.” Fang walked over to the golden thin curtain of light, “Well…” He stuck a hand through cautiously. “Seems like we can get out, if needed. I guess Ms. Vine didn’t expect us to run.”  He jerked his body forward, his hand going deeper outside the line of forced field. “Something has my hand! It’s trying to drag me out!” He shouted, before smirking and pulling his hand easily back in. “Just kidding.” He winked.

  • Kit Apparently

    July 9, 2015 at 3:55 am

    “YOU JUST ABOUT GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!!” She said, shoving him. “I thought somdthing really had you! Pardon me for this, but you know what they say about crying wolf!” She calmed down fairly quickly, looking sheepish. “Sorry, I think I’ve been on the road too long. I’m a liiiittle jumpy.” She laughed, settling against the wall. “Do you want to go and get some snacks and stuff really quick, then?” She asked. “Maybe some pillows? I’ll sleep the whole day after the full moon.”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 9, 2015 at 4:08 am

    “Liv!” the teacher said loudly from her desk, liv’s eyes shot open and she looked up in a daze. Their was faint giggling from the class, Liv blushed with embaresment. The lesson continued when the teacher had seen liv wasnt dozing off again.

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 9, 2015 at 4:26 am

    “Yeah, let’s hurry though. I wasn’t kidding about that ghost thing.” He looked around the room, before looking her directly in the eye. “Listen up. I don’t know how to fight spiritual entities and somehow I think we both know brute force isn’t going to work, so, if I say run just run.” He laughed. “But try not to get lost, okay?~We might never find you again.”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    July 10, 2015 at 2:51 am

    *The teacher assigned a partner project, Liv waited at her desk. She didnt no the people in the class to well so she didnt walk up to anyone, their was familiers in the class as well (if thats not possible ignore this post) The only one left at the end was a brown bunny. The bunny hoppen over to her and spoke in a irish acent*” ‘ello Lass looks like we be partnered tegether,” he hopped up onto her desk,”Me names Abilard,” his nose twitched.”A’m Liv,” She said placing the assignment sheet on the dest and a pencil.”Eeeh…A can write the stuff doon,” she said glancing at his paws,”dat is best,” he said in understanding.

  • Kit Apparently

    July 10, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    Rea gulped and nodded. “Um… can I go out with you?” she asked nervously. “Er, out of the catacombs, I mean!” she laughed, turning red. Fenrir’s tail, I sound like a pup! she thought to herself.

  • Jazzy

    July 10, 2015 at 12:57 pm

    The large bear quickly ran into the school, “I’m late! Oh noo!” The golden grizzly sighed and started to walk up to the front office noticing a girl with long golden hair and a teacher talking to her. Orsin sat outside of the office licking his paw.

  • MaraTwasHere

    July 10, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    (Familiars take classes with students, no worries.)


    “Sure–Oh. You mean just out of the catacombs?” Fang laughed. “We can just do that too. But remember what I told you.” He rotated his arm as far as it could go so he could crack his back and shoulder before turning to smile at her. “Alright, Rea,” He stepped back and out of the warded off area, and when the gold curtain covered him completely he dissapeared from view even though they could see outside, for the most part, the cement walls and ceiling he was simply not there from where she could see.


    “Is everything clear, Ms. Commers?” Ms. Vine asked gently. “It is only temporary until you can control them completely. However, it may take a couple of days to get your object created…” She looked over to the grizzly bear. “Ahhh. New familiars and students everyday. Please wait while I contact Genie…” She closed her eyes for a few moments.

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