The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
*Abilard was dizzy, and couldn’t hear well. Liv walked up to him and picked him up, before starting to walk to the health office*
“I’m okay..” Piper said once the room stopped spinning, but turned on her heel to the blue maned wolf. “You! This is the second time you’ve done this to me! This is so…” She looked around the room, her eyes watering. “This is so embarassing.” She looked around the room before turning to jog out.
The Blue maned wolf looked around the room before tearing off after, head low with tail sagging.
*When Abilard was checked out ok by the nurse, Liv carried Abilard out of the school and started for the dark part of the forest. Abilard looked ahead and frowned*”Where ar we goin?” Liv rubbed the top of his head,”Ganging to the dark part of thee forest ta check it oot,” Abilard shrugged, a little adventure never hurt anyone.
“Wait! Witch girl!” Piper frowned in disliking of that voice. “I have a name, you know.” She growled. “Why don’t you tell me then?” She bit her lip considering. Why should she? He had done nothing good for her, but it was better than being called some anymyous ‘witch girl’. “I’m…I’m Piper.” They stared at each other for a few moments, and for whatever reason those gold eyes of him began to calm her. Enough so for her to ask his name, “And who are you?”
“Aaaaand were here,” Liv set Abilard down, they could feel the power limiting from the force field,”dis place is doon right creapy,” Abilard chuckled,”aye…lets see,” Liv muttered some words before her pointer finger lit on fire. She then went and pointed it at the force field.
Although her flame should have extended through the field, the forcefield only bubbled toward her, swallowing her flame up completely and nipping her finger with a zap of electricity. A sign of warning.
“ow!” Liv stepped back and shook her hand to the side.”welp It shocked meh,” Abilard held back a laugh.”Ok lets goo back,” He snickered and hopped towards the campus, liv followed after him while inspecting her finger.
Orsin and Goldmyth soon got to the front office.
Orsin knocked on the door and tightened his bowtie and fixed his hat, “Sorry, the rat was annoying me.”
Goldmyth shrugged, “I hope he is okay, you threw him pretty hard. He’s going to beat your ass one day and you’ll be sorry.” Goldmyth giggled.
“Most likely, but I won’t be hurt or anything, I’ll fall on my bum and he’ll leave me alone if I snarl at him.” Orsin shrugged.
*Liv got to her dorm and changed into her PJs and settled in her bed. Abilard found his dorm and hopped into his bed*
Orsin smiles and tilts his had, “Time for the main attraction, the story must be told, time for a chain reaction, that never gets old, some bots get satisfaction, breaking the mold, some bots are just distractions, some bots are, Just Gold.”
Goldmyth looks up at him, “I’m not the bad guy, I’m just a bit surprising, it’s not worth losing sleep, it’s not worth analyzing, there was a time, not so long ago at all, I was just like you, can you hear my call?” Goldmyth smiled.
Orsin bend down and put his forehead on hers, ” Now I’m poppin’ in over here, over there, I’ll be checking in, but you’ll never be aware, In the beginning I kept a keen eye, on the sate of affairs with the new guy!”
Goldmyth and Orsin both sang at once, “Now I got a new gig, Lemme know if ya dig, ain’t goin’ home so I better go big, just gotta glance at Cam 2B, then you get a little surprise, IT’S ME!” They danced out side of the office, singing loudly to the song.
Ms. Vine’s door to the office slammed open at their singing as she joined in, but missing every word basically. “A singing bear and a singing student. You know, back in the day I could breathe out a tune, too,” Genie, her familiar, looked up at her bonded before giving a panicked look to the students. She jammed her monkey fingers into her ears just as Ms. Vine let out an ear shattering scream, a screeching like it was a bad violinist dragged the bow too lightly…or was that her singing?
Rea smiled with relief, and a bubbly feeling rose up in her chest. “Okay. Let’s head back to my room, we gotta be quick. Full moon’s tomorrow, but I can already feel the wolf.” she said. She offered her hand to him. “I’m sure you feel it too.”
Orisn smiled and stopped, he quickly put his ears back and closed his eyes, “Well, uhh..me and Goldmyth wanted to bond..and we didn’t know what to do, so we came here.”
Goldmyth covered her ears with her hair and smiled brightly, “Yes indeed.”
“Thanks.” He took her hand, hoisting himself up to his feet before scanning the girls’ room with a grim look. “It’s true, womens’ bathrooms are better.” Fang shook his head, “Lavender I smell? Four mirrors? Okay, I need to get out of here.” The werewolf grinned a bit, hoping to bring some humor into the situation after what happened in the catacombs. He couldn’t wait to go back. “Your room, right, you keep snacks up there? Nice, nice.” The dark haired boy shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to shake off the jitters of the laughter. “I can feel the wolf all right. During these times of the full moon he wants to hunt desperately.” He sighed, “So usually I suffice with Pringles and red hot gum.” A dark brow rose up as he cocked his head at her, “What do you do to control yourself?”
“B-Bonded? Bonded! Oh, my dears,” She reached over and grabbed one of Goldmyth’s hands and one of the bear’s large paws. “I am so touched, happy, and excited! Please, please, come in.” Genie leaped up and landed gracefully on her bonded’s shoulder with a shower of gold fur, and Ms. Vine stepped aside and back to close the door behind her students. Once inside, with the blind carefully shut, she moved over to a single bookshelf and murmured something under her breath, sliding her fingers across the binds of the books causing them all to glow with ancient letters. With a step back the bookshelf began to slide out of sight to reveal a stone room. “This way, please,”
The room was like a half a circle and had some fancy paned windows that were blurred out along the walls. A large circle in white appeared to be white chalk laid in the middle. “Now…” Ms. Vine pondered, moving over to another shelf in this room. However, instead of just books there was ingredients lined along. “Let’s see…For a witch we’ll need red wax…Since it is Goldmyth, gold dust will be added to that wax..” She plucked things from the shelf, handing them to Genie where she scampered near the circle to put them down. “As for the familiar green wax, and if you wouldn’t mind…” Ms. Vine moved over to Orsin to nick out a small piece of hair from his fur, Genie sneakily hopping on Gold’s shoulder to do the same. “Thank you…and along with that we’ll need-” Eventually two circles had been formed with hot wax quickly drying. A red one and a green one. Around the large white circle was minerals and dried crumpled leaves of some sort, more green wax and red wax candles surrounding it, and outside of that a circle of salt. “The salt is to make sure no pesky demons or other incantations interfere with your bonding.” Ms. Vine opened a worn leather book, and adjusted her glasses. “Goldmyth Commers, please step into the red wax ring…Orsin the Golden Bear, please step into the green wax ring.” She lifted their two similar colored hairs before blowing on them, setting them alight and dancing across the room to where each of them stood, separating to their original owners. Once the subjects and pieces of hair came in contact with their own circle the candles surrounding the chalk one spiked up as one. “This is how it will work. Within this ritual both of you will be unable to use your powers to overcome the obstacle to that center circle. One of you at first, by random, will see a illusion of something you fear the most and the other from the other side of the room must comfort the witch or familiar and return them to reality of the situation to bring them forward into the circle. If you are unable to calm the other before the candles die out, then you are not destined to be bonded.” She cleared her throat, her glasses reflecting off the candlelight. “Shall I begin the spell?”
Orsin smiled, “Yes Ms.Vine.”
Goldmyth sighed, “Yes, but my worst fear is a bit silly…”
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